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Paklitaksel’e Maruz Bırakılan Sıçan Akciğerinde Misoprostol’ün Koruyucu Etkisinin Biyokimyasal ve Histopatolojik Olarak İncelenmesi
Sedat Bilgic | Fatih Mehmet Gur | Ibrahim Aktas
Sıçanlarda paklitaksel (PTX) kaynaklı akciğer hasarına karşı misoprostol’ün (MP) koruyucu etkilerinin incelendiği bu çalışmada, yirmi bir adet dişi Sprague-Dawley cinsi sıçan kullanıldı. Bu hayvanlardan rastgele bir seçimle Kontrol, PTX ve PTX + MP olmak üzere 3 grup (n=7) oluşturuldu. Kontrol grubuna 1 mL %0,9 NaCl intraperitoneal (i.p.) ve 1 mL %0,9 NaCl oral yolla 6 gün boyunca verildi. PTX ve PTX + MP gruplarına çalışmanın 0., 2., 4. ve 6. günlerinde her sıçana 2 mg/kg PTX i.p. olarak verildi. PTX + MP grubuna ayrıca 6 gün süreyle 0,2 mg/kg/gün MP oral olarak verildi. Doku numuneleri sıçanlardan anestezi altında alındıktan sonra bu numunelerde biyokimyasal ve histopatolojik analizler yapıldı. Yapılan analizlerde PTX grubu sıçanlarda akciğer dokusundaki süperoksit dismutaz (SOD) ve katalaz (CAT) aktiviteleri ile glutatyon (GSH) düzeyinin azaldığı, malondialdehit (MDA) düzeyinin ise yükseldiği belirlendi. Yapılan histopatolojik incelemelerde ise, PTX grubu sıçanlarda alveol yapısında düzensizlik ve kalınlaşma, perivasküler ödem ve perivasküler alanda inflamatuar hücre infiltrasyonu gibi histopatolojik değişikliklerin şekillendiği tespit edildi. PTX + MP grubunda ise, PTX grubunda tespit edilen patolojik değişikliklerin büyük oranda önlendiği görüldü. Elde edilen bu sonuçlar; PTX’in neden olduğu akciğer hasarının önlenmesinde MP’nin etkili olduğunu göstermekte olup, kanser tedavisinde bu iki ilacın birlikte kullanılmasının faydalı olacağını düşündürmektedir.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Effect of High Amounts of Wheat Gluten Meal and Corn Gluten Meal Added to the Diets on Some Serum Parameters in Rats
Recep Gümüş | Nazlı Ercan | Halit İmik
The aim of this study was to determine the effects on some serum parameters of wheat and corn gluten diet, which is also a high protein source. A total of 24 male rats aged 20 days and divided into 3 groups, each containing 8 rats were used in the study. The majority of the protein content in the diet of soybean meal as a Control group; in the diet of wheat gluten as a Wheat group; in the diet of corn gluten as a Corn group were composed. At the end of the study, blood samples taken from all animals were analysed. In the study, serum glucose, TP, urea, creatinine and BUN levels were found to be significantly decreased in Corn group compared to Wheat group. Serum ALT levels were similar with the Control and Wheat groups, but it was found to be significantly decreased in the Corn group. Serum AST levels were significantly lower in the Corn group. Serum GGT levels were significantly lower in both Corn and Wheat groups compared to Control group. Serum Ca and P levels were similar with all groups, whereas Mg levels were significantly decreased in Wheat and Corn groups compared to the Control group. As a result, it can be said that corn gluten added to the diet has more positive effects than wheat gluten in terms of both liver enzyme activities (AST, ALT and GGT) and renal parameters (Urea and BUN).
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Effects of Grape Seed Extract on Insulin, Adiponectin and Resistin Levels in Diabetic Rats
İnci Söğütlü | Nihat Mert | Handan Mert | Leyla Mis | Halil Cumhur Yılmaz | Kıvanç İrak
In this study, the effects of grape seed extract on insulin, adiponectin and resistin levels in diabetic rats were aimed to investigate. Weight of about 300-350g 7-8 weeks 32 female Wistar Albino rats were used. Weight of about 300-350g 7-8 weeks 32 female Wistar Albino rats randomly divided into four groups of eight each: control group (C), group with diabetes (DM), grape seed extract group (GSE), diabetes mellitus and grape seed extract group (DM+GSE). The diabetic group 45 mg/kg single dose of streptozotocin was administered intraperitoneally, and the grape seed extract groups (DM+GSE and GSE) grape seed extract was given orally every day with an intragastric tube for 20 days (0.6 ml/rat). Blood samples were taken from the hearts of rat’s end of the experiment. The sera obtained were used for insulin, adiponectin and resistin analysis measured via ELISA with commercial kits. The insulin and adiponectin levels of the rats in the diabetes + grape seed extract group were found to be higher than those in the diabetes group. There was no significant change in the resistin level differences between the groups. As a result; It is possible to say that grape seed extract has an increasing effect on insulin level and adiponectin levels of diabetic rats are decreased due to diabetes and it has no significant effect on resistin levels. Detected by the positive effects of grape seed extracts, it may be useful to use for the regulating of the diabetes in human.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Evaluation of Retinol, α-Tocopherol, Cholecalciferol and Reproductive Hormones Levels After Administrated Allium Schoenoprasum L. Ethanol Extract and Acrylamide in the Female Rats
Saadet Belhan | Zübeyir Huyut | İbrahim Hakkı Yörük | Semih Yaşar | Leyla Mis | Adnan Ayan
