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Sensory Freshness Assessment of Ice Stored Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Fazli Shabani | Elvira Beli | Agim Rexhepi
Sensory quality characteristics of fish are very important factors on acceptance and market value of the product. Quality assessment of fish should be precise, fast, systematic and comprehensive regarding freshness attributes. The objectives of this study were to describe weather the QIM (Quality Index Method) scheme for salmonides can be used to determine the freshness and describe the sensory changes during storage. Quality assessment of the fresh water rainbow trout (n=36) was performed on day 1, 7, 14 and 21 of ice storage on temperatures from 0.6-0.8°C. Through the QIM scheme the specific freshness attribute deterioration can be very well described and the QIM score produced a clear result, which showed that the deterioration of fish is linear and has a strong correlation with the time of storage. The QIM scheme for farmed salmon can be used to evaluate the freshness of the rainbow trout. It can also be used to ascertain and predict the remaining shelf life of rainbow trout stored in ice. Under similar conditions, the maximal shelf life of ungutted rainbow trout is 14±2 days or 15 demerit points of framed salmon QIM scheme.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Effects of Different Storage Temperatures and Durations on Peroxide Values of Fish Feed Ingredients
Aysun Kop | Kutsal Gamsız | Ali Yıldırım Korkut | Hülya Sayğı
The growth of fish in intensive fish farming is carried out completely by the feeds supplied from externally. Different ingredients are used in feed production. The nutritional content of these ingredients is checked when purchased or brought to the factory. These ingredients are then stored until feed production. Storage duration and storage temperatures directly affect the freshness criteria of feed ingredient materials. Especially when high-energy ingredients with high levels of fat are stored in poor storage conditions, the fats in the ingredients are oxidized, therefore the peroxide number increases and the ingredient becomes bitter. Oxidation not only destroys the lipids in fish feeds but also vitamins. Slow growth, poor feed evaluation, color darkening, lethargy and deaths have been reported in fish fed with diets that are oxidized and inadequate in vitamin E. In this study, oxidation levels of fish feed ingredients were determined due to different storage conditions. Generally, the number of peroxides increased due to the increase in storage time and temperature, depending on the type of raw materials and oil content.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]A Systematic Detection for Brucellosis at Chronic Stage of Infection in Semen of Sheep and Saanen Goats
Esra Buyukcangaz | Burcu Ustuner | Sevil Erdenlig | Selim Alcay | Huban Gocmen | Berk Toker | Engin Kennerman | Mihriban Ulgen
The study was conducted in a herd (n: 244) in which goats (n: 206) and sheep (n:38) had a history of brucellosis in Bursa which is located in Northwestern of Turkey between the years 2012-2014. For the detection of Brucella spp. and the other zoonotic bacterial agents, semen samples were taken from Saanen goats (n: 35) and rams (n: 8). Samples were tested by routine diagnostic procedures and PCR. The serum samples of male animals were also tested for Brucellosis by C-ELISA and I-ELISA. The culture results represented Trueperella pyogenes (n:2), Pasteurella pneumotopica (n: 5), Esherichia coli (n: 3), Aeromonas salmonicida subs. Salmonicida (1), Brevundimonas vesicularis (n: 2) and Mycoplasma bovigenitalium (n: 1) and Mycoplasma arginini (n: 1) from semen samples. Rams had no symptoms due to epididymitis or epididymoorchitis in clinical examination, but two bucks showed orchitis and they were serologically positive for brucellosis. Also, one seronegative buck showed epididymitis in a flock. There were no statistically significant differences between the serologically positive and negative animals in an examination of semen samples in terms of their volume, concentration, mass activity, motility and defectivity rate for acrosome. Although 20 of the serum samples were negative for anti-Brucella antibody, 23 of them were serologically positive for brucellosis. As a result of this study, Brucellae were not detected by bacteriologically and molecularly while there were some positive serum samples for brucellosis. This could be attributed that these samples might have been collected from chronically infected animals in which animals generally do not shed the organisms. Therefore, it was thought that sampling with regular intervals might help for the definitive incidence of brucellosis.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Preparation of Glucose Sensor Based on Keggin Type Polyoxometalate/Conducting Polymer Composite for Use in Food Industry
Yasemin Torlak | Rukiye Ayranci | Metin Ak
