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Comparative Study of the First and Second Generations of the New Towns Development: The Case of the South Korea
Arbab, Parsa | Basirat, Maysam
This article, with a focus on the change and transformation process of the approaches and trends affecting the new towns policy, scrutinizes the first and second generations of the new towns in reference to the South Korea as a case study. The first generation of new towns development in South Korea is associated with the rapid growth of urbanization, industrialization and subsequently economic increase of this country. Lack of housing and inadequate housing supply, formation and growth of the informal settlements especially in connection with Seoul, and the subsequent centralization in the Seoul metropolitan area are the main and significant urban challenges of South Korea in this period. The second generation of new towns has been planned first with the aim of housing supply as their main function in the capital region. These cities are the result of approach that follow the qualitative, gradual and planned development in the form of small scale but multiple projects compared to the past. Decentralization of Seoul and Seoul metropolitan area, integrated regional development, and ultimately the balance of South Korea’s national territory are the key purposes of this process, in terms of spatial planning.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The doctrine of South Korea spatial planning system in order to apply in the circumstance of Iran
Akbari, Reza
Developing according to foreign investment in South Korea is an economic miracle of contemporary century. The evolution of economic miracle has been accomplished by complete success of spatial planning. The most striking feature of spatial planning in South Korea is its implementation. Using descriptive- analytical method, this paper will seek success procedure of South Korea spatial planning and basic role of government in order to respond three questions: how government of South Korea was able to achieve such successes? Applying spatial planning as a tool in this process, which role government play? And what doctrines have this experiment in order to apply in Iran? Spatial planning of South Korea implement in three scale of master land, regional and urban plan. Urban planning of Korea has a three-tier structure. Urban master plan determine long-term growth path and future image of city in the upper level, urban management plan present program of city with binding rules and objective details in the next level, and the manner of programs and necessary strategies implementation in the third level. Urban management plan, including zoning plan (land use), urban facility plan, Maintenance plan of the city (time-out texture) and detailed plan of regions, is an unique, thorough and so successful sample among different countries and its doctrine is exploitable for Iran which has no land use and urban facilities plan and no sufficient and necessary solidarity in the field of time-out textures and detailed plan. Administrative identical process, preparing all plans by executors and approving lower – rank plans by preparers of upper – rank plans are another striking feature applying in spatial planning system of Korea which is major factors of urban plans implementation.
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