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Topraksız Domates Yetiştiriciliğinde Kokopite Karşı Alternatif Yetiştirme Ortamı Olarak Tarımsal Sanayi Atıklardan Elde Edilen Kompostun Değerlendirilmesi
Hakan Kartal | Naif Geboloğlu
Sürdürülebilir topraksız tarım için çevre dostu ve yenilenebilir materyallerin önemi her geçen gün artmaktadır. Yeşil ve organik atıklardan elde edilen kompost bu materyallerden biridir. Bu çalışmada elma, üzüm ve domates posalarından elde edilen kompostun topraksız domates yetiştiriciliğinde etkileri araştırılmıştır. Elma, üzüm ve domates atıkları meyve suyu ve salça fabrikalarından temin edilmiştir. Elma, üzüm ve domates atıkları ayrı ayrı kompostlaştırılmıştır. Kompost yapımında ana materyale (2m3) 200 dm3 ahır gübresi, 5 kg kireç ve 5 kg üre ilave edilmiştir. Kompost yapımı 22 hafta sürmüştür. Denemede 9 farklı ortam kullanılmış olup, bunlar; kokopit: perlit (2:1) (Kontrol); domates kompostu: perlit (2:1) (D); elma kompostu: perlit (2:1) (E); üzüm kompostu:perlit (2:1) (Ü); domates: elma: üzüm kompostu: perlit (1:1:1:1) (DEÜ); domates kompostu: kokopit: perlit (1:1:1) (DC); elma kompostu: kokopit: perlit (1:1:1) (EC); üzüm kompostu: kokopit: perlit (1:1:1) (ÜC) ve DEÜ kompostu: kokopit: perlit (1:1:1) (DEÜC). Ortamlar hacim esasına göre belirlenmiştir. Besin solüsyonu çiçeklenmeye kadar 2,0 dS/m ve çiçeklenmeden sonra 2,2 dS/m, pH:5,9 şeklinde uygulanmıştır. En yüksek pazarlanabilir verim elma, domates ve üzüm kompostu + kokopit uygulamasında 286,59 ton/ha olmuştur. Kompost kullanılması pazarlanabilir verimde kontrole göre %39,73 artış sağlanmıştır. Vitamin C kontrolde en yüksek çıkarken, pH ve suda çözünebilir kuru madde miktarı değişmemiştir. Kompost kullanılması domates meyvelerinde çiçek burnu çürüklüğünü azaltmış, yaprak kuru ağırlığını artırmıştır. Sonuç olarak, denemede üzüm ve özellikle elma posasından elde edilen kompostun topraksız tarımda domates yetiştiriciliğinde başarıyla kullanılabildiği ve ticari ortamlardan biri olan kokpite göre daha etkili olduğu anlaşılmıştır.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of Different Organic Source Materials on Growth, Flowering and Yield in Zinnia Plant
Onur Sefa Alkaç | Esra Öndeş | Esat Tuncel | Rümeysa Temir
The study was carried out in a randomized plot design with three replications, with 4 pots in each replication and 3 plants in each pot. A total of 10 applications consisting of liquid compost (25%- 50%), vermicompost (25%-50%), and humic acid (600-1200 ppm) and combining these applications were applied to Zinnia seedlings. The first application was applied as 400 mL per pot when the plants reached 20 cm in size. Applications were made 3 times with an interval of 7 days. When the plants are harvested, flower diameter (mm), stem thickness (mm), number of flowers (piece), stem length (cm), number of branches (pieces), the weight of branches (g), number of leaves (pieces), root length ( cm), root fresh weight (g), root dry weight (g), vase life (days) parameters were examined. As a result of the study, the highest flower diameter (72.27 mm) and SPAD value (34.93) was 600 ppm humic acid application, the highest flower stem thickness (4.67) and flower stem length (45.56 cm) 25% liquid compost + 25% vermicompost application, the highest flower stem thickness (4.67). The number of flowers (6.17 pieces) and root wet weight (8.10 g) were found in 25% vermicompost application, the highest number of branches (7,25) in 1200 ppm humic acid application, the highest branch weight (30.76) in 50% vermicompost application. As a result, it was observed that in applications where 25% of vermicompost was used, it had positive effects on the number of leaves, flowering, and root parameters. In humic acid applications, it has been found to have a positive effect when used at low rates such as 600 ppm. It is stated in the results of the study that the doses used to give better results when applied at low rates.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Determination of Zinc Sorption Properties of Gyttja, Leonardite and Compost
Kadir Saltalı | Muhammed Alhashemi
