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Determination of Grain Quality Parameters of Selected Bread Wheat Varieties and Pure Lines Derived from Landraces of Türkiye
Mevlüt Akçura | Onur Hocaoğlu | Seydi Aydoğan | Aysun Göçmen Akçacık
Bread wheat landraces are considered among important gene sources for quality breeding programs. This study aims to compare thousand kernel weight crude protein ratio, dry gluten ratio, grain hardness and zeleny sedimentation results of 20 bread wheat lines selected from landraces to 5 registered cultivars in order to determine future candidates for quality breeding programs. Field experiments were conducted in the consequent 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 growing seasons in Çanakkale (Türkiye), according to randomized complete block design with three replications. ANOVA results indicated significant difference among genotypes, means were compared with Duncan’s test. Additionally, genotype × growing season interaction were significant for all parameters. Results of cluster and PCA Biplot analysis revealed a significant and positive relationship between crude protein ratio and dry gluten ratio while allowing for the selection of superior landrace pure lines. Our findings suggested that bread wheat varieties had higher TKW compared to landrace pure lines when pure lines had higher crude protein ratio, dry gluten ratio, sedimentation value with generally softer grains. Bread wheat landraces were concluded as being important variation sources.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of Grafting Method and Time on Grafting Success in Anatolian Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.)
Esra Gürsoy Uyanık | Şemsettin Kulaç | Fadime Beyazyüz
Chestnut is an economically important tree because of wood and nut production, which is usually found in warm-temperate species, especially Mediterranean region. The fruit of chestnut is a good antioxidant source besides being rich in vitamin C. Anatolian chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) is a natural chestnut species in Türkiye. This study aimed to determine the most appropriate grafting time and grafting method for two chestnut cultivars (Marigoule and Erfelek) collected from the Western Black Sea region. Two different varieties (Marigoule and Erfelek) and three different grafting methods (chip budding, tongue, and cleft) were applied in different environments (in the hoop house and open field) for six months (December, January, February, March, April, and July). Analysis of variance was used for the grafting trials which was established and applied in the factorial trial design. Results showed that grafting success in the hoop house was twice as high in the open field, and the tongue was the most successful grafting method in all months except July. However, chip budding was observed as the most successful method in July. The highest grafting success was achieved in February, followed by July. According to the obtained results, Marigoule (C. crenata x C. sativa) cultivars were more successful than Erfelek cultivars. Marigoule cultivar’s success rate was 86% for the tongue method in February at hoop house. In July, 83% grafting success was achieved.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Factors Affecting Colony Losses in Honey Bees (Apis mellifera)
Halit Yücel | Kübra Ekinci | Altuğ Karaman | Halil Yaninar | Hülya Koca Karaman
Honey bees are a very important species in terms of economy, agriculture, and environment. In recent years, there has been a significant reduction in honey bee colonies in some parts of the world. Honeybee losses are not an unusual event, but there has been a significant reduction in honey bee colonies in many countries around the world. Due to the different social behaviors of honey bees, it is difficult to identify the main factors causing colony losses. According to the latest research, colony losses are mainly caused by parasites, diseases, bee keeping practices, and bee management including reproduction, changes in climatic conditions, agricultural practices and pesticide use, pesticides, nutrition, and beekeeping practices. In this review, the structure of prebiotic, probiotic, climate change, and vitollegen, which causes colony losses, is emphasized, and the potential solutions of these factors that will shed light on colony losses in honey bees from a different point of view are emphasized. In addition, bibliometric analysis was performed using the SCOPUS database to emphasize the importance of probiotic microorganisms and vitellogen.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of Indoor Temperature and Humidity Values on Milk Yield and Composition in Anatolian Buffaloes Raised in Semi-Open and Closed Barns in Winter Season
Fatih Özcan | Hüseyin Erdem
