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The Effects of Some Essential Oils on Methicilin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Ali Soyuçok
Microbial contamination in food and medicine is a situation that closely concerns human health. The fact that the microorganism causing the contamination have antibiotic resistance makes it difficult to eliminate the contamination. Deficiencies such as incorrect use of antibiotics or lack of new antibiotics have caused microorganisms to acquire multiple antibiotic resistance. Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) is one of the microorganisms with high antibiotic resistance. The antibiotic resistance mechanisms and biofilm production ability of MRSA has made it more resistant to the environment. In this study, disc diffusion method was used to determine the antimicrobial activities of Heracleum platytaenium and Lavandula spp. essential oils against MRSA, and the results were compared with commercial antibiotics. In addition, the effect of H. platytaenium and Lavandula spp. essential oils on the biofilm produced by MRSA was also investigated. In this study, it was determined that H. platytaenium and Lavandula spp. essential oils have antimicrobial activity against MRSA. It was found that H. platytaenium and Lavandula spp. essential oils have antibiofilm activity against MRSA. H. platytaenium and Lavandula spp essential oils can be alternative natural sources compared to commercial antibiotics in controlling infections from MRSA.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Effects of Replacement of Dried Orange Pulp with Ground Corn in Concentrate Feed on Dairy Goats’ Performance, Milk Somatic Cell Counts and Blood Parameters
Harun Kutay | Hasan Rüştü Kutlu
In this study orange pulp, dried in hot air, was replaced at control, 7.5, 15 and 22.5% levels (DM basis) with ground corn in the concentrate feeds of dairy goats. Considering the milk yield, average live weight and age of the animals, a total of 24 animals were used in 4 groups with 6 animals in each. Goats with 1375±330 ml milk yield, 2.45±0.17 years of age and 55.40±0.91 kg body weight were chosen for the trial. The animals were housed in individual compartments of 2x2 m during the study. In 2 weeks of adaptation, 8 weeks data collection of the trial, feed and water were provided ad libitum. Orange pulp utilisation increased dry matter intake, did not change milk yield and feed conversion rates, and negatively affected the body weight changes. Somatic cell counts were found to be lower in the control group in the middle of the study. Blood glucose and cholesterol levels were reduced, NEFA and BHB increased due to the treatments.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Evaluation of Urban Green Spaces in Terms of User Satisfaction: A Case Study on Serik / Antalya
Rifat Olgun | Emine Kahraman | Nihat Karakuş
With their urban green spaces, cities enable people to live a comfortable social and physical life. However, recent population growth and fast urbanization have resulted in a decline of green areas in urban areas over time. Cities' livability rate is being reduced as a result of this situation. In addition to these quantitative values of urban green areas, their qualitative characteristics also have an important place in terms of the benefits they provide to cities and their users. The aim of the research is to determine the user satisfaction level of the urban green areas and the user opinions about the urban green areas of the city of Serik. In this context, a survey was conducted on a voluntary basis with 384 individuals using the urban green areas of the city of Serik. As a result of the analysis of the data obtained from the questionnaire forms, the user satisfaction levels, opinions, and suggestions for the urban green areas of the city of Serik were determined. In this direction, suggestions have been developed to increase the qualitative value and user satisfaction of urban green areas in the city of Serik.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Implementation of Food Safety Management in the Food Industry in Algeria: Benefits and Barriers Factors
Nouara Boulfoul | Fatima Brabez