This study was carried out to determine the levels of retinol, α-tocopherol, cholecalciferol and reproductive hormones (follicle stimulating hormone - FSH, luteinizing hormone - LH, progesterone, estradiol) in the female rats administrated Allium schoenoprasum L. ethanol extract (ASLEE) and acrylamide. The study was performed on thirty-two Wistar albino female rats (200-220 grams). The rats were divided into 4 groups with an equal number. Serum LH values were higher in the ASLEE group compared to the other groups. Control group: No treatment was performed. Acrylamide group: Acrylamide was administrated by gastric gavage at a dose of 25 mg / kg daily. ASLEE group: ASLEE was administrated by gastric gavage at a dose of 200 mg / kg daily. Acrylamide + ASLEE group: Acrylamide was administrated by gastric gavage at a dose of 25 mg / kg daily. Then ASLEE was administered by gastric gavage at a dose of 200 mg / kg per day. Serum FSH and LH values were significantly lower in the acrylamide group compared to the other groups. Serum LH values in the acrylamide + ASLEE group were significantly restored compared to the acrylamide group. Serum estradiol values were partially lower in the acrylamide group compared to other groups, but there was no significant difference between the groups. Serum progesterone values in the acrylamide group were significantly lower than the control group. Serum progesterone values were higher in the acrylamide + ASLEE group compared to the acrylamide group. As a result, the levels of retinol, α-tocopherol, cholecalciferol and reproductive hormones in ASLEE were determined in this study. In addition, when ASLEE was applied with acrylamide, the rate of change in the relevant parameters was determined.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Rat Diyetlerinde Kullanılan Buğday ve Mısır Gluteninin Serum Dokusunda Karaciğer Enzimleri ve Lipit Profili Üzerine Etkileri
Aybüke İmik | Mazhar Burak Can | Dilek Şentürk Demirel
Bu çalışmada, rat diyetlerine katılan farklı protein kaynaklarının serum dokularında karaciğer enzimleri ve lipit profili üzerine etkisi incelenmiştir. Araştırmada protein kaynağı olarak soya küspesi, buğday ve mısır gluteni kullanıldı. Araştırma Grup I, Grup II ve Grup III olarak üç grup şeklinde dizayn edildi. Araştırmada her grupta 8 adet erkek ve 8 adet dişi olmak üzere toplam 24 adet erkek, 24 adet dişi Sprague Dawley cinsi rat kullanıldı. Araştırmada hayvanlar doğumdan itibaren anneleri ile birlikte 30 gün, annelerinden ayrıldıktan sonra da 30 gün olmak üzere toplam 60 gün deneme yemleri ile beslendi. Çalışmanın sonunda serum dokusunda karaciğer enzimlerini belirlemek amacıyla alanin aminotransferaz (ALT), aspartat aminotransferaz (AST), alkalin fosfataz (ALP) ve gama-glutamil transferaz (GGT), kreatin kinaz (CK); lipit profilini belirlemek için triaçilgliserol (TAG), diaçilgliserol (DAG), monoaçilgliserol (MAG), serbest yağ asidi (SYA), kolesterol (Kol) ve fosfolipit (F1) analizleri yapıldı. Çalışmanın sonunda dişi ratların karaciğer enzimleri seviyeleri arasında fark bulunmazken, erkek hayvanların AST ve ALP seviyeleri arasında önemli fark olduğu tespit edildi. Grup II’nin AST oranı Grup I ve Grup III’den düşük, Grup II ve III’ün ALP oranı ise Grup I’den önemli derecede yüksek bulundu. Çalışmada dişi ratların “De Ritis” seviyeleri (AST/ALT) Grup I (2,42/ 1,84) ve Grup II’de (2,28/0,71); erkek ratlarda ise Grup III’de (1,29/2,71) yüksek tespit edildi. Çalışmada dişi ratların Grup I’inde serbest yağ asit oranı Grup II’den önemli derecede düşük (p<0,05), Grup III ile benzer bulundu. Çalışmanın sonunda farklı protein kaynaklarının erkek ratların ALP ve AST oranlarını, dişi ve erkek ratların De Ritis seviyelerini ve dişi ratların ise SYA oranını önemli oranlarda etkiledikleri tespit edildi.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects on Performance, Skin and Liver Histology of Different Clinoptilolite Levels in Rat Diets
Dilek Şentürk Demirel | Ramazan Demirel | Muzaffer Aydın Ketani | Kadri Balcı
The objective of this study was to test the effects of dietary natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) on performance, skin and liver histology in rats. In this study, 24 10-week-old, weaned, adult male Spraque-Dawley rats with approximately 306 +- 18.93 g initial live weight were used. The rats were randomly divided into four groups with three replicates, including a control group and groups with one of three doses of clinoptilolite (2%, 4%, and 6%) in their diets. All the rats were fed these concentrates throughout the experimental period of 56 days. The animals were reared individually in stainless steel cages. There were no significant differences in the primary and secondary follicle numbers among groups, but the diameters of each follicle were found to be significant. The primary and secondary follicle numbers and diameters ranged from lowest to highest as follows: 2.00-2.33, 4.50-7.17; and 11.53-20.42, 57.63-102.12um, respectively. The differences occurred between the control group and group IV (containing 6% zeolite). In addition, the skin and liver histology results showed that there were no differences among the groups.
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