In continuous monitoring and control systems as required by automation, biosensors are greatly advantageous with their precision, stability, ease of use and response rates. In this study, a new amperometric glucose sensor has been fabricated based on a composite film prepared by electrochemical polymerization of carbazole derivative with having free amino group in presence of the Keggin type polyoxometalate (POM) anion, (nBu4N)3[PW9O34(tBuSiOH)3], in order to meet the needs of the sector. The enzymatic biosensor was prepared by immobilizing the Glucose Oxidase (GOx) enzyme to the surface modified with the POM/PAAC composite. Biosensor preparation and working conditions were optimized and analytical characterizations was carried out. The amperometric response of the POM/PAAC-GOx modified electrode versus varying concentrations of glucose was studied at a potential value of −0.7 V (Ag/AgCl). When the data obtained from these surfaces can be prepared in a short time, it was determined that they are sensitive to the presence of glucose in food samples such as cola and fruit juice. One of the innovations of this study is the shortening of the response time and the easy preparation of the biosensor. In addition to high linearity, short response time and long shelf life advantages in determining the glucose content in foods, it is thought that it will be an economical alternative with its easy preparation, ease of application and time and chemicals gain in measurements.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]A Review: Study of Multi-ovary Wheat and Yield Contributing Traits
Maria Ayoub | Rabia Saif | Nawal Zafar | Muhammad Tariq
Wheat is an essential crop throughout the world and especially in Pakistan. It has a great yield potential which can cope with the raising food challenges of the world but there is a more need to increase its yield with its increasing demand. There is a need to increase the yield by improving the genetic characters. Breeder’s intention is to find out the variability in the genetic lines and by the use of these lines they can develop the high yielding breeding lines. Multi-ovary is a novel character to increase the number of grains per spikelet. What type of gene actions control that? From this review we get that some support the single dominant gene controlled trait, some support the two recessive non-complementary genes controlled trait and some favour the both as it is controlled by both dominant and recessive genes in different tri-grain lines. Secondly there is a need to study the genetic variation for the yield contributing traits. So that we can improve our genotypes to attain high yield. How we can evaluate yield and yield components. Combining ability is a considerable tool for this. Literature revealed that additive gene action contributes more towards yield than non-additive. In this many lines also came forward as good combiners which in future we can use them for a successful wheat hybridization program.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Evaluation of Production Preferences and Production Costs of Agricultural Enterprises in Çanakkale
Burak Kocaköse | Duygu Aktürk
This study was conducted in Kumkale Plain of Çanakkale Province. In this research, it is aimed to determine which factors the regional farmers take into consideration in their production and the costs of the products they obtain. The data of the study consisted of primary and original questionnaires provided through face-to-face interviews. The sample volume was determined by stratified sampling method and 99 questionnaires were conducted. The enterprises are ranked according to land size and divided into three layers as 1-50, 51-100, 101 decare and above. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHS) method was used to determine producer preferences as well as simple cost calculations. The criteria of the study were determined as mechanization, irrigation facilities, supply of inputs, marketing opportunities, aquaculture information, product prices, input prices and labor force. According to the results of AHS obtained from the study, wheat ranked first with 0.213 points and sunflower ranked second with 0.196 points. The remaining alternatives are paddy, tomato, corn (seed) and silage maize respectively. According to AHS results, wheat, sunflower, paddy, tomato, corn and silage maize are preferred. Product costs are calculated as follows; 0.52 TL/kg for tomatoes, 1.56 TL/kg for paddy , 1.16 TL/kg for grain corn, 0.14 TL/kg for silage maize, 0.69 TL/kg for wheat and 1.44 TL/kg for sunflower.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Farklı Sıcaklık ve Sürelerde Ön Kurutma İşlemine Tabi Tutulduktan Sonra Kızartılmış Glütensiz Cipslerin Yağ Absorplama Kapasitelerinin ve Bazı Fizikokimyasal İçerikleri ile Duyusal Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi
Ferhat Yuksel | Büşra Yavuz | Aysun Durmaz
