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Genetic variation and DNA barcoding of the endangered agarwood-producing Aquilaria beccariana (Thymelaeaceae) populations from the Malesia Region
Yu Cong Pern | Shiou Yih Lee | Norizah Kamarudin | Rozi Mohamed
Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden
Forest degradation assessment of Ratargul Special Biodiversity Protection Area for conservation implications
Md. Humayun-Bin-Akram | Kazi Mohammad Masum
Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden
The effect of climate on the radial growth of Oriental Beech in the Southern limit of its distribution area
Barbaros Yaman | Nesibe Köse | H. Barış Özel | Evrim A. Şahan
Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden
Effect of coppice forest clearance on soil moisture, temperature and certain selected soil characteristics
Mustafa Aytekin | Ferhat Gökbulak
Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden
Modeling the non-spatial structure of Gmelina arborea Roxb Stands in the Oluwa Forest Reserve, Nigeria
Friday Nwabueze Ogana | Nsisong Ette Ekpa
Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden
The corporate social responsibility perception and sustainable consumption behavior of the employees in forest products industry enterprises: the case of Western Black Sea section
Hilal Öztay | Emre Birinci
Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden
Quality of pedunculate oak Provenances in Bosnian–Herzegovinian provenance test based on branching angle and stem form
Mirzeta Memišević Hodžić | Dalibor Ballian
Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden
Effects of forest roads on species composition of trees regeneration in selection cutting management of high forests
Marzieh Zamani | Mehrdad Nikooy | Farzam Tavankar
Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden
Determination of land degradation according to land use types: a case study from the Gulf of Edremit, Turkey
Çağan Alevkayalı | Şermin Tağıl
Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden
Turkish Salix species: Molecular phylogeny and morphology
Pelin Acar | Bircan Taşkıran | Funda Ö. Değirmenci | Zeki Kaya
Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden