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Farklı Uygulamaların Moringa (Moringa oleifera L.) Tohumlarının Çimlenme ve Fidan Gelişimi Üzerine Etkileri
Rabia Dilara Yasak | Ercan Akay | Recep Balkıç | Lokman Altınkaya | Hamide Gübbük
Bu çalışma, moringa tohum çimlenmesi ve fidan gelişimi olmak üzere iki aşamadan oluşmaktadır. Öncelikle moringa tohumlarına kontrol dışında, dört farklı uygulama (a: 35°C’deki ılık suda 24 saat bekletme; b: 1000 ppm GA3 çözeltisinde 24 saat bekletme; c: -1MPa polietilen glikol (PEG) çözeltisinde 24 saat bekletme; d: 2500 ppm mikrobiyal gübre çözeltisinde 24 saat bekletme) yapılmıştır. Kontrollü koşullarda gerçekleştirilen çimlendirme denemelerinde sıcaklık, 25°C ve oransal nemi ise %80’in üzerinde olacak şekilde ayarlanmıştır. Tohum ekiminden sonra, çimlenme oranı, süresi ve çimlenme enerjisi her bir uygulama için belirlenmiştir. Çimlenmeden sonra fidanlar 1:1 oranında torf ve perlit içeren yetiştirme ortamına aktarılmıştır. Daha sonra fidanlara 15 gün ara ile altı defa NPK, NPK + 2500 ppm mikrobiyal gübre ve NPK + 5000 ppm mikrobiyal gübre uygulamaları yapılmıştır. Yetişen bitkilerde 90 gün sonra, bitki boyu, gövde çapı, klorofil miktarı, gövde, kök yaş ve kuru ağırlıkları belirlenmiştir. Araştırma bulguları, tohum çimlenme oranı, süresi ve enerjisi açısından en iyi sonucun, tohumların viyollere ekimden önce 35°C’deki ılık suda 24 saat bekletme uygulamasının verdiğini göstermiş ve bu uygulamayı 1000 ppm GA3 çözeltisinde 24 saat bekletme uygulaması izlemiştir. Fidan büyüme ve gelişmesi açısından incelenen parametreler göz önüne alındığında, standart NPK’nın mikrobiyal gübre ile birlikte kullanımı, standart NPK’ya göre daha iyi sonuç vermiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, tohum çimlenmesi açısından 35 oC’deki ılık suda 24 saat bekletme ve fidan gelişimi açısında ise standart NPK’nın mikrobiyal gübre ile birlikte kullanımı tavsiye edilmiştir.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Determination of Some Plant Characteristics, Nutritive Value and Seed Germination Rates of Ranunculus constantinopolitanus
Erdal Çaçan | İhsan Arslan
This study was carried out to determine the plant characteristics, nutritive value and seed germination rate of the Ranunculus constantinopolitanus plant, which is found intensely in meadow-pasture areas and can have toxic effects on animals when consumed. The plant material of this study consists of 50 Ranunculus constantinopolitanus plants collected by random sampling method from the meadow area in Çayağzı village located in Bingöl city center in 2018. Plant length of Ranunculus constantinopolitanus 39-70 cm, stem diameter 1.83-5.53 mm, number of flowers in the plant 3-17, number of leaves in the plant 4-10, leaf length 3-7 cm, leaf width 4-8 cm, plant dry weight 0.75-3.33 grams, stalk ratio in plant 35.1-86.5%, leaf ratio in plant 3.9-42.7%, flower ratio in plant 4.0-43.4%, number of fruit in plant 4.0-11.0, number of achene in fruit 18.0-36.0, number of achene per plant 26-180 and thousand seed weight of achene varied between 4.31-5.03 grams. The dry matter ratio of Ranunculus constantinopolitanus 90.5-90.6%, crude protein ratio 13.1-13.4%, ADF ratio 34.9-35.9%, NDF ratio 47.3-48.9%, ADP ratio 0.33-0.37%, Ca ratio 1.16-1.22%, Mg ratio 0.37-0.38%, P ratio 0.26-0.27% and K ratio varied between 0.94-0.97%. As a result of the germination test with plant seeds, it was determined that 87 seeds germinate at the end of the 21st day, and the total germination rate was 21.8%. Detection of toxic substances and other nutrients contained in this plant with future studies will provide better recognition of this plant.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Determination of Salt Tolerance Levels of Some Radish Cultivars and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Salicylic Acid on Germination in Saline Conditions
Kamile Ulukapı | Ayşe Gül Nasırcılar | Zehra Kurt
