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Evaluation of Turkish Beekeeping from 2000 Years to the Present
Nuray Şahinler | Nesibe Özge Toy
Beekeeping; It is a branch of agriculture that provides cheap and easy employment opportunities, is not dependent on land, is a sole source of livelihood for families with landless or little land and has no harmful effects on the environment and nature. Our current geographical location is among the countries suitable for beekeeping in our country with the coexistence of four seasons. Beekeeping has become widespread in our country with the increasing interest in natural life and natural products, with developing technologies day by day. When the data from the 2000s to the present are examined, it is noteworthy that the number of hives has increased every year. In the last twenty (2000-2020) years, there has been an increase of 11.29% in the number of old hives, and an increase of 95.62% in the number of new hives. At the same time, it was determined that there was an increase of 70.36% in honey production and a decrease of 16.83% in bee wax production. In this review article, the current situation of beekeeping, which is the branch of animal husbandry in Turkey, together with 20 years of data has been examined.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Benmari ve Ultrasonik Banyo Yöntemleriyle Isıtmanın Balların Kristalize Olması Üzerine Etkisi
Ethem Akyol | Mustafa Güneşdoğdu
Bu çalışma; ultrasonik banyo ve benmari yöntemleri ile ısıl işlem uygulanan kristalize katı ve sıvı polifloral çiçek ile pamuk ballarının yaklaşık 1 yıl oda ısısında depolama şartlarında rekristalizasyon-kristalizasyon oluşumunun belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Yerel arıcılardan temin edilen kristaize katı ve sıvı bal örneklerine 25°C ve 50°C sıcaklıkta 2 saat süre ile ultrasonik banyo ve benmari ısıl işlemleri uygulananmıştır. Herhangi bir işlem uygulanmayan bal örnekleri karşılaştırma amaçlı kontrol gurubu olarak kullanılmıştır. Ultrasonik ısı uygulaması yapılan ballarda ortalama kristallenme oranı %8,75 iken benmari yöntemiyle ısıl işlem uygulanan gruplardaki ballarda ortalama kristallenme oranı %31,25 olarak bulunmuştur. Kontrol grubunda ise ortalama kristallenme oranı %90 olarak belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak uygulanan ısıl işlemlerin kristallenmeye etkileri arasında önemli farklılıklar bulunmuş ve balların kristallenmemesi için 2 saat süreyle 50°C ultrasonik banyo yönteminin etkili bir uygulama olacağı belirlenmiştir.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]An Investigation of Consumers' Consciousness Level About Food Safety in Honey Consumption: The Case of Niğde Province
Betül Gürer | Ethem Akyol
Recently, food safety which has become one of the decisive factor in demand for all food products, is becoming a major concern due to increasing sensitivity of consumers to food production and consumption. As honey is produced and marketed on more uncontrolled conditions, which is relatively different from other agricultural products, the food safety issue is becoming more intense. In this study, it is examined what kind of applications are applied in food safety in bee products in Turkey. In the second part of the study, it is aimed to determine the importance of food safety in honey consumption of urban consumers in Niğde province based on the primary data and to put consumer's consciousness in this subject. For this purpose, it was conducted a survey by interviewing face to face with 286 consumers. In the study, besides basic statistical methods, univariate analysis of variance and factor analysis method were also used to determine the effective factors in purchasing according to income groups. As a result of the research, it was determined that there is a great lack of confidence in the quality of honey in purchasing from the market due to both the concern of sugar added fraudulent honey and residual problem by consumers. For this reason, consumers prefer to buy honey from directly producers rather than market. In addition, consumers are more likely to believe that honey is less safety than in previous years. Health consciousness is an important factor in consumers purchasing honey and health and quality consciousness develops positively especially as the income level of consumers’ increases.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Honeybee Products and Apitherapy
Sibel Silici
Honey is the most known among the honeybee products. But apart from honey, there are other bee products that are nutritious and supportive of treatment. Pollen, royal jelly, and propolis are among the bee products that have the highest number of researches made in the last years. However, products such as bee bread (perga) and drone larvae (apilarnil) are very unknown products with little work. Apitherapy; bee and bee products as a method of complementary application in the protection and treatment of certain diseases. However, in order for these applications to be successful, the chemical and biological properties of these products need to be known. For this purpose, the definition, chemical and biological properties and therapeutic activities of bee products are included in this study.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Accumulation Of Heavy Metals in Bee Products Effect of Distance From Highway
Servet Arslan | Adem Arıkan
Distance from the highway to the effect of heavy metal accumulation in bee products in order to investigate in this study; four different apiaries which have four km interval have been established from Tokat-Turhal highway side towards the north. Each station of a total 9 of 36 units bee colonies were placed. Honey, pollen and propolis samples were taken from these colonies in the months of April-July in 2009. The obtained samples (copper, zinc, iron, cadmium, chromium, lead and heavy metals such as manganese) content were investigated. According to the distance from the highway in honey samples averages of zinc, iron, chromium and manganese, there was no statistical difference between averages, while averages of copper, cadmium and lead were found significant differences between the averages. In the pollen samples, averages of zinc, iron, cadmium, chromium and manganese indicated no statistical difference between the averages, while, averages of copper and lead were found to be statistically significant. İn the Propolis samples, averages of copper, zinc, iron, chromium, lead and manganese determined no statistical difference between the averages, significant differences were detected between the averages of cadmium. Cadmium accumulation in the maximum occurs at the edge of the highway, the maximum accumulation of other metals have been seen in other stations When considering, due to traffic only metal cadmium at a level that considered as important in bee products be said to constitute pollution.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Determination of Knowledge Level, Consumption Behaviours and Habits about the Bee Products of the University Students
