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Evaluation of The Organic Sheep Breeding Potential of Central Anatolia Region
Hacer Tüfekci | Mehmet Akif Boz
Organic production is mostly appeared in the field of plant production and it has become increasingly widespread. But, organic livestock production process has begun depending on trends of want to consumption of high safe animal products of consumers as like in plant products in developed countries, increasing of environmental consciousness and sensitivity to animal rights. Central Anatolia Region is an important region for the organic livestock production, in terms of being one of the most polluted regions due to intensive agriculture and industry, having number of animals and grasslands. The aim of this study is determining the potential of organic sheep breeding and presenting a general view with investigating the general situation and changing by year plant and livestock production of Central Anatolia Region.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Current Condition and directions of Livestock Breeding in the Central Anatolia Region
Ayhan Ceyhan | Uğur Serbester | Mahmut Çınar | Adnan Ünalan | Ethem Akyol | Ahmet Şekeroğlu
The Central Anatolia Region is one of the seven geographical regions which are 151 thousand square meters of surface area and it is about 21.0% of Turkey's land area. The population rate of cattle breeds in the Central Anatolia Region is 20.4% exotic cattle breeds, 19.1% crossbred, 11.6% native cattle breeds and total 18.1% in Turkey. The Central Anatolia Region cattle population is consists of 43.9% of exotic breed, 43.5% crossbred and 12.6% the native cattle breeds. The population of exotic cattle breeds (69.5%) in Nigde province is the first place and followed by Eskisehir provinces rate of 65.6% in the Central Anatolia Region. The rate of crossbred cattle population is the highest rate (65.0%) province of Sivas and followed by Çankırı province (62.8%). Ankara and Yozgat province has the highest rate of native cattle breed 28.3% and 25.5%, respectively. The total populations of cattle breeds in Konya and Kırıkkale provinces were found maximum 518.291 cattle and minimum 45.426 cattle, respectively, in the Central Anatolia Region. The population rate of exotic and crossbred cattle breeds has increased 67.0% and 11.8%, respectively, while population rate of native cattle breeds has decreased 30.3% from 2007 to 2011 in the Central Anatolia Region. The 20.1% of sheep, 8.2% of goat and 18.3% rates of total livestock population in Turkey are in the Central Anatolia Region. The population rate of sheep and goat of the Central Anatolia Region is 20.1% and 9.5%, sheep and goat respectively and 18.3% total in Turkey. The 70.9% for Angora goats, 8.2% hair of goats, and 17.7% indigenous of sheep breeds and 66.0% crossbreed to national Sheep and Goat population has risen in the Central Anatolia Region. All of these results are evaluated, Central Anatolia Region, Turkey, the contribution of animal products grown by population of cattle and small ruminants is important and can be considered a center of attraction for investment in animal breeding
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Türkiye’de İklim Değişikliği Perspektifinden İç Anadolu Bölgesi Hayvancılık Sektörü
Gürsel Dellal | Ayşe Övgü Şen | Ali Şenok | Erkan Pehlivan
Dünya’da olduğu gibi Türkiye’de de iklim değişikliğinin etkileri önemli bir şekilde görülmektedir. Türkiye’de İç Anadolu bölgesinde su kaynaklarında ciddi azalmalar olmakla birlikte kuraklık riski de öngörülmektdir. Atmosfer sıcaklığındaki ani değişimler hayvancılık sektörünü olumsuz etkilerken, hayvancılık sektörü de ürettiği sera gazları ile iklim değişikliğini etkilemektedir. Bu bağlamda iklim değişikliği ile hayvancılık sektörü arasında karşılıklı bir ilişki olduğu söylenebilir. Tükiye’de 2000’li yılların başından beri iklim değişikliği azaltım ve uyum çalışmaları sürdürülmektedir ve özellikle Avrupa Yeşil Anlaşmasının yayınlanması ve Paris Anlaşmasına taraf olunması ile bazı çalışmalar artmıştır. İç Anadolu bölgesinde hayvancılık sektörü incelendiğinde, bu bölgede esas olarak büyükbaş ve küçükbaş hayvan yetiştiriciliği önemli bir yer tutmakta olup, ülke hayvancılığına ve ekonomisine önemli katkı sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, İç Anadolu Bölgesi iklim değişikliği ve bölgenin hayvancılığı genel olarak değerlendirilerek, bu iki olgunun ilişkisi tartışılmıştır.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Current Situation, Problems and Solutions of Oil Crops in the Central Anatolian Region
Sevgi Çalışkan
Although there is no a significant increase in the cultivation areas of oil crops in last two decades, production amount of them shows 52.2% increase. Sunflower which has the first rank in terms of cultivation area and as well as production in cultivation of oilseed crops in our country, comes to fore as basic oil plant in Central Anatolia Region and it is followed by safflower in rank. Becoming widespread of safflower cultivation in fallow fields will make great profits to as well as farmers in the region and as well as country's economy in central Anatolia Region of Turkey which is 59% of total Turkey in term of fallow fields.
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