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The Influence of Germinated Hull-less Barley Sordough Fermentation Conditions on the Microbiota Development
Kl̦ava, Dace | Poisa, Iveta | Reidzane, Sanita | Kince, Tatjana | Kazantseva, Jekaterina | Traksmaa, Anna
Sourdough plays an important role in quality assurance, especially during developing wholegrain wheat bread products. The value of barley and hull-less barley grains is determined by the low lipid and high carbohydrate (starch and resistant starch) content, balanced amino acid profile, dietary fibre and phenolic compounds. During germination (24 h) the amount of sugar, amino acids and vitamins increase in the grains. Therefore, it could be optimal environment for microbiota growth in sourdough. The goal of the research was to find optimal technological parameters and to study microorganism growth dynamic during the fermentation of sourdough with germinated hull-less barley. The study was performed using three steps of fermentation, with different temperature and time parameters. At each step pH, dynamics of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), yeast-like fungi and total plate count (TPC) growth were determined using standard methods. The results of the study showed that the optimal fermentation conditions for the first stage are 48 h and 26 ± 1 °C, for the second stage 8 h and 26 ± 1 °C and for the third stage 20 h and 28 ± 1 °C. During fermentation of the sourdough, the pH 3.91 is reached, LAB 8.8 log₁₀ CFU g⁻¹, and the yeast-like fungi 8.7 log₁₀ CFU g⁻¹ was determined. Obtained data show that more than 80 bacteria and 50 microscopic fungal species were detected in hull-less barley flour, but after germination their diversity decreased and in the germinated hull-less barley sourdoughs dominated species were Pediococcus pentosaceus.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Determination and Optimization of Feeding Device Parametres in the Plant for Preparing Liquid Feed Mixtures
Solonshchikov, Pavel | Savinykh, Peter | Ivanovs, Semjons
Feeding young animals is a very important stage during their growing-up period, but in order to provide them with essential nutrients, they are fed with liquid feeds, whole milk substitute in particular (WMS). The technique for reconstituting WMS consists of dissolving it in water followed by mixing, but it is significant to follow the cooking recipe strictly, so it is necessary to develop a system with a feeding (dosing) device that will make it possible to solve this problem. Theoretical and experimental studies of the feeding device have been conducted in order to optimize the technological process of mixing liquid feed. Theoretically, the quality of determining the mixture during dosing was established for the purpose of further research. The influence of the design and technological parameters of the feeding device was experimentally studied, and its efficiency was evaluated. It was found that as the inclination angle α increases from 67,5⁰ to 70⁰, the rotation speed n being from 850 to 1500 min⁻¹, the maximum probability of staying in the tolerance field ΔP=96% is reached, and feed discharge Q ranges from 540 to 660 kg h⁻¹. The research makes it possible to develop a feeding device at the design stage, meeting the requirements of the recipe, having high discharge rates and the lowest energy consumption.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Resilience of Milk Supply Chains during and after the COVID-19 Crisis in Latvia
Pilvere, Irina | Upīte, Ilze | Muska, Aina | Zdanovskis, Kristaps | Nipers, Aleksejs | Janmere, Lana
The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on national economies are characterized as the worst economic turmoil in recent years, as economic growth slowed to the level of the 2008 global financial crisis. At the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, economic growth surveys did not project that the novel virus could have a negative impact on economic growth. As a result of the rapid spread of the virus and the increase in the number of infection cases, national governments took strict measures to limit the spread of the virus, which led to a significant deterioration in the economic situation in all industries of the economy. Agriculture plays an important role in providing food to the country’s population, yet the pandemic made a negative impact on sales volumes and prices in the domestic and international markets. The research aims to assess the impacts of the pandemic on milk supply chains in Latvia and come up with solutions to stabilizing the situation in the dairy sector. The national restrictions to combat the pandemic also hampered the dairy sector concerning the sale of raw milk and finished products in foreign markets, thereby leading to overproduction and stockpiling of the finished products, price dumping and a significant decrease in milk purchase prices to or below the production cost level for many dairy farms. Although there is no indication that the pandemic would lead to a decrease in the numbers of livestock and farms or output in early 2021, it is too early to assess the overall impact of the pandemic on dairy farming, as uncertainty over the duration of pandemic restrictions is a major risk to farm survival. The operation of the dairy sector was stabilized by means of the support provided by the government, as well as the farms’ accumulated financial and feed resources. In order to identify future challenges for milk supply chains, the research performed an analysis of operational risks for milk producers and processors to identify the most important risks and design recommendations for their elimination. The longer there is uncertainty about the return of the dairy sector to pre-pandemic output levels, the more likely it is that the pandemic is going to lead to a decrease in the numbers of dairy livestock and farms.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Green Transportation in the Šiauliai Regional Companies