Bu çalışmanın amacı, glütensiz cips ürününün derin yağda kızartılmadan önce farklı sıcaklık ve sürelerde ön kurutmaya tabii tutularak nem ve yağ absorplama kapasitesinin araştırılmasıdır. Ayrıca cipsin bazı fizikokimyasal içeriği ile duyusal özelliklerinin belirlenmesi de bir diğer amaçtır. 60°C ve 15 dk’ya kadar yapılan ön kurutma neticesinde örneklerin kuru madde içerikleri artarken sıcaklık 70°C’ye çıkartıldığında azalma göstermiştir. Benzer olarak örneklerin yağ içerikleri aynı sıcaklık ve süreye kadar 19,21 g/100g dan 13,06 g/100g’a kadar azalma gösterirken daha sonraki sıcaklık ve sürelerde artış sergilemiştir. Örneklerin kül, su aktivitesi ve protein değerlerinde herhangi bir değişim gözlenmemiştir. Örneklerin renkleri ön kurutma işleminden önemli derecede etkilenmiş ve ön kurutma şartlarına bağlı olarak parlaklık ve sarılığın azaldığı, kırmızılığın ise arttığı tespit edilmiştir. Duysal analizlerde de panelistler cips örneklerine artan ön kurutma sıcaklığı ve süresine bağlı olarak düşük renk skorları vermiştir. Sertlik, tat/koku, yağlılık ve genel beğenide ise anlamlı bir fark tespit edilmemiştir. Bu çalışmada yağ içeriği azaltılmış ve daha sağlıklı glütensiz cips ön kurutma işlemi kullanılarak üretilmiştir
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Benmari ve Ultrasonik Banyo Yöntemleriyle Isıtmanın Balların Kristalize Olması Üzerine Etkisi
Ethem Akyol | Mustafa Güneşdoğdu
Bu çalışma; ultrasonik banyo ve benmari yöntemleri ile ısıl işlem uygulanan kristalize katı ve sıvı polifloral çiçek ile pamuk ballarının yaklaşık 1 yıl oda ısısında depolama şartlarında rekristalizasyon-kristalizasyon oluşumunun belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Yerel arıcılardan temin edilen kristaize katı ve sıvı bal örneklerine 25°C ve 50°C sıcaklıkta 2 saat süre ile ultrasonik banyo ve benmari ısıl işlemleri uygulananmıştır. Herhangi bir işlem uygulanmayan bal örnekleri karşılaştırma amaçlı kontrol gurubu olarak kullanılmıştır. Ultrasonik ısı uygulaması yapılan ballarda ortalama kristallenme oranı %8,75 iken benmari yöntemiyle ısıl işlem uygulanan gruplardaki ballarda ortalama kristallenme oranı %31,25 olarak bulunmuştur. Kontrol grubunda ise ortalama kristallenme oranı %90 olarak belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak uygulanan ısıl işlemlerin kristallenmeye etkileri arasında önemli farklılıklar bulunmuş ve balların kristallenmemesi için 2 saat süreyle 50°C ultrasonik banyo yönteminin etkili bir uygulama olacağı belirlenmiştir.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Production and Consumption of Poultry Meat in Benin
Foudelou Issaka Ibrahima
In this article, the production and consumption values of poultry meat are discussed in order to evaluate the entrepreneurial opportunities in the poultry meat production sector. In addition, the annual import of meat and its economic value were also examined. For this purpose, INSAE, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAEP) and FAO reports were reviewed. In addition, some data from similar articles published on this subject have been used. As a result of this review, it can be said that food products and consumption patterns are changing due to the per capita income growth and the expansion of food options. In Benin, food products and consumption patterns are changing due to the growth of income and the expansion of food choice options. Therefore, per capita meat consumption increased and reached 25.2 kg in 2013. However, according to the average of the world meat consumption in 2013 (43.22 kg / person / year) this amount is very low. In general, 21% of the meat produced in Benin consists of poultry meat. National poultry breeding does not meet the rising demand for meat. The part of local production in consumption decreased significantly from 2005 to 2013 (from 21% to 6%). 98% of the total meat imported to Benin is composed by poultry meat (chicken and turkey meat). From 2010 to 2016, the average of imported poultry meat value is $216,358 million and this situation causes loss of currency. Considering the available data, investment opportunities for poultry production in Benin should be evaluated. In addition, there are significant shortcomings in the field of food safety and the provision. The development of the needs in this sector includes entrepreneurship opportunities.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Bazı Bitki Ekstraktlarının Tribolium confusum Duv. (Coleoptera:Tenebrionidae) ve Rhyzopertha dominica F. (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) Üzerindeki Kontakt Toksisitesi
Şeyda Şimşek | Mehtap Gürsoy | Seher Karaman Erkul
Bu çalışmada, Reseda lutea L. (Resedaceae), Salvia absconditiflora Greuter & Burdet. (Lamiaceae), Thymus leucostomus Hausskn. & Velen. (Lamiaceae), Chorispora purpurascens (Banks & Sol.) Eig (Brassicaceae), Isatis floribunda Boiss. ex Bornm. (Brassicaceae), Linum tenuifolium L. (Linaceae) bitkilerinden elde edilen methanol ekstraktlarının Tribolium confusum Duv. (Col.: Tenebrionidae) ve Rhyzopertha dominica F. (Col.: Bostrichidae) üzerindeki toksik etkileri laboratuvar koşullarında test edilmiştir. Bitkilerden elde edilen methanol ekstraktları zararlıların erginlerine micro-aplicator yardımıyla uygulanmıştır. Yapılan tek doz (%10 (w/v)) etki çalışması sonucunda T. confusum (%23,17) ve R. dominica (%18,35)’ya karşı en yüksek kontakt toksisiteyi C. purpurascens bitkisinden elde edilen ekstrakt göstermiştir.
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