Sertaç Arı | Durmuş Ali Ceylan | Aziz Gül | Ethem Akyol
In the research, it was aimed to determined he level of information of university students’ about bee products, consumption behaviors and habits. The study was conducted on 311 students who were randomly selected from the students studying at Selçuk University. Most of the students who participated in the survey live in the Marmara Region. When the results were examined, it was found that all of the students had knowledge about honey, however, the knowledge level for pollen, royal jelly, bee wax, bee venom and propolis were75.2%, 43.7%, 41.2%, 30.2%and 21.2%, respectively. There was also no significant difference bet ween gender and consumption of honey, pollen and propolis. Whilet here was a significant difference bet ween honey and propolis consuming of students in terms of monthly average income and consumption of bee products, there was no significant difference in pollen and royal jelly consumption. It was found that there was no significant difference in bee product like honey, pollen and royal jelly between average monthly food expenditure and consumption, but it was found that there was a significant difference in consuming propolis.With this information, the students how they obtained the bee products, how much they consume in which season, how they understand the artificiality and crystallization of honey, and the physical states of the products were compared and also, these results compared with the other studies made about this topic before and some suggestions were made.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Forecast for the Number of Colonies and Honey Yield in Turkey
Nur İlkay Abacı | Samet Hasan Abacı | Selim Bıyık
According to FAOSTAT 2017 data, Turkey located ranks second after China in terms of world honey production and ranks third in terms of the number of colonies. According to Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) 2018 data, Turkey had 7.904.502 colonies and total honey production of 107.920 tons while the average honey yield was calculated 13.7 kg per colony. It is economically important that informing to beekeepers and policymakers the expected change in the number of colonies and honey yield in the next years. This study aims to estimate the production values for the next 5 years by using the number of colonies and honey yields of the past years. For this purpose, the next five years (2019-2023) forecast has been made by using data from the last 50 years (1969-2018). ARIMA (1,1,0) first-degree autoregressive time series model was used for the number of colonies and honey yields from the data obtained from TURKSTAT and FAOSTAT. SPSS package program was used for forecasting. According to the results, compared to 2018 an increase of 1.3% and 7.4% is expected in the number of colonies between 2019 and 2023. In addition, the honey yield is expected to increase between 2.77% and 3.12% compared to 2018. It seems that increasing the number of colonies and expecting a less increase in honey yield per colony will increase the production costs in the next years. Hence, consumers will consume honey and honeybee products at a higher price. It can be suggested that, beekeepers should take care about increasing the number of colonies as well as increase the honey yield per colony to beekeeping economy, consumers and the economy of the country.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties of Honeydew Honey of Ida Mountains
Emrah Yalazi | Murat Zorba
In this study, antioxidant capacity and antimicrobial effect values of honeydew honey obtained from Ida Mountains region being rich in biodiversity were determined. According to the results of electrical conductivity and pollen analyses; 25 honeydew honey samples collected from the Ida Mountains region of the towns of Çanakkale province; Ayvacık, Bayramiç, Çan and Yenice. DPPH% antioxidant capacity values of honeydew honeys were found out to vary between 41.50% - 78.98%. It was also determined that some honeydew honey samples have high antioxidant capacity values such as 74.83%- 78.27%, 78.69% and 78.98%. It was determined that honeydew honey samples have antimicrobial effect on Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 and Escherichia coli ATCC 1301 microorganisms. It was found out that the samples have no antimicrobial effect on Bacillus cereus ATCC 6633, Candida albicans ATCC 10231 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC 9763 microorganisms.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Structural Characteristics of Beekeeping Enterprises and Beekeeping Activities in Çanakkale Province
Duygu Aktürk | Başak Aydın
In this study, socio economic structure of beekeeping enterprises in Çanakkale province was revealed and beekeeping activities were evaluated. The data were obtained from total of 87 beekeeping enterprises. The average age, education period, experience period in beekeeping activities, family size and family labor of the producers were found as 54.71, 9.28 years, 19.37 years, 3 persons and 2.21, respectively. The number of the places which the producers visited for migratory beekeeping, average number of the frames, age of the queen, average honey amount per colony and honeycomb changing frequency were found as 2.83, 10.62, 2.23, 12.65 kg and 2.68 years, respectively. When the honey products production was examined, it was determined that 1895.14 kg honey, 64.07 kg pollen, 0.10 kg royal jelly, 2.14 kg propolis and 46.03 kg beeswax were produced according to the average of the enterprises. The first five problems which the producers encountered in beekeeping activities were determined to be respectively as marketing of the crops, struggle with the illnesses, accommodation place, shipping and organizing. According to the factor analysis results, the first factor which included the external factors such as environment pollution, technical equipment level, robbery, climate and natural conditions was named as “External Factors”, the second factor which included the variables such as getting credit, variation in honey prices and input costs was named as “Financial Factors” and the third factor which included the variables such as illness and wintering losses, struggle deficiency and nutrition deficiency was named as “Inefficient Application”. According to the cluster analysis results, it was determined that “Inefficient Application” factor was emphasized in the first cluster and “External Factors” and “Financial Factors” were emphasized in the second cluster.
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