Leonardite and compost are used as soil conditioner materials. Gyttja is a material which contains 30-40% lime and 40-50% organic matter with a reserve of approximately 4.8 billion tons in Afşin-Elbistan Thermal Power Plant basin. These materials are used in the production of organomineral (OMG) fertilizers. Zinc (Zn) is one of the micronutrients that plants need. Available Zn deficiency is observed in approximately 49% of Turkish soils. The aim of this study was to determine the Zn adsorption properties of gyttja, leonardite and compost used in OMG fertilizer production. The study was conducted under laboratory conditions. In order to determine the optimum adsorption conditions, the effect of pH, particle size, temperature, shaking time and solution concentration were determined. Then, adsorption properties were determined using linear Langmuir isotherm under optimum conditions. According to Langmuir isotherm, the maximum sorption capacity (qmax) was found to be 14.10 mgg-1 for gyttja, 13.74 mgg-1 for leonardite and 15.67 mgg-1 for compost. In conclusion, Zn sorption values of gyttja, leonardite and compost were consistent with Langmuir and Freunlich isotherms. The maximum sorption capacity (qmax) of these materials is very close to each other. When these data are taken into consideration, it is seen that 1 kg of organic material can sorbed about 15 g Zn. It is useful to take these basic data into account in OMG fertilizer production and sustainable Zn fertilization.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Optimal Ranking of Compost Facilities that Can Be Established in Samsun Province by COCOSO and WASPAS Methods
Sinan Dündar | Hüdaverdi Bircan | Hasan Eleroğlu
The compost product, which offers many benefits such as the evaluation of organic wastes, improvement of soil structure, neutralization of toxins and pH balance of the soil, has significant potential for the improvement of our country's lands. Considering the development of animal existence in our country, the production of compost product to be obtained from feces, which is the product of these animal beings, is an issue that needs to be emphasized. The choice of plant location, which must be determined for an investment to be made for the acquisition of this product emerges as a separate problem. For this reason, in this study, the order of optimality among the alternatives for compost plant installation is considered as a multi-criteria decision making problem. For this purpose, the criteria determined for 10 clusters with the potential of 35,829 animals that can produce compost in Samsun were weighted by the SWARA method. The optimal ranking of these 10 compost clusters was carried out using the COCOSO and WASPAS methods, by means of the criteria weights taken into consideration. According to the ranking results obtained from both methods, it was determined that the cluster number 27 was in the first rank, the cluster no 13 was in the second rank, and the cluster no 14 was in the third rank.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Optimal Ranking of Compost Facilities that Can Be Established in Çorum with COPRAS and MAIRCA Methods
Sinan Dündar | Hüdaverdi Bircan | Hasan Eleroğlu
The compost product, which is a biologically active substance, emerges as a result of microbial decomposition of organic materials under controlled conditions. This product, which is used for the improvement of soil structure and the development of agricultural products, also offers opportunities in terms of minimizing the damage caused by organic wastes to the environment. It is important to encourage efforts for compost production, especially in terms of both disposal and economic evaluation of wastes generated in animal production farms. Determining the most suitable location of a facility for the utilization of animal wastes as compost, which will be obtained from livestock enterprises scattered in different geographical areas, will be an essential study in terms of minimizing operating costs. For such a facility, it would be an appropriate approach to use multi-criteria decision making methods to choose among predetermined facility location alternatives. In this study, a total of 17 facility location alternatives with 83,163 cattle potential in Çorum province were ranked according to the criteria determined and weighted by means of SWARA method. The optimal ranking of 17 alternatives determined by K-Means clustering analysis was carried out by COPRAS and MAIRCA methods. According to the ranking results obtained from both methods, it was determined that cluster number 6 was in the first rank, cluster number 4 was in the second rank, and cluster number 3 was in the third rank.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Animal Origin Compost Potential and Optimum Facility Locations in Samsun
Sinan Dündar | Hüdaverdi Bircan | Hasan Eleroğlu