In this study, it was aimed to reveal the effect of temperature and humidity values provided by the semi-open and closed barns in the winter season on milk yield and components and the somatic cell count (SCC) level in milk in Anatolian buffaloes, and for this purpose, to compare both barn types and to reveal their suitability for buffalo breeding. In the study, temperature and humidity values were determined between December 2020 and March 2021 in two types of barns with similar feeding conditions in Bafra district, Samsun, and milk samples taken from buffaloes raised in these barns were analyzed. Temperature Humidity Index (THI) values were determined as 61,09±0,211 and 51.08±0.173 for the closed and semi-open barn type, respectively. In the study, in which the type of barn and therefore the temperature and humidity values provided in the barn environment did not affect the amount of milk yield, the milk fat ratio was determined as 8.89±0.227% and 8.16±0.176% for closed and semi-open barns, respectively. While other milk components were not affected by the barn conditions, the logSCC of milk was lower (4.54±0.071) in the closed barns when compared to the semi-open barns (4.73±0.044). Although no statistical difference was determined in the other milk parameters discussed, it was noted that there is an increasing tendency in the closed barns. It was observed that the changes in temperature and humidity values in both barn environments during the period caused nonlinear changes in milk composition. While indoor conditions were more effective on solids-non-fat (SNF), protein and lactose in the closed barn, the highest effect was on the fat ratio and logSCC in the semi-open barns. As a result, it can be said that both types of barns can be used in buffalo breeding since there is no significant difference in milk yield and other components, although there is a slight difference in milk fat ratio and logSCC level in closed and semi-open barns of Anatolian buffaloes in the climatic conditions of the region where the study was conducted.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Determinants of Market Outlet Choices of Tef Producers in Western Ethiopia: Evidence of Multivariate Probit Model
Kifle Degefa | Getachew Biru | Galmessa Abebe
This study was required to assess the existing tef market outlets and examine factors affecting market outlet choices among smallholder tef producers in western Ethiopia. For this study qualitative and quantitative data were collected from tef producers. Purposive and multi-stage sampling technique was used to determine sample households. The descriptive statistics and multivariate probit model were employed to analyze the collected data. The result shows that there are five alternative main market outlets available for the tef producers that are wholesalers, collectors, cooperatives, consumers, and retailers. These market outlets were affected by household’s demographic such as age, gender, education level, and household size), socio-economics (land allocated for tef, a variety used, livestock holding, and off/non-farm activities), institutional (credit, extension, and market information), and market (volume of tef produced, own transport facility, and nearest market) factors. Based on the findings strengthening farmers’ skills and knowledge through training, advising, and supervision; capacitate farmers by the additional work atmosphere and empowering women farmers by improved variety, working capital, and other recommendations are need attention by respective sectors.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Plant-Derived Smoke Solutions as a Strategy to Alleviate ODAP Toxicity in Hydroponic Grass Pea
Medine Çopur Doğrusöz | Ugur Başaran | İlknur Ayan | Zeki Acar
This study was performed to investigate how to smoke solution affects dry matter loss, crude protein (CP) and toxic compound ODAP contents of grass pea in hydroponic media during seven days period. Three doses of smoke solutions (1, 5 and 10%, V: V) by diluting with tap water were applied to seeds as priming agent, and tap water was used as a control (0%). The experiment was arranged according to the split-plot design with three replications. Compared to seed, significant change was detected in hydroponic sprouts depending on the day in terms of dry matter loss and chemical content. Grass pea sprouts had higher CP and lower ODAP content than seed, even in control treatment. Furthermore, smoke solution increased the efficiency of system by increase CP, decrease ODAP content and also decreases dry matter loss, with significant effect on doses. CP of sprouts increased day by day and was the highest on day 6 (36.27%) at the 10% dose of smoke solution followed by 5% on day 7 (36.09%). ODAP decreased up to day 6 and then began to increase, but it was lower than control at all doses of solution during to experiment. This study showed that grass pea is suitable crop for hydroponic forage produce and that smoke solution can make a significant contribution to yield and quality of sprouts, especially at the dose of 10%. However, when the yield, nutritional value, and safe use were evaluated together, it was observed that the best time for harvesting was the end of the 6th day and delaying did not provide a significant advantage and even occurred undesirable results in terms of ODAP and dry matter.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Investigation of Consumption Preferences of Snail Meat on Northern Cyprus
Fatma Kaya Yıldırım | Beyza Hatice Ulusoy
Although snail meat is an important source of protein in terms of human nutrition, it has found a place in the eating and drinking culture of very few communities. Consumption of snail meat is socially accepted in many parts of the Cyprus. It is called as “Garavolli” by the Cypriot people and is also one of the most delicious appetizers. This research is important in determining the consumption behaviour of the people of the Northern Cyprus and determining their preferences depending on cooking methods. According to the results of this study, 32.7% of the participants do not consume snail meat, while 67.3% of them consume snail meat. It is consumed more at home (41.3%), compared to consuming at restaurants (38.1%). While 47% of participants consuming preferred to consume as boiled (with olive oil and vinegar), 3.8% of them preferred to consume as grilled. The most preferred method of cooking is boiling then dipping it to olive oil and vinegar. As we see from the answers, habits directly effect on preference to consume or not to consume the snail meat.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Antibacterial Activities of Lavandula angustifolia L., Mentha piperita L., and Ribes nigrum L. against Oral Bacteria, and Their Antioxidant Activities
