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Genetic Diversity and Some Fruit Characteristics of Quince Genotypes Collected from Kayseri Region
Aydin Uzun | Ayşe Çil | Mehmet Yaman | Ömer Faruk Coşkun
Turkey with diverse ecologies harbours several plant and fruit species. Several species grow naturally are grown commercially. Kayseri and surroundings constitute natural spread zone of some fruit species. This study was conducted to determine genetic diversity and some pomological characteristics of 31 seed-propagated quince (Cydonia oblanga Mill.) genotypes. For pomological characteristics, fruit length, fruit width, water soluble dry matter (WSDM) and total acidity analyses were performed. Molecular analyses were conducted with the aid of 15 SRAP primer combinations. Genetic diversity in investigated genotypes varied between 0.53- 0.92 and genotypes were gathered under two main groups. Primer base lengths varied between 400- 1700 bp. A total of 97 clear bands were obtained and 91 of them were polymorphic (polymorphism ratio = 87.7%). Present findings revealed that existing quince populations of the region should be preserved and be used in further genetic studies.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Phenological, Pomological and Technological Characteristics of Seedless White Mulberry in Mulberry Genetic Resources of Turkey
Erdoğan Çöçen | Hasan Pınar | Aydın Uzun | Mehmet Yaman | Ahmet Aslan | Oktay Turgay Altun
This study carried out in 2015 and 2016 to determine phenological, pomological and some technological characteristics of 19 seedless mulberry genotypes of the Malatya Apricot Research Institute. Full-bloom periods of the genotypes varied between 27th of April (Poser 24-07) and 3rd of May (24 MRK 02); start of harvest dates varied between 15th of May (Poser 24-07) and 31st of May (Yediveren 24-08); end of harvest dates varied between 5th of July (Angut 009) and 30th of August (Yediveren 24-08). Fruiting durations varied between 50 days (Angut 009) and 95 days (Gemirgap Dutu 24-05). Of the pomological characteristics, average fruit weights varied between 0.77 g (Angut 009) and 2.46 g (Poser 24-07); water soluble dry matter (WSDM) contents varied between 15.50% (Topu Beyaz 1) and 29.60% (Angut 009). Of the technological characteristics, drying efficiency values varied between 15.79% (44 KE 10) and 39.94% (Angut 009), dry fruit color L values varied between 25.97 (Poser 24-07) and 50.20 (İstanbul Dutu 24-12). Based on present findings, Poser 24-07 genotype was found to be prominent with early fruiting and availability for fresh consumption; Yediveren 24-08 genotype with late fruiting; İstanbul Dutu 24-12 genotype with drying efficiency and Gemirgap Dutu 24-05 and Gemirgap Dutu 24-06 genotypes with their longer fruiting durations. Current findings may be beneficial in mulberry breeding programs.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Determining Yield and Fruit Quality Traits of Henderson Grapefruit and Some Pomelo (Shaddock) Varieties under Adana Ecological Conditions
Berken Çimen | Meral İncesu | Turgut Yeşiloğlu | Bilge Yılmaz
Pomelo [Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck] has the largest fruit size among citrus species. There are several cultivars for pomelo species which is sensitive to low temperatures thus its cultivation is possible in relatively preserved areas in subtropical regions. The interest to pomelo production has increased due to several reasons such as, its has a little or no bitterness in fruit flesh conversaly to grapefruit, avaibility of pigmented varieties, high concentration of vitamin C, total phenolics and carotenoids in fruit flesh, as well as its efficiency in destroying free radicals such as superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide. Several pomelo varieties have been introduced to Turkey and adaptation studies have been established. In the present study, Reinking, Pomelo WN, Kao Panne and Citrus hassaku which is a spontaneous hybrid between pomelo and mandarin were investigated in terms of fruit yield and pomological characteristics. In addition, Henderson grapefruit was included in this study in order to obtain a comparasion between pomelo and grapefruit. A large variation was observed in fruit yield of cultivars established in 2011 and 2012. In 2011, the highest yield was determined in Henderson whereas it was obtained from Citrus hassaku in 2012. Pomelo varieties yielded between 5-60 kg fruit per tree and 8.6-50 kg fruit per tree in 2011 and 2012, respectively. In terms of pomological traits, Citrus hassaku had the highest fruit weight; Pink, Kao Panne and Reinking pomelos had the highest peel thickness and Pomelo WN yielded the highest TSS/TA ratio.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Kısıntılı Sulamanın Greyfurt Bahçesinde Su Kullanımı, Verim, Verim Öğeleri ve Meyve Niteliğine Etkisi
Uğur Kekeç | Bülent Özekici
Araştırma, Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Çiftliğinde bulunan Rio Red altıntop ağaçları kullanılarak 2011 ve 2012 yıllarında yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada, deneme bahçesindeki mevcut sulama proğramının değerlendirilmesi ile ağaçlara farklı düzeylerde uygulanan sulama suyu miktarının, verim ile meyve kalite özellikleri (pomoloji) üzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Denemede damla sulama sistemi ile 3 farklı miktarda sulama suyu uygulanmıştır (I100); (I70); (I50). Her iki yıl dikkate alındığında sulama suyu miktarları, 332,48 mm (I100) ile 128,69 mm (I50) arasında değişmiştir. Gerçek bitki su tüketimleri ise su bütçesi yöntemine göre 935,6 mm (I100) ile 729,9 mm (I50) arasında gerçekleşmiştir. Denemenin birinci yılında, sulama konularına ilişkin verimler, ağaç başına, 306 (I70) ile 330 (I50) kg, ikinci yıl ise ağaç başına ortalama verim değerlerinin sulama konularına göre, 59,6 kg (I100) ile 108,5 kg (I50) arasında değişmiştir. Toplam su kullanma randımanları, 2011 yılında, WUEET 5,18 kg m-3ile 6,34 kg m-3, 2012 yılında ise; 0,52 kg m-3ile 1,74 kg m-3arasında elde edilmiştir. Sulama suyu kullanma randımanları, 2011 yılında, WUEI 15,85 kg m-3ile 30,69 kg m-3, 2012 yılında ise; 2,17 kg m-3ile 14,27 kg m-3değerleriarasında değişmiştir. Denemenin birinci yılında ortalama suda çözünen kuru madde miktarları, %10,22 (I100) ile %12,91 (I50) arasında; ikinci yılında ise %12,41 (I100) ile %13,47 (I50) arasında değişmiştir. Bu çalışma kapsamında sulama konularının meyve verimine etkilerinin istatistiksel olarak önemli olmamasından dolayı çifçilere su tasarrufu sağlamak amacıyla yöre için su kısıntısı önerilebilir.
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