Compared to industrial wastes, the recycling of agricultural wastes is more efficient because they are organic. The low organic matter content of Anatolian agricultural lands makes the recycling of agricultural wastes even more important. In the Samsun region, compost centres are recommended in order to help increase productivity in agricultural production, develop agricultural activities and ensure rural development. It is very important to use natural fertilizers because it is to protect and improve the organic structure of the soil. The low production costs of organic fertilizers compared to chemical fertilizers provide an advantage to farmers and prevent foreign exchange loss. In this study, it is aimed to determine the animal existence and optimum facility locations for evaluation of animal wastes as compost in Samsun. For this purpose, the number of animals of the enterprises in the region was determined by using the data obtained from Samsun Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry. The coordinates of the settlements of 1,284 enterprises with bovine capacity of 40 or more in Samsun were determined according to the rectangular coordinate system. In terms of animal distribution in Samsun province, 27 cluster numbers were preferred through Elbow method and f(K) Function method. The location of most suitable compost production centres according to the distance and the total number of animals was determined by the K-Means clustering analysis method using geographical coordinates. For Samsun, the group size was taken as 2,000-10,000 cattle and the enterprises with a focal length less than 15 km were included in the compost production clusters. In line with these criteria, 10 compost production clusters for compost production have been determined in Samsun and the locations of these cluster centres are shown on the map in a way that will provide the most efficient information to investors and relevant institutions.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Farklı Mikoriza Türleri, Kompost ve Fosfat Kayacı Uygulamalarının Sorgum Bitkisinin Gelişimine Etkileri
Çağdaş Akpınar | Ahmet Demirbaş | İbrahim Ortaş
Bu çalışma, farklı mikoriza türleri aşılaması ile birlikte farklı dozlarda kompost ve fosfat kayacı uygulamalarının sorgum bitkisinin gelişimi ve besin elementleri alımına olan etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Denemede kompost dozları 0, 20, 40 g kompost/kg toprak, fosfat kayacı dozları 0, 2, 4 g fosfat kayacı/kg toprak olarak uygulanmış, mikoriza türleri olarak; Funnelformis mosseae, F. caledonius, Claroideoglomus etunicatum, Rhizophagus clarus, doğal ve kokteyl (karışım) kullanılmıştır. Hasat sonunda kök ve kök üstü aksam kuru madde üretimleri, fosfor (P) ve çinko (Zn) konsantrasyonları ve mikorizal kök infeksiyonu analizleri yapılmıştır. Araştırma bulgularına göre, mikoriza aşılaması sorgum bitkisinin kök ve kök üstü aksam kuru madde üretimine, P, Zn ve kök infeksiyonuna fosfat kayacı ve kompost uygulamalarına göre daha fazla oranda etki etmiştir. En etkili mikoriza türü olarak F. caledonius ön plana çıkmaktadır. Kompost uygulamalarında 20 ve 40 g/kg toprak doz uygulamaları etkin bulunur iken, fosfat kayacında ise yetiştirme süresinin kısalığı nedeniyle fosfat kayacının yeterince çözünemediği kanısına varılmıştır.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Recycling Model Suggestion for Sustainable Urban Green Areas in Konya
Filiz Çelik
Urban green spaces can be a comprehensive tool to ensure the sustainability of cities. The sustainability of green areas in planning, design, implementation, maintenance and operation processes contributes to the sustainable development of cities as well. There are many ways to ensure that green areas are sustainable from a social, economic and ecological point of view. These include the construction and use of compost under recycling and re-evaluation. The wastes generated as a result of periodic maintenance in urban green areas are disposed together with other wastes in solid waste storage area. However, the use of organic wastes in composting can ensure that green areas are sustainable by reducing both recycling and periodic maintenance costs of green areas. The aim of this study is to improve the idea of recycling and re-evaluation of organic wastes which are emerged in green areas by composting and using them in green areas. For this purpose, a model for composting and replacing fertilizer from organic wastes emerged in green areas of Konya was proposed. Thus, the costs of green areas with very high design, implementation and maintenance expenses will be reduced and they will be sustainable within themselves. The sustainability of urban green spaces will also contribute to Konya's urban sustainability.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of Different Organic Fertilizers on the Yield and Quality Traits of Seed Potato Cultivars (Solanum Tuberosum L.)
