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Determination of Pollen Viability and Germination of Solanum melongena ve Solanum torvum and Obtaining Plants from Solanum melongena x Solanum torvum Hybrids Using in vitro Techniques
Namık Kemal Yücel | Hatice Filiz Boyacı | Saadet Büyükalaca
The most important factors those are limiting the production of eggplant in Turkey and the world are soil borne fungal diseases and pests. Fusarium and Verticillium as fungal diseases and nematodes as pests cause significant yield losses. Those pathogens cause significant yield losses both in open field and greenhouse cultivation. The most efficient way to avoid those diseases is using resistant varieties or rootstocks. Although resistant genes to all these three pathogenes do not exist in eggplant cultivars, wild eggplant, Solanum torvum Sw can contain them. . However interspecific crosses cannot be achieved because of the sexual incompatibility between Solanum torvum and Solanum melongena. Thus resistant genes cannot be transferred by classical breeding. For this purpose, in order to understand the reasons of the failure in interspecific crosses, polen viability and germination percentage should be determined as a priority. For this purpose, pollen viability and germination levels of Aydın siyahı and Kemer eggplant cultivars and one wild form (Solanum torvum) were determined. Pollen viability and polen germination percentage were determined by TTC and ‘agar in Petri’ methods, respectively. In vitro reciprocal crosses were made between Kemer and Aydın Siyahı cultivars in order to obtain hybrids. In this study, in vitro embryo rescue technique was used in 25, 30 and 35 days after pollination. The embryo number obtained and plants regenerated were recorded.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Effect of Exchange Rate Volatility on Turkey’s Agricultural Foreign Trade
Güngör Karakaş | Gülistan Erdal
In this study, impact of the real effective exchange rate (REER) and its volatility (REERV) on Turkey's agricultural foreign trade was investigated. 25importantcountries in agricultural trade of Turkey and 1990-2012 periods were examined, and panel data analysis was used in this research. IGARCH model was applied to obtain for the REERV. Influence of the REER and REERV on Turkey's agricultural trade was analyzed whit FMOLS model both individual country and groups panel. According to the results of FMOLS model; It was determined that Turkey agricultural import (7.61%) and export (2.24%) were increased when the REER was risen about 1%. The agricultural import was decreased 18.83% in case the REERV was increased 1%. On the other hand, when the REERV was increased around 1%, there was no significantly relationship between agricultural export and REERV. As a result, it can be stated that REER and REERV were caused an imbalance on Turkey's agricultural foreign trade. Agricultural producers and industrialists are often adversely affected by the REERV. For these reasons, it is important to take protective measures for them.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Effects of Boron Fertilizatıon to Yield Properties in Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.)
Alper Durak | Gülin Ulubaş Karan
In this study, the effect of agribor fertilizer (18% pure B) on yield features of sugar beet were investigated. The study was conducted on ustifluvent subgroup soils according to soil taxonomy of agricultural faculty of Gaziosmanpaşa university. Randomized block experiment design with three replications were used and three treatments of agribor fertilizer 0.18 kg da-1 B (1 kg da -1 agribor); 0.27 kg da-1 B (1.5 kg da -1 agribor); 0.36 kg da-1 B (2 kg da -1 agribor) and control (no fertilizer) were applied. The effects of applied doses on yield properties were studied. From yield properties for sugar beet tuber weight, green leaf weight, and proportion of polar sugar in tuber were investigated. Results showed that green leaf and proportion of polar sugar in tuber not statistically important but the first application (0.18 kg da-1 agribor fertilizer) gave an statistically important yield increase in sugar beet. Boron contents of soils and boron uptake of plant species should be considered at boron application.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Importance of Use of Computer Technology in Ecological Livestock
Hasan Çelikyürek | Kadir Karakuş
