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Potential of brownfields as developing territories in Bratislava
Golej, J., Slovak Univ. of Technology in Bratislava (Slovak Republic) | Panik, M., Slovak Univ. of Technology in Bratislava (Slovak Republic)
The issue of brownfields and their analysis in Slovakia have not been given such emphasis over the last decade as in the neighbouring EU countries, such as in Austria or in the Czech Republic. The situation is completely different in Bratislava and also in the rest of Slovakia and the development of this type of area is almost unrealized. A frequent argument is problematic ownership relationships to the unused, degraded land. However, the real problem is the higher financial costs associated with brownfields regeneration. Despite this fact, brownfields can be considered as an area with relatively large development potential within the urbanized area and one form of hidden reserves of both, local and national economy. Among the indisputable benefits of using brownfields, we can include reduction of the extensive land use of agricultural land for rural area. In the long run, Bratislava is preparing a search study of neglected and unused land within the capital. It is due to be completed in the course of 2018, and will be an important basis for a new territorial plan and the development of Bratislava. In the following article, we analyse brownfield land in Bratislava. The already realized brownfield projects are also mentioned, while we are trying to point out their main advantages and disadvantages.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Assessment of economic effects of Moscow programme of renovation
Kheifetz, E., Financial Univ. under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Russian Federation)
Renovation is seen in the context of an urbanist as a form of large-scale dispersed urban space reorganization. To date, in countries with developed economies, the share of renovation works has increased in the structure of construction from 35% to 60%. In this article, the content of the main stages of renovation is detailed: the definition of the scope, planning, financing and implementation. The article reflects the experience and tasks of the Moscow Government on the renovation of the quarters of the existing buildings. Since the city renovation projects are aimed at achieving the optimal combination of social, residential and commercial functions, the complex reconstruction of the city has noneconomic and economic effects. Varying the key parameters influences the calculation of the project economy. The most economical indicators of the project depend on the coefficients of renovation and relocation, the cost of construction and the price of sales. To increase the additions in Moscow budget and other economic effects from the project implementation, it is necessary to increase the renovation ratio and the selling price and/or reduce the construction cost and resettlement ratio.
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