The key objective of this research review is to elucidate the mechanisms for applying a food safety scheme based on the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system and to identify the difficulties and benefits of this technique (HACCP) in Algeria. Characterization of food processing companies around the capital of Algeria was carried out on the basis of questionnaires and direct interviews with the manager in charge of these companies. Forty-six agri-food firms working in the Algiers region and operating in the field for more than 15 years (80.5%) with Joint Stock company (JSC) status (23.9%), Limited Liability Company (LLC) (63%) and multinational companies (26.1%). The establishment of a transparent and effective framework for food safety controls will enable compliance with customer requirements, improved product quality and a stronger commitment to food safety managers. This is favorably correlated with the age as well as the level of education of the managers of the different surveyed companies. The survey conducted in the Algerian region showed that the key barriers to the introduction of the food safety management system (FSMS) in general are inadequate knowledge and competence of the HACCP and a long time to be developed FSMS, a lack of expertise and technical support and a lack of specialized expertise, intelligence and technological assistance to help the small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). The findings of the survey also revealed that the key reason for the introduction of the FSMS is to strengthen product protection, recognize the strengths and shortcomings of the business, enhance relationships with suppliers and enhance government and consumer confidence.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Relationship between Unemployment Rate and Economic Growth in Nepal: An Econometric Estimation
Rabin Thapa | Shiva Chandra Dhakal | Bikash Gurung
Economic growth and employment are taken as the two major objectives of macroeconomic policy schema in both the developing as well as developed countries. This study aims to determine the relationship between the unemployment rate and GDP growth rate of Nepal using the time-series data from 1991-2020. Difference version approach, dynamic version approach and Granger causality test were used to study the relationship between the macroeconomic variables. The difference version and dynamic version approach showed non-significant results for the regression of unemployment rate on economic growth rate which implies that the unemployment rate is not significantly affected by the economic growth rate of Nepal. The Okun’s coefficient in the difference version was -0.057 and in the dynamic version approach it was -0.058. Thus, the Okun’s law doesn’t seem to hold in case of Nepal’s economy. The Granger causality test also revealed that the change in the unemployment rate is not a predictive variable of the GDP growth rate and vice versa. The non-significant relationship between the macroeconomic variables might thus be affected by other factors. Thus, it can be suggested to the government and policymakers to recuperate the ways of solving the unemployment by formulating economic policies that are more directed towards structural and labor market transformation. Tax reduction policy, increase in government spending, skill enhancement programs and youth employment subsidy can also be suggested.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Probiyotiklerin Ötesinde Fonksiyonel Bileşen Konseptleri: Postbiyotikler ve Paraprobiyotikler
Beytullah Tatar | Hale İnci Öztürk
Çok fazla sayıda faydalı ve zararlı mikroorganizma insan gastrointestinal ekosistemini kolonize etmektedir. Bunlardan, faydalı bağırsak bakterilerinin sayısız ve önemli işlevleri bulunmaktadır. Bağırsak mikrobiyotasındaki bir dengesizlik, çeşitli hastalıkların (örneğin, tip 1 diyabet, kanser ve benzeri) gelişmesine yol açabileceğinden, bağırsak mikrobiyotasını değiştirmek için probiyotiklerin, paraprobiyotiklerin ve postbiyotiklerin kullanımı son zamanlarda ilgi çekmektedir. Bu kavramlar genellikle birbiri ile karıştırılmaktadır. Paraprobiyotik kavramı, öldürülmüş mikrobiyal hücrelerin kullanımını içerirken, postbiyotikler canlı mikrobiyal hücrelerin metabolik ürünlerini ifade etmektedir. Bu derlemede, probiyotik, paraprobiyotik ve postbiyotik yaklaşımları hakkında detaylı bilgi verilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda, bu gruplar içerisinde yer alan mikroorganizmaların ve metabolitlerin neler olduğu, etki mekanizmaları, klinik özellikleri ve potansiyel terapötik uygulamaları hakkında bilgi sağlanmaktadır.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]How to Affect the Number of Images on the Success Rate for Detection of Weeds with Deep Learning
Mustafa Guzel | Bulent Turan | Izzet Kadioglu | Bahadir Sin | Alper Basturk | Khaled R. Ahmed