Ecological livestock is a production method which allows all kinds of natural behaviors to be shown, fed with ecological feeds, in order to increase efficiency additives are not used, healthier products are offered to consumers, is sensitive to environmental awareness and animal rights. Especially in recent times, livestock sector has been in demand due to significantly increase of demand for ecological products. Main purpose of ecological agriculture is maintaining production optimization in the life chain between soil, plants, animals and humans healthfully. For this purpose, it is necessary that computer technology should be used at every stage of ecological animal husbandry. Although family-run businesses are in the forefront nowadays, computer technology is not utilized sufficiently. Consequently, information cannot be recorded regularly at every stage of breeding by them. Essential automation system is accompanied by record keeping system that is obligatory and necessary for ecological animal husbandry. Utilizing computer technologies will be crucial in terms of effective use of livestock organizations, creation of ecological animal production policies and strategies, and more active involvement in production planning.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Investigation of the Accessibility of Children's Playgrounds in the Town of Ordu
Murat Yeşil | Pervin Yeşil
Children's playgrounds which are safe and quiet environments that children can play there have started to become rare as a result of rapid urbanization. Because, the studies have shown that unplanned and distorted urban spaces affect children's behaviours, attitudes and reactions in a bad way. In this study, the availability of children's playgrounds in 22 districts of the city centre of Ordu was investigated. In this context, firstly, children's play areas were determined based on the neighbourhood scale and then area calculations were made and the amount of play area by per child between 0-14 years was calculated in each district. In the second stage, accessibility maps for children's playgrounds were obtained by determining the availability of the playgrounds at 200m distance. The results of this study showed that children's playgrounds are not balanced in the city, increased in some districts, in some cases they are not within reachability limits and can not meet their needs.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Kadife (Tagetes erecta) Bitkisinde Gün Uzunluğunun Büyüme ve Çiçeklenme Üzerine Etkisi
Nezihe Köksal | Sara Yasemin | Aslıhan Özkaya
Fotoperiyodizm, mevsimlik çiçeklerde çiçeklenme zamanını kontrol etmek için kullanılabilecek bir özelliktir. Kadife, mutlak veya fakültatif kısa gün ve nötr gün çeşitleri içeren bir yazlık mevsimlik çiçek türüdür. Aşırı sıcak ve uzun günlerin yaşandığı yaz aylarında nötr gün çeşitlerinde bile çiçeklenmede gecikmeler yaşanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada iki farklı nötr gün kadife çeşidinde (Discovery Orange ve Discovery Yellow) fotoperyodik koşulların (kısa gün ve uzun gün) çiçeklenme ve bitki gelişimi özellikleri üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Uzun gün koşulu (14 saat) olarak doğal gün uzunluğundan yararlanılmıştır. Kısa gün koşulu (8 saat) ise karartma yapılarak yapay olarak oluşturulmuştur. Bitkilerde ilk çiçek tomurcuğu oluşma süresi, ilk çiçek açma süresi, bitki taç yüksekliği, bitki taç genişliği, yan dal sayısı, çiçek sayısı, ana çiçek sapı uzunluğu, çiçek sapı kalınlığı, kök boğazı kalınlığı, gövde kalınlığı ve bitkisel kuru ağırlıklar (kök, yeşil aksam ve tüm bitki) incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda kısa gün koşulunun, ilk tomurcuk oluşma ve ilk çiçek açma sürelerini azalttığı belirlenmiştir. Yapay olarak yaratılan kısa gün koşulu, uzun gün koşuluna göre çiçeklenme süresinde ‘Discovery Orange’ çeşidinde 13 gün, ‘Discovery Yellow’ çeşidinde ise 5 günlük bir erkencilik sağlamıştır.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Effect of Different Zinc Application Methods on Yield and Grain Zinc Concentration of Bread Wheat Varieties
Hatun Barut | Tuğba Şimşek | Seyyid Irmak | Uğur Sevilmiş | Sait Aykanat
This study was carried out to elucidate the impacts of zinc (Zn) treatments on growth, development, quality and yield of commonly sown bread wheat cultivars under field conditions of Çukurova Region. Three different bread wheat cultivars (Adana-99, Ceyhan-99 and Pandas) were experimented in randomized complete blocks-split plots experimental design with 3 replications. Field experiments were performed by two different Zn application methods; via soil and via soil+foliage. In the both trials, 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 kg ha-1 pure Zn doses were applied to the soil. 0.4% ZnSO4.7H2O solution was used for foliar Zn applications. Current findings revealed that Zn treatments had significant effects on grain yield, grain Zn concentration, grain phosphorus (P) concentration and thousand grain weight of bread wheat cultivars, but significant effects were not observed on grain protein concentrations. Soil+foliar Zn treatments were more effective in improving grain Zn concentrations. It was concluded that 10- 20 kg ha-1 Zn treatment was quite effective on grain Zn concentrations.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]In situ predation of Boops boops (Linnaeus, 1758) on the rare hydrozoan, Geryonia proboscidalis (Forsskål, 1775), in the Aegean Sea, Turkey