This study was conducted to determine tolerance levels of different radish varieties (white, black, red, little red radish) under salt stress conditions and to evaluate the effectiveness of exogenous salicylic acid (SA) application on germination and vegetative development. For this purpose; germination percentage (%), germination time (day), germination index calculated, and then number of leaves, shoot length (cm), root length (cm), leaf width (cm), leaf length (cm), stem diameter (mm), plant fresh and dry weights (g) were measured. Radish seeds were germinated at control, 100 mM, 150 mM and 200 mM salt concentrations. Salt stress did not inhibit germination at a high level but negatively affected the vegetative growth of plants. According to the results of the statistical analysis of the data obtained, 150 mM was determined as the threshold value. Then, SA was applied to seeds treated with 150 mM salt concentration at different doses (0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00 mM). SA had a positive effect on germination in saline conditions in general and it was concluded that 0.50 mM SA could be applied for germination percentages in all cultivars. However, 1 mM SA inhibited the germination of big red and little red radish cultivars, causing sudden and severe germination losses (10%, 8%, respectively). The effects of SA on vegetative growth parameters differed by cultivar and it was found to be inhibitory in terms of vegetative growth characteristics of white radish cultivar. On the other hand, 0.50 mM SA in black and big red, 0.75 mM SA in little red cultivar gave promoting results for vegetative growth.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Selenyum Uygulaması ile Yetiştirilen Adaçayı Bitkisinden Elde Edilen Hidrosollerin Çemen ve Kişniş Tohumlarının Çimlenmesi Üzerine Etkisi
Ferit Özen | Gülsüm Yaldız | Mahmut Çamlıca | Halit Aşkın | Abdurrahman Başol
Bu araştırma, iklim odasında sodyum selenat uygulaması ile yetiştirilen adaçayı bitkilerinden elde edilen hidrosollerin çemen ve kişniş tohumlarının çimlenmesi üzerine etkisinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Denemede, çemen ve kişniş tohumları üzerine farklı konsantrasyonlarda adaçayı hidrosolü (2,5, 5, 7,5 ve 10 ml) uygulanmış ve kontrol olarak saf su kullanılmıştır. Hidrosol uygulaması yapılmış çemen ve kişniş tohumlarının çimlenme oranı, yaş ağırlık, kuru ağırlık, kök uzunluğu, gövde uzunluğu ve kök/gövde oranları belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen verilere Bölünmüş Parseller Deneme desenine göre varyans analizi yapılmış ve ortalamalar LSD testi ile kıyaslanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; çemen tohumlarında çimlenme oranı %38,35-51,00, yaş ağırlık 0,04-0,12 g, kuru ağırlık 0,001-0,035 g, kök uzunluğu 0,71-2,02 cm, gövde uzunluğu 1,27-3,20 cm, kök gövde oranı 0,34-0,82 arasında değişirken, kişniş tohumlarında çimlenme oranı %18,61-39,21, yaş ağırlık 0,0011-0,034 g, kuru ağırlık 0,004-0,030 g, kök uzunluğu 1,5-4,58 cm, gövde uzunluğu 1,08-3,69 cm, kök gövde oranı 0,47-2,51 arasında değişmiştir. En yüksek çimlenme oranı çemen tohumlarında selenyum uygulaması yapılmamış adaçayı hidrosolünün 2,5 ml dozundan (%51,00) elde edilirken, kişniş tohumlarında ise en yüksek çimlenme oranı 5 mg selenyum uygulaması yapılmış adaçayı hidrosolünün 7,5 ml dozunda (%39,21) görülmüştür.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Application of GA3 (Gibberellic Acid) and Kinetin Plant Growth Agents in Relieving the Effects of Salt (NaCl) Stress on Germination and Seedling Growth of Common Vetch (Vicia sativa L.) Seeds
Ebru Dinler | Cahit Balabanl | Emre Bıçakçı
In this study, the effects of different doses of GA3 and Kinetin plant growth agents were investigated in order to alleviate the inhibitory effect of salt (NaCl) stress on common germination and seedling growth of common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) seeds. The study was carried out in parallel with coincidence blocks in petri dish and pot. Different doses of NaCl (NaCl solution prepared in 0,5, 1,0, 1,5 and 2,0 dS doses) at different doses in the experiment. Kinetin and Gibberelic acid doses in different doses (Vicia sativa L.) seeds (Control-pure water, 300ppm Gibberellic acid, 50ppm Kinetin, 300ppm Gibberellik acid × 50ppm Kinetin) seed germinated in petri dish. The effects of germination percentage, average germination time, germination value, root and stem length, root age and dry weight, root