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Effect of Different Hormones Concentration on In vitro Regeneration of Apricot Cultivars
Muzaffer İpek | Şeyma Arıkan | Ahmet Eşitken | Servet Aras
The use of modern breeding methods along with appropriate cultivation techniques facilitates the acquisition and multiplication of varieties that possess the desired characteristics. Therefore, efforts towards the in vitro propagation of woody plants are increasing day by day. Today, plants such as Malus, Prunus, Pyrus, Ribes, Rubus, etc., can be successfully propagated in vitro. Apricot stands out as a stubborn species among Prunus types for shoot regeneration and genetic transformation. In this context, this study aims to determine how different plant growth regulators affect shoot regeneration of some native apricot varieties, which hold significant importance in apricot cultivation in our country. In the conducted study, mature cotyledons of Kabaaşı, Hacıhaliloğlu, and Hasanbey apricot varieties were used along with the culture medium consisting of MS. Different doses and ratios of plant growth regulators, including BAP and TDZ, in combination with NAA and GA3, were added to the culture media. At the end of the in vitro study, the callus and primordium formation rate (%), bud and shoot formation rate (%) and number of shoots per explant were recorded. According to the results, the variety with the highest callus formation was Kabaaşı, followed by Hasanbey and Hacıhaliloğlu. In all three varieties, the rate of callus formation decreased in media containing GA3. Regarding the stage of shoot regeneration from callus, the highest shoot formation with an average of 4 shoots per explant was observed in the Kabaaşı variety in the TDZ (1.0 mgL-1) + NAA (0.25 mgL-1) and TDZ (1.0 mgL-1) + NAA (0.50 mgL-1) media. Looking at the other varieties, the highest number of shoots, 1.6 shoots per explant, was obtained from the TDZ (2.0 mgL-1) + NAA (0.25 mgL-1) medium in Hasanbey and Hacıhaliloğlu varieties. As a result of the findings, the Kabaaşı variety showed the best result in terms of the regeneration capacity of apricot varieties. In contrast the best regeneration medium was obtained from the combinations of TDZ and NAA.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]In vitro Multiple Shoot Regeneration from Petunia hybrida
Rebaz Rasul Habas | Musa Turker | Fethi Ahmet Ozdemir
An efficient plant regeneration protocol was developed from in vitro germinated seeds of Petunia hybrida an ornamentally important plant in the family Solanaceae. Shoot tip and node explants of Petunia hybrida were cultured on MS basal medium supplemented with different concentrations and combinations of Benzyl amino purine (BAP), 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and Gibberellic acid (GA3). The highest shoot length was obtained from MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/l BAP + 1 mg/l NAA. The highest shoot number (3 shoots/explant) were obtained from MS medium supplemented with 0.6 mg/l BAP + 0.5 mg/l IBA. The isolated shoots were transferred to MS basal medium supplemented with different concentrations of GA3 ranging from 0.05, 0.2, 0.5 and 1 mg/l for shoot elongation. The highest shoot length (5.75 cm) was recorded from the MS medium supplemented with 0.2 mg/l GA3 +0.2 mg/l BAP. Rooting of regenerated shoots were achieved on MS medium supplemented with 0.1-1 mg/1 IBA and NAA. The regenerated shoots with well developed roots were successfully acclimatized and established in pots containing sterilized peat moss and grown under laboratory conditions with 70% survival rates.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Efficient in vitro Clonal Propagation of Muscari neglectum Guss. Ex. Ten Using Thidiazuron- α Naphthalene Acetic Acid
Çiğdem Alev Özel | Fatma Ünal
Muscari neglectum Guss. Ex Ten, is an ornamental, herbaceous perennial plant species that grows in the Mediterranean countries with attractive and scented blue-colored flowers. The plant has low seed output, seed dormancy, low germination and propagation rates. This study aimed to develop a reliable microclonal propagation protocol for M. neglectum using TDZ (Thidiazuron)-NAA (α Naphthalene acetic acid) to induce bulblets, roots, and acclimatization of the regenerated bulblets. Maximum number of bulblets per explant (8.25±0.05) was noted on MS medium containing 0.0454 µM TDZ-5.37 µM NAA. The bulblets regenerated in each type of culture medium were very vigorous, and acclimatized easily following rooting on a subculture. Here we show that this protocol is a useful clonal micropropagation system for this important ornamental plant.
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