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A Study on Method Development in Hygienic Behaviour in Honeybee Colonies (Apis Mellifera L., 1758)
Ethem Akyol
This study was conducted to determine the better hygienic behaviour determination method that is used in controlling against bee diseases and pests. Total forty honeybee colonies (Apis mellifera anatoliaca) were used and they were randomly divided into two groups (each group consists of twenty colonies) in first year. Liquid nitrogen method was used in the first group' colonies and pin-killing (needling process) method was used in the second group’ colonies to determine the effectiveness of methods for hygienic behaviour. Average clearance rate was found as 66.25% and 78.10% in the first (Liquid nitrogen application) and the second (pin-killing) groups respectively. In the second year, forty colonies were divided into five equal groups and each group consisted eight colonies. The first group consisted of 9 frames bees in standard langstroot hive (10 frame capacity), the second group consisted of 5 frames bees in standard langstroot hive (10 frame capacity), the third group consisted of 5 frames bees in ruşet hive (5 frame capacity), the forth group’s consisted of 3 frames bees in ruşet hive (5 frame capacity) and the fifty group consisted of queen mating hive. The pin-killing (needling process) method, tested in first year, was used for all groups to determine the effectiveness of colony population and the size of hive. Average clearance rates of the first, second, third, forth and fifth groups were 70.54%, 58.38%, 70.63%, 54.96% and 58.21% respectively. The colonies that belonged to the pin-killing (needling) group showed a higher cleaning behaviour rate than the other colonies. The density of bees in hive had an important effect on the clearance rate of colonies. The colonies of group 1 and group 3, which had the more density of bees in per unit area, had the higher clearance rate than the other groups.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Forecast for the Number of Colonies and Honey Yield in Turkey
Nur İlkay Abacı | Samet Hasan Abacı | Selim Bıyık
According to FAOSTAT 2017 data, Turkey located ranks second after China in terms of world honey production and ranks third in terms of the number of colonies. According to Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) 2018 data, Turkey had 7.904.502 colonies and total honey production of 107.920 tons while the average honey yield was calculated 13.7 kg per colony. It is economically important that informing to beekeepers and policymakers the expected change in the number of colonies and honey yield in the next years. This study aims to estimate the production values for the next 5 years by using the number of colonies and honey yields of the past years. For this purpose, the next five years (2019-2023) forecast has been made by using data from the last 50 years (1969-2018). ARIMA (1,1,0) first-degree autoregressive time series model was used for the number of colonies and honey yields from the data obtained from TURKSTAT and FAOSTAT. SPSS package program was used for forecasting. According to the results, compared to 2018 an increase of 1.3% and 7.4% is expected in the number of colonies between 2019 and 2023. In addition, the honey yield is expected to increase between 2.77% and 3.12% compared to 2018. It seems that increasing the number of colonies and expecting a less increase in honey yield per colony will increase the production costs in the next years. Hence, consumers will consume honey and honeybee products at a higher price. It can be suggested that, beekeepers should take care about increasing the number of colonies as well as increase the honey yield per colony to beekeeping economy, consumers and the economy of the country.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Koloni Verimliliğini Artıran Yeni Bir Kovan Modeli
Ethem Akyol | Mustafa Güneşdoğdu | Ayhan Ceyhan
Gezginci arıcılık; koloni verimliliğinin artırılmasında önemli bir uygulama olmakla birlikte son zamanlarda kolonilerin nakliyesinde için işçi bulmak önemli bir sorun haline gelmeye başlamıştır. Arı taşımacılığının genellikle iller arasında ve gece saatlerinde yapılması zorunluluğu, ayrıca arı sokması problemleri nedeniyle çalıştıracak eleman bulunamaması sorununu da beraberinde getirmiştir. Gezginci arıcılıkta taşımacılığın iller arasında yapılması yanında, kolonileri hem yüklerken hem de indirirken ayrı işçilik giderleri gerektirmesi de işletme giderlerini artıran bir diğer faktördür. Bunun sonucu olarak da arıların taşınmasında işçi bulmak hem güç olmakta hem de işçilik maliyetlerinin yüksek olması nedeniyle gezginci arıcılık ekonomik olmaktan uzaklaşmaktadır. Sürekli artan yakıt fiyatlarıyla birlikte nakliye giderlerinin de artması gezginci arıcılığı olumsuz etkileyen bir diğer olumsuzluktur. Arı yükleme ve indirmede yaşanan bu problemlerden dolayı bir arıcı konakladığı yerden memnun olmasa da kolonilerinin yerini hızlıca değiştirememekte ve sezonu verimsiz bir şekilde geçirmek zorunda kalmaktadır.
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