age and dry weight on GA3 and Kinetin applications were observed. At the end of the research, GA3 and Kinetin applications did not have any effect on germination percentage, shorten germination time, increased germination value, GA3 application increased root and stem elongation Kinetin application had no positive effect, maximum root age and dry weight were obtained from GA3 and control units. The effects of GA3 and Kinetin applications on the properties examined in the study on common vetch seeds were very different. It was determined that GA3 applications increased root and stem length and kinetin application adversely affected.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Effect of Some Organic Acid and Plant-Derived Material Treatments on The Germination, Emergence and Seedling Quality of Broccoli
Levent Arın | Haydar Balcı
The research was carried out to investigate the effect of plant materials which are used as an alternative to synthetic chemicals in organic agriculture (thyme, mint, basil and garlic oil, hot pepper, and neem tree seed extract) and some organic acids (salicylic and jasmonic acid) on the germination, emergence, and seedling traits in broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) cv. Jade. The seeds of broccoli treated with these materials were subjected to germination and emergence tests at 20±1°C and 60±5% RH in autumn period. After that, all seeds (including untreated) were kept at 5±1°C and again evaluated for germination, emergence, and seedling traits in spring period. In spring period, the seeds treated with neem seed extract gave highest germination percentage (91.75%). Also, they germinated in shortest time (3.80 days). The lowest germination/emergence percentage and highest mean germination/emergence time was obtained from the seeds treated with thyme oil in both periods. The seeds treated with basil oil had the higher infected seedlings than others. There were no significant differences among treatments in term of seedling traits (except leaf number).
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of Coating with Different Doses of Boron Compound on Germination Parameters of Cotton Seeds
Mustafa Yaşar | Nurettin Baran | Yusuf Güzel Demiray | Remzi Ekinci | Yaşar Karadağ
In this study, seeds of cotton plants were coated with different boron concentrations and their effect on seedling growth was investigated. The experiment was carried out at Muş Alparslan University, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Plant Production and Technologies, under laboratory and greenhouse conditions, according to the Randomized Plots Trial Design with 4 in laboratory and 3 in greenhouse replications, respectively. In the study, Di-sodium tetraborate decahydrate (Na2B4O7.10H20) (M=381.37 g mol-1) with a minimum purity of 99% boron compound have been used in different doses; 0 (control), 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500, 1750, 2000, 2250 and 2500 mg kg-1. According to the results of the regression analysis, it was determined that as the boron dose in the application increased, the root length was positively correlated and other parameters were negatively correlated. In terms of the parameters examined, 250 mg kg-1 Kaolin+liquid K-Humate (15% HA) 400 ml kg-1 (U3) boron application under laboratory conditions showed better results, and 1000 ml kg-1 Kaolin+liquid boron application under greenhouse conditions. It was determined that the application of K-Humate (15% HA) 400 ml kg-1 (U6) promoted growth. In addition, it was found that the results were confirmed in the grouping of the relationships between applications and parameters with heat map clustering and PCA graphs. As a result, it was determined that the toxic range of boron applications applied to the seed in the cotton plant was very narrow, and that it promoted seedling development and root elongation in the U6 application, but it was concluded that the study should also be studied in field trials in order to make more decisive decisions.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Examining of Salt Stress Tolerance of Some Local Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes at Early Growth Stage
