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Connection of Fisheries Management and Ballast Water Management Contract (Bwm Convention, 2004)
Serpil Yilmaz | Esra Erikçi Bilgin
Although land-based pollution is expressed as the most important pollution factor in the pollution of the seas (80%), the rate of pollution originating from ships (approximately 20%) is not to be underestimated. The fact that marine pollution is caused almost exclusively by ships requires investigation of the measures to be taken against marine pollution from ships and their applicability. As a matter of fact, the most important cause of pollution caused by ships is ballast water, and it has been determined that over 7,000 marine organisms are transported between ports with ballast waters on a global scale every day. Ballast water is used to maintain the balance of the ship on the water when the ships are not loaded. Considering that 90% of international trade is still provided by ships and 3-5 billion tons of ballast water is transported by approximately 85,000 ships every year with world maritime trade, the importance of pollution caused by ballast water becomes apparent. While ballast water is one of the elements that cause the transport of exotic marine and freshwater organisms between all seas of the world and cause pollution, the pollution in question is very effective especially in the aquaculture sector. Therefore, in this article, the connection of ballast water with fisheries management has been examined and solutions have been sought for the problems.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Sürdürülebilir Balıkçılık Mümkün mü?
Sıla Ozan | Uğur Başer
Denizlerin sürdürülebilirliği, iklim değişikliği, kirlilik ve aşırı avlanma gibi nedenlerle ciddi tehdit altındadır. Bu durum balık popülasyonlarının hızla tükenerek ekosistemin tahribatına neden olmaktadır. Çalışmanın amacı, deniz ekosistemini olumsuz etkileyen avcılık yöntemlerini ve yetiştiricilik faaliyetlerini ortaya koyarak sürdürülebilirliğe olan etkilerini tespit etmektir. Çalışma sonucunda balıkçılık sektörünün doğaya birçok zararı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bunların başlıcaları açık sularda avcılığın neden olduğu aşırı avlanma ve denizlerde meydana gelen kirlenmedir. İç sularda ve kıyılarda yapılan yetiştiricilikten kaynaklı sorunların başlıcaları girdi artıklarından kaynaklı kirlilik, dip kısımlarda oksijen tüketiminin neden olduğu tahribat, ölü balık artıkları ve görsel kirliliktir. Günümüzde insan faktörünün yer aldığı faaliyetlerde, özellikle ticari kaygının ön planda olduğu yapılanmalar, doğayı ve ekosistemi tahribatta cömert olabilmektedir. Dolayısıyla politika yapıcıların, tüm dünya insanlarının ortak mirası olan denizlerin korunmasında sert ve ciddi önlemler almasında yarar görülmektedir.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Investigate of Physicochemical and Microbiological Quality of Yenice-Davutköy (Çanakkale) Irrigation Ponds
Kahraman selvi | Seda Özdikmenli Tepeli | Burcu İleri | Ramazan Yıldız | Mehmet Ali Yücel
The aim of this study is to determine seasonally water quality characteristics irrigation ponds. Surface water samples were collected from three different sampling points in Yenice and Davutköy irrigation ponds (NW Turkey) for four different seasons. The parameters of dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity, electrical conductivity, chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand, ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, total hardness, chloride and sodium adsorption rate (SAR) were investigated for Yenice and Davutköy irrigation water quality. According the national and international water quality standards, physicochemical parameters were determined under permissible level. In addition, sampling ponds are located C1−S1 class of ABD salinity diagrams. This result means that salinity and sodium values of water are suitable for ecological system and can be using for irrigation. Furthermore, the microbial quality of irrigation water for the ponds were determined that rate of mesophyll and psychotropic bacteria are connected with temperature. It is detected that the term of low temperature is high level of psychotropic bacteria and the term of high temperature increase the number of mesophyll bacteria. Pearson correlation analysis between the results of the statistical psychotropic aerobic count and temperature significant was found a strong negative correlation (r= -0,635). Fecal pollution indicator as the number of E.coli stations in Davutköy pond in the summer sampling were determined 110 cfu/100ml and 50 cfu/100ml, respectively. E.coli was not detected other stations and sampling time. Finally, according to obtained analysis results are determined that water qualities for Yenice and Davutköy ponds are suitable for agriculture activities.
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