The detection of weeds with computer vision without the help of an expert is important for scientific studies and other purposes. The images used for the detection of weeds are recorded under controlled conditions and used in image processing-deep learning methods. In this study, the images of 3-4-leaf (true-leaf) periods of the wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis) plant, which is the critical process for chemical control, were recorded from its natural environment by a drone. The datasets were included 50-100-250-500 and 1 000 raw images and were augmented by image preprocessing methods. Totally 12 different augmentation methods used and datasets were examined for understand how to affects the numbers of images on training-validation performance. YOLOv5 was used as a deep learning method and results of the datasets were evaluated with the Confusion Matrix, Metrics-Precision, and Train-Object Loss. For results of Confusion Matrix where 1 000 images gave the highest results with TP (True Positive) 80% and FP (False Positive) 20%. The TP-FP ratios of 500, 250, 100 and 50 image numbers were respectively; 65%-35%, 43%-57%, 0%-100% and 0%-100%. With 100 and 50 images, the system did not show any TP success. The highest metrics-precision ratio was found 92.52% for 1 000 images set and for 500 and 250 image sets respectively; 88.34% and 79.87%. The 100 and 50 images datasets did not show any metrics-precision ratio. The minimum object loss ratio was 5% at 50th epochs in the 100 images dataset. This dataset was followed by other 50, 250, 500, and 1 000 images respectively; 5.4%, 6.14%, 6.16%, and 8.07%.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Nutrient Contents of Some Food Industry By-Products and Their Usage Possibilities as Alternative Feed Raw Materials in Animal Nutrition
Emrah Karadağ | Aylin Ağma Okur
Feed costs are of great importance for an economically and ecologically sustainable livestock, as they constitute approximately 60-70% of the costs in animal husbandry. As in the whole world, price increases were observed in feed raw materials depending on the supply-demand balance and pandemic conditions in our country, and this situation was also reflected in feed prices. For example, when the prices of broiler and egg feeds were analyzed between January and November 2021, an increase of 59.7% and 62.6% was observed, respectively. Feed mixes are prepared and fed in order to meet the daily nutritional needs of animals in an optimum way and at minimum cost. In order to meet this need, the research of alternative feed raw materials and their use in rations have been researched for many years. With this study, it was aimed to determine the nutritional composition of the processing by-products (rice broken, bean broken, chickpea broken, lentil broken, lentil bran, corn mix, bulgur bran, sub-semolina by-products) of food production factories and to reveal the possibilities of their use as alternative feed raw materials in animal nutrition. In addition, up-to-date data on the feed industry in Turkey were presented, and the importance of the orientation to alternative feed raw materials in terms of economy, product diversity and sustainability in Turkey and in the world was emphasized. Crude cellulose (HS) ratio of lentil bran, which is one of the under-sieve products, was found to be the highest numerically with 20.6%, followed by bulgur bran (12.7%). However, NDF and ADF contents were also found to be numerically high. Crude protein values were found to be the highest numerically in legume products (21.83%), beans (20.58%) and lentils (24.15%) among the processed residues. In addition, it will be useful to determine the usage rates in the ration, taking into account the anti-nutritional properties of each product.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Mineral Composition of Some Important Indigenous Savanna Forage Shrub Species in Ghana
Ziblim Abukari Imoro | Danquah Emmanuel | Ammal Abukari
This study compared the forage quality of Cajanus cajan, Stylosanthes mucronata, Tephrosia purpurea, and Securinega virosa in the savanna ecological zone of Ghana. The shrubs were cultivated using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) and their growth were monitored. Leaf samples were hand-harvested at 7, 10, and 13 weeks after establishment, air-dried, pulverised, and used for laboratory analysis. Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), and Magnesium (Mg) were determined. N, P, K, Ca and Mg contents among the shrubs ranged from 0.74 - 0.79%, 1.32 - 1.99%, 7.63 - 10.09%, 2.22 - 3.06 and 1.08 - 1.38%, respectively. Stylosanthes mucronata was significantly lowest in both P (1.318%) and K (7.63%), whilst Securinega virosa was significantly highest in K (10.09%). Among the three maturity levels, N, P, K, Ca and Mg contents ranged from 0.31 – 1.05%, 1.51 - 1.93%, 7.46 - 10.43%, 2.63 - 2.67% and 1.28 - 1.30%, respectively. Except for P, which was significantly lowest at 10 weeks after establishment (WAE), N and K were significantly highest at 7 WAE and lowest at 10 and 13 WAE, respectively. It was observed that the shrub species and maturity levels influence the nutrient content of forage shrubs.
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