Kübra Özdemir Dirik | İbrahim Saygılı | Mahir Özkurt | Mehmet Ali Sakin
Salinity is one of the most important abiotic stress factors causing serious problems in agricultural areas in the world. In this study aimed to determine the salt stress tolerance of local bread wheat genotypes collected from some provinces of Turkey and provided from seed gene banks in our country in early growth stage. In the research, twenty five local bread wheat genotypes and four registered bread wheat cultivars as standard were used as material. Genotypes were subjected to salt stress germination percentage, radicle length, coleoptile length, shoot length, germination index, root fresh and dry weight, were measured. Germination percentage was decreased significantly by 39.1 % in salt application compared to the control. According to the germination percentages, TR 53869, Kate A1 and Pehlivan genotypes were found to be tolerant to salt stress in early growth stage TGB 000543 and TR 63579 were sensitive. Considering all traits investigated, genotype TR 53869 can be considered as a genotype tolerant to salt stress in early growth stage. It is predicted that this genotype can be used in breeding studies for the areas where salt stress is a problem in wheat.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Herbisit Uygulamaları Yapılan Amaranthus retroflexus L. Bitkilerinden Elde Edilen Tohumların Çimlenme Özellikleri
Oğuzhan Cerit | Derya Öğüt Yavuz
Şeker pancarı yetiştiriciliğinde Amaranthus retroflexus L. önemli yabancı otlardan biridir. Çalışmada, ekim öncesi chloridazon (C), çıkış öncesi ve sonrası metamitron (M) ile çıkış sonrası ethofumesate + phenmedipham + desmedipham + lenacil (EPDL) etkili maddeli herbisitlerin ve bazı kombinasyonlarının uygulanması sonucu hayatta kalan A. retroflexus bitkilerinden toplanan tohumların çimlenme kapasitelerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Toplam çimlenme oranı (%), normal/anormal çimlenme oranı (%), ortalama çimlenme zamanı (gün) ve tohum ağırlığı (g) parametreleri belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak; chloridazon + ethofumesate + phenmedipham + desmedipham + lenacil 2, chloridazon + metamitron (çıkış sonrası) ve metamitron (çıkış öncesi) + metamitron (çıkış sonrası) kombinasyonlarına maruz kalan A. retroflexus bitkilerinin uygulama yapılmamış bitkilerden toplanan tohumlara kıyasla çimlenme özellikleri önemli ölçüde etkilenmiştir. Çimlenme özellikleri bakımından, en düşük toplam çimlenme oranı %85 ile metamitron (çıkış öncesi) + metamitron (çıkış sonrası) kombinasyonundan elde edilmiştir.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of Drought and Temperature Stress on Germination and Seedling Development of Sunflower
Nurgül Ergin | Mehmet Demir Kaya
This study was aimed to determine the responses of some sunflower hybrids to drought and low temperature stresses during germination and seedling development period. Sunflower hybrids of Sanbro MR, 63LE113, 64LL62 and Meteor were used in the study. Germination percentage, mean germination time, root and shoot length, root / shoot ratio, seedling fresh and dry weight of the sunflower hybrids were investigated at two temperatures (low 15°C and optimum 25°C) and drought stresses (distilled water, -1.5, -3.0, -4.5 and -6.0 bar) induced by polyethylene glycol 6000. The results of the research showed that there were significant differences among the sunflower hybrids in terms of the investigated characteristics. Increased drought stresses led to decreasing germination percentage, root and shoot length, seedling fresh weight, but caused a prolonged germination time and increased seedling dry weight. No significant change was observed in the germination and seedling development of the sunflower up to drought of -3,0 bar. The root / shoot ratio of sunflower hybrids increased at 15°C. The Sanbro MR had the fastest and highest germination along with the highest seedling fresh and dry weight at low temperature and higher drought stresses. It was concluded that sunflower hybrid Sanbro MR gave better performance under drought and low temperature conditions than the other hybrids.
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