Hasan Eleroğlu | Kürşat Korkmaz
This study was conducted to determine the effects of use organo-mineral fertilizers and poultry manure on yield and quality of seed tubers different potatoes varieties (Solanum tuberosum L.). The study was designed in three replicated completely randomized block factorial design with eight potato cultivars (Madaline, Provento, Marfona, Agata, Arizona, Mustang, Rumba and Saviola) and including three different fertilizer as Hexaferm organo-mineral (%20 organics, 8-21-0+Zn), compost (1 t da-1) and fermented poultry manure (1 t da-1). In order to determine the effect of fertilizer forms on the yield and quality characteristics of different varieties of potatoes were examined features like output time of the tuber, output rates, plant height, stem number per hill, tuber yield per hill, total tuber yield, cracks tuber yield, dry matter content, starch content and specific gravity. Used fertilizers have no significant effect on output time of the tuber, output rates, plant height, stem number per hill, total tuber yield, dry matter content, starch content and specific gravity of varieties. The difference observed in terms of output time of the tuber, output rates, plant height, stem number per hill between the varieties was insignificant. The difference between the average tuber yield per hill, total tuber yield, cracks tuber yield, dry matter content, starch content and specific gravity of varieties were significant. Similarly, the fertilizers had a significant effect on the average tuber yield per hill of varieties . The significant interactions were found on traits average tuber yield per hill and average specific gravity between Fertilizer x Varieties. As a result, considered economically the fermented and compost poultry manure can be used instead of organo-mineral fertilizers in the production of seed potatoes.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Evaluation of Medium and Large-Scale Mushroom Companies in Turkey
Erkan Eren | Gölgen Bahar Öztekin | Yüksel Tüzel
The commercial production of cultivated-mushroom, which has a forty years of past in Turkey, was started after 1980s. Until the recent decade, most of the total amount of production in Turkey was performed by family members while the cultivation of the product has gained an upward trend since the beginning of 2000s, though the amount and development rate were not enough. During that time, a number of large (>2000 m2) and medium (500-2000 m2) scale mushroom production facilities were established and Turkey has gained an important place in mushroom production in the world. In this study, we aimed to reveal the common production methods of ten medium and large scale mushroom companies whose daily production capacities are above 1 ton in six regions. In this respect, all companies have been visited and communicated directly with company representatives and a survey comprising 65 questions about company, production facility, compost and casing soil, production systems, diseases and pests and packaging was made. The findings have suggested us that such companies have mostly a history of 15 years of time and have a land size of 10-50 thousand m2, while their mushroom production areas vary between in size and that they make use of technology in production and automation in their plants and they have quality management systems (ITU, ISO 9001, ISO 22000 and Global Gap ) and they employ generally qualified and experienced technicians or agriculture engineers and also that 40% of them receive consultancy and also that they use their own productions or standard ready mycelium planted compost and that they use domestic peat as casing material and that they package the mushrooms with their brands and sell to markets mostly and lastly that they conduct pre-sale quality sorting and grading. It was also seen that there is lack of food engineers employed and most of the companies do not receive consultancy, and that the waste compost is not evaluated correctly and that the covering material is not in the required standards and that there are even companies not doing any water analysis and that coal for heating and chemicals for disinfection are used and that diseases and pests are inevitable and last that they lack in processing different products.
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