Beniušienė, Ineta | Jankauskienė, Aida
A relevant and practical research object is analysed in the article – the implementation resolution of green transportation and the benefits of using such means. In this article, object is analysed from the interdisciplinary position, i.e. from the perspective of transportation, one of the logistical subsystems, and sustainable environment. The transportation department is undoubtedly an important guarantor of economic and industrial development. Despite the worldwide importance of transportation in everyday activities, the transportation also poses the risk for human health and life quality, for it is one of the biggest consumer of oil products and significantly contributes towards air pollution. Despite many theoretical and empirical researches, Šiauliai region still lacks an approach towards the implementation possibilities and studies revealing the benefits of green transportation. A comparative analysis has been performed by using the survey data, collected from 402 workers, responsible for transportation, working for Šiauliai regional companies. According to the results of the research for implementation situations of green transport in Šiauliai regional companies, the representatives of regional companies understand the importance of green transport, and more and more companies aim to reduce the environmental risk and to become more competitive. Integrated transportation by combining several means of transport, cargo consolidation by combining small orders and big orders, and ecological driving are the green transportation measures implemented most in regional companies. The typical benefits of green transport are increased environmental friendliness and improved relationship with consumers.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Influence of Technological Peculiarities on Fermented Sausages’ Quality and Sensory Properties
Gramatina, Ilze | Sauka, Janis | Semjonovs, Aleksandrs | Strode, Sintija | Straumite, Evita
Fermentation is one of the ancient technological processes used in food production which influences the shelf-life of meat and meat products, also significantly affects the sensory properties like aroma and flavour. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the elaborated technology for a new fermented sausage production on the product quality and sensory properties. Sausages were produced by the standard technology using glucono-delta-lactone or starter culture. The drying of samples differs from 3 to 4 weeks at the same conditions; samples were dried for 4 weeks which produced with the starter culture, and 3 weeks which produced with glucono-delta-lactone. The sausages were tested at the end of the production, analysing pH, water activity, moisture and salt content, as well as the presence of Listeria monocytogenes, colony forming units of Listeria monocytogenes and Enterobacteriaceae in the sausage samples were analysed. The sensory evaluation was organised after getting Listeria monocytogenes testing results. The moisture content, water activity and salt content significantly differed (p < 0.05) among samples, no differences were established in pH, taste and flavour liking. The presence of Listeria monocytogenes was not established in samples which indicates that the producer properly applies a hurdle technology in fermented sausage production. Sensory evaluation results showed higher scores for texture and appearance in fermented sausages with glucono-delta-lactone. The study results confirmed that fermented sausages with glucono-delta-lactone during 3 weeks of drying can achieve corresponding safety criteria and sensory properties which are set for semidry fermented sausages.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Pre-treatment Effect on Physical and Microbial Parameters of Smoked Baltic Sprats
Puke, Santa | Galoburda, Ruta
Smoked sprats are delicious and nutritionally valuable product. Besides protein, it contains high amount of unsaturated fatty acids and fat soluble vitamins. Nowadays, human interest for fish product consumption is increasing. It leads to the demand for increased shelf life of the smoked sprats. One way to prolong the shelf life is to use some pre-treatment prior to smoking. The aim of study was to analyse the effect of pre-treatment on smoked Baltic sprat quality and microbiological parameters. Various compositions of brine using salts (NaCl, CaCl₂) and acetic acid in different proportions were used for fresh sprat pre-treatment. Pre-treatment had the influence on physical parameters; pre-treated samples had higher salt and lower moisture content, and lower pH, which allowed prolonging the shelf life of smoked sprats. The highest pH was in the control sample 6.6, and it allowed growth of yeasts, moulds, Pseudomonas spp., and mesophilic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms. The results demonstrated that after two-week storage of the smoked sprats the growth of moulds (1×10² CFU g⁻¹) was observed only for smoked sprats without pre-treatment (control sample), indicating the positive effect of pre-treatment. Salmonella spp., Clostridium perfingens, Listeria monocytogenes, and Escherichia coli were not detected in any of the analysed samples. After pre-treatment in brine, containing combination of NaCl and CaCl₂, smoked fish had darker colour compared to control sample or sample with sodium chloride only. Any of applied pre-treatments, except brine containing NaCl, made firmer texture of the smoked fish.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Strategic Potential of Agricultural Waste as a Feedstock for Biofuels Production in Ukraine
Tokarchuk, Dina | Pryshliak, Natalia | Shynkovych, Andrii | Mazur, Kateryna