Gulten Okmen | Mahabbat Mammadhkanli | Kutbettin Arslan
There is an expanding interest in medicinal and aromatic plants as a natural alternative to synthetic drugs, especially to antimicrobial agents due to the growing problem of antibiotic resistance. In recent years, a lot of reports have been published on the antimicrobial activity of the plant extracts. This study was used Lavandula angustifolia L., Mentha piperita L., and Ribes nigrum L. as plant materials. This study aims to test the plant extracts against oral bacteria. Its purpose is to produce directly comparable, quantitative, antimicrobial data, and in addition to containing very little information of the different extracts against oral pathogens. Disc diffusion method was studied for antimicrobial activity tests. Also, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values were determined in this study. Additionally, the extracts were tested against stable 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl-hydrate• (DPPH•) free radicals for non-enzymatic antioxidant activity. This study was used Trolox (6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetra-methyl chroman-2-carboxylic acid) as standard. The extracts showed different inhibition zones against bacteria. The methanol extract of Lavandula showed the highest inhibition zone against the oral pathogen MBKK5. The positive control was penicillin (10 μg). The lowest MIC value was taken at 6500 μg /ml concentration of the plant extracts. The highest DPPH• radical scavenging activity was found in Ribes nigrum extract as 36%. As a result, plant extracts have antibacterial and antioxidant potential.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of Pre-Starter Feeds Prepared Using Different Sugar Sources on Performance, Carcass Parameters, Internal Organ Development, Intestinal Development and Microbial Load in Broilers
Harun Kutay | Hasan Rüştü Kutlu
The purpose of the study is to determine the effects of pre-starter feed prepared using different sugar sources on the performance, carcass parameters, internal organs and intestinal development, microbial load in broilers. In total, 360 newly hatched chicks divided into 4 treatment groups with 5 replicates. 18 chicks with similar live weights (9 male, 9 female) were used for each replicate. Control or pre-starter feeds (containing %14 saccharose, %14 dextrose, or %7 saccharose+ %7 dextrose) were used for the feeding of the groups. For the feeding of the control group, standard chick starter feed was used for the first 5 days; for the treatment groups, the pre-starter feeds prepared were used. For the rest of the trial period, all groups were subjected to standard feeding. A significant difference was observed among groups with regards to live weight gain and feed conversion rate during the first four weeks of the study; however, this effect disappeared over the last week. In addition, it was determined that any differences observed with regards to carcass parameters other than hot and cold carcass weights, internal organ development aside from proventriculus, intestinal development and microbial load were not significant. It was concluded that the pre-starter feed prepared with saccharose and/or dextrose did not show the expected effect
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Stabilize Kent Çamuru ve Jips Uygulanmış Tuzlu Sodyumlu Topraklarda Arıtılmış Atıksuyun Islanma-Kuruma Döngülerinin Hidrolik İletkenliğe Etkisi
Hassan Abdalla Sabtow | Fatih Mehmet Kızıloğlu
Bu araştırma; arıtılmış atık su ve stabilize kent çamurunun jipsle birlikte uygulandığı tuzlu sodyumlu bir toprağın farklı ıslanma - kuruma döngüleri altında hidrolik iletkenliğindeki değişimin belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Araştırma; tam şansa bağlı faktöriyel deneme deseninde, 3 arıtma çamurun dozu (50, 100 ve 150 t/ha), 3 ıslanma kuruma döngüsü (0, 7 ve 14 gün) ve 2 su tipi (temiz su ve arıtılmış atık su) ile 3 tekerrürlü olarak yürütülmüştür. Toprakların hidrolik iletkenlik değerleri sabit seviyeli ICW laboratuvar permeametresi kullanılarak 2, 12 ve 24 saat aralıklarla ölçülmüştür. Toprağın suya doygun olduğu koşullarda, toprakların hidrolik iletkenlik değerleri sabit seviyeli ICW laboratuvar permeametresi kullanılarak, doygun koşullarda farklı sürelerle (2, 12 ve 24 saat) ölçülmüştür. Kullanılan su özelliklerine bağlı olarak hidrolik iletkenlikteki (2 ve 24 saat) değişim önemli bulunmuştur. Uygulanan arıtma çamuru dozu artışı, toprakların hidrolik iletkenlik değerini önemli ölçüde, ölçüm aralığına bağlı olarak ise çok önemli ölçüde etkilemiştir. Kullanılan su tiplerine göre hidrolik iletkenlikteki değişim (2 ve 24 saat) önemli olurken, arıtma çamuru dozu artışıyla toprakların hidrolik iletkenlik içinde ölçüm süresine bağlı olarak önemli ve çok önemli değişimler tespit edilmiştir. Yani stabilize atık çamurunun karıştırılmasıyla normal sulama suyu ve arıtılmış atık su uygulamalarının toprakların hidrolik iletkenlik değerlerinde artışa neden olacağı belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlar; arıtma tesislerin katı ve sıvı atıkların tuzlu sodyumlu topraklara uygulanarak bertarafının atık yönetimi ve çevre koruma açısından katkıları önemli olacaktır.
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