Salim Can Akçınar
Most data of fish feeding on cnidarians were obtained from the studies on gut contents of the predators rather than in situ observations. The feeding observation of Boops boops on Geryonia proboscidalis was observed in September 2013, in Sığacık Bay, the Aegean Sea, Turkey. The four bogue specimen was approximately 10-12 cm in total length (TL), and two out of six tentacles and tip of oral arm of G. proboscidalis was extirpated before the incidence. B. boops individuals directly attacked the intact tentacles of the hydrozoan, and extirpated rest of them in a minute. The present observation is also the northernmost record of G. proboscidalis from the Turkish coasts.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Analysis of the Current State of Hazelnut Processing Plants in Ordu
Derya Öztürk | Sezer Yıldız | Elif Topsakal
Turkey has almost 70% of world hazelnut production and 80% of hazelnut export. Ordu has the privilege of being the city which has the greatest area with hazelnut by supplying the 33.7% of hazelnut production. The income source of 70% of the people in Ordu is hazelnut and for this city, hazelnut is not only an agricultural product, it is also a national asset. There are 40 hazelnut processing plants with an internal capacity of 350.000 tons annually. 32.5% of these plants are in Ordu. When the top 20 Black Sea Hazelnut and Products Exporters Union member firms with the highest hazelnut export in 2016 were analyzed, it was found that 7 of these firms are in Ordu. These 7 firms in Ordu cover the 11.84% of the total hazelnut export value, which is 1.981.334.911$ for 2016. The purpose of this study which will be discussed within this context is to analyze and show the current states of hazelnut processing plants in Ordu in terms of product processing, quality assurance and standards and marketing. The data obtained as a result of the study will be used to find out the tendencies of the plants in the coming years. Because of this, the study is important in terms of researching the obstacles in increasing the export shares of hazelnut, which is one of the most important export products of Turkey economy. For this purpose, a face-to-face questionnaire was conducted with the managers and authorities of 12 hazelnut processing plants in Ordu. It is expected that the information presented within the context of the study will develop the hazelnut processing industry and will lead the related people researching in this field.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Control of Greenhouse Environmental Conditions with IOT Based Monitoring and Analysis System
Ali Çaylı | Adil Akyüz | Abdullah Nafi Baytorun | Sedat Boyacı | Sait Üstün | Fatma Begüm Kozak
Wireless sensor networks applications and inter-machine communication (M2M), called the Internet of Things, help decision-makers to control complex systems thanks to the low data-rate and cost-effective data collection and analysis. These technologies offer new possibilities to monitor environmental management and agricultural policies, and to improve agricultural production, especially in low-income rural areas. In this study, IoT is proposed with a low cost, flexible and scalable data collection and analysis system. For this purpose, open source hardware microprocessor cards and sensors are stored in the greenhouse computer database using the IEEE 802.15.4 Zigbee wireless communication protocol. The data can be analyzed by greenhouse computer analysis software, which is developed with the PHP programming language. It is possible to monitor the real time data from the greenhouse computer. Also alert rules definitions can be made and the system was tested in greenhouse conditions. It has been observed that it performs operations steadily such as data transfer, sensor measurements and data processing. The proposed system may be useful for monitoring indoor climate and controlling ventilation, irrigation and heating systems, especially for small enterprises due to the modular structure.
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