Ukraine’s agriculture is a leading sector of the national economy. Ukraine has a significant area (603628 km²), 70.9% of which are agricultural lands. Quality soil and good climatic conditions create favorable conditions for the development of crop and livestock production. The generation of a large amount of organic waste from agriculture opens wide opportunities for the development of the biogas technologies. The aim of the paper is to identify the main waste management trends in Ukraine based on data on waste generation and waste management and to calculate the strategic potential of agricultural waste as a feedstock for biofuels production. The resource potential of crop, livestock and processing waste has been considered and the necessity of its use for energy purposes has been substantiated. It has been determined that the greatest potential of agricultural waste that can be used for biogas production in Ukraine is concentrated in crop production. The livestock industry and processing enterprises also have a powerful feedstock base for biogas production. It has been determined that the agroindustrial sector of Ukraine produces significant amount of waste. As a result of the study, it has been found that the potential volume of biogas production from agricultural waste can replace 36.1% of natural gas consumption in Ukraine.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Significance of “Green” Skills and Competencies Making the Transition Towards the “Greener” Economy
Nikolajenko-Skarbalė, Jelena | Viederytė, Rasa | Šneiderienė, Agnė
Climate change and environmental deterioration have been recognized as global drivers of change, and the shift to the “greener” economy is the key to sustainable development. The green economy is a priority field for developing and developed economies. However, as the authors of the publication have realised, there is no consensus about the meaning of the green economy and “green” jobs, that is why an uncertainty as in measurement of economic trends and an impact of it, as well as in what skills and competencies should be assigned to the “green” ones, arises. The new “green” processes and technologies are arising in a progressive trend, that is why it is important to ensure there are properly skilled candidates with appropriate “green” skills and competencies on the labour market, as well as to prepare fresh graduates with the “green” skills that will meet requirement of both, the recent and the future companies, especially operating in the “green” sector. In the framework of “SB Bridge” project an online survey was conducted by interviewing the “green” companies to identify which skills and competencies are needed for “green” jobs recently, and whether candidates and fresh graduates are enough with the “green” skills and competencies for fruitful engagement to “green” jobs. As the survey identified, fresh graduates and candidates for “green” jobs lack technical and (or) mechanical knowledge, IT skills, as well as experience and ability to work independently and in the team to resolve arising problems.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Opportunities for Commercialization of High-Protein Barley: Case of New Variety ‘Kornelija’
Auziņš, Alberts | Leimane, Ieva | Bleidere, Māra | Šterna, Vita | Krievin̦a, Agnese
The objective of the study was to define the main opportunities and challenges for the commercialization of the new hulless barley variety ‘Kornelija’ arising from its biochemical and farming profile, and to present the evaluation for the approach to a new high protein-based payment system. Unlike the agricultural profile with both advantages and disadvantages, the variety shows distinctive grain quality and biochemical properties. Although there is a growing demand for high-nutrition and plant-based protein foods, farmers are focused on yield potential, not the nutritional value of cereals. By paying for the grains of ‘Kornelija’ the price that is equal or higher than winter wheat referenced break-even price, food processors would both motivate farmers to grow the variety and obtain grains with much higher protein content, and significantly higher β-glucans content than winter wheat to produce functional foods for a price that is close to the price of winter wheat.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Analysis of Financial Support Instruments for Social Enterprises in Latvia
Licite-Kurbe, Lasma | Gintere, Dana
Social enterprises have positive effect on sustainable development, and they have become an important instrument for solving social problems (especially in rural areas), as the national and local governments alone cannot solve all such problems. To foster the development of social entrepreneurship, Latvia has introduced several support instruments for social enterprises, which include tax relief, privileged procurement contracts, grants, as well as non-monetary kinds of support. However, social entrepreneurs often point out that support from the national and local governments is insufficient, while the support instruments stipulated in the Social Enterprise Law are not widely used. Therefore, the aim of the research is to analyse national and local government support instruments for social enterprises in Latvia. The research found that the most important financial instrument fostering the development of social entrepreneurship in Latvia is a grant scheme administered by the Ministry of Welfare and the JSC Development Finance Institution Altum, which is available in the range of EUR 5000 to 200000 for investment and working capital. In the period 2017-2020, 94 social entrepreneurship projects with a total budget of EUR 6 million were supported, which could be viewed as significant financial support. In contrast, immovable property tax relief, exemption from enterprise income tax (on profits) and relief from this tax for several categories of non-business expenses are considered by social entrepreneurs to be an insignificant kind of support. There is also lack of experience and practice regarding the inclusion of social criteria in public procurement in Latvia.
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