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Editorial, Volume 22(2) Temas Agrarios journal | Editorial, Volumen 22(2) revista Temas Agrarios
Campo Arana, Rodrigo Orlando
The directives of the University of Cordoba, headed by the Vice Rector's Office for Research and Extension, continue to support the university's scientific journals, which will be reflected in the research indicators. In May of this year, the University of Cordoba hired the services of a firm specialized in the subject, with the objective of establishing good editorial practices in the different journals published at the alma mater. The advice is being received through training, achieving to date to increase visibility on the web and improve the appearance of the journals in digital format. It should be noted that the achievements to date have been the result of group work, with the participation of the ICT Innovation Center for the support of academia (CINTIA) and the different editorial bodies of the journals. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) | Las directivas de la Universidad de Córdoba, en cabeza de la Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Extensión, continúan apoyando las revistas científicas de la universidad; lo cual se verá reflejado en los indicadores de investigación. En mayo de este año la Universidad de Córdoba, contrató los servicios de una firma especializada en la temática, teniendo como objetivo establecer las buenas prácticas editoriales en las diferentes revistas editadas en el alma mater. La asesoría se está recibiendo a través de capacitaciones, lográndose a la fecha aumentar la visibilidad en la web y mejorar la apariencia de las revistas en formato digital. Debe destacarse que los logros alcanzados hasta este momento, han sido el resultado de un trabajo grupal, donde ha participado el Centro de Innovación en TIC para el apoyo a la academia (CINTIA) y los diferentes cuerpos editoriales de las revistas.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Editorial, Volumen 22(2) revista Temas Agrarios.
Campo Arana, Rodrigo Orlando
The directives of the University of Cordoba, headed by the Vice Rector's Office for Research and Extension, continue to support the university's scientific journals, which will be reflected in the research indicators. In May of this year, the University of Cordoba hired the services of a firm specialized in the subject, with the objective of establishing good editorial practices in the different journals published at the alma mater. The advice is being received through training, achieving to date to increase visibility on the web and improve the appearance of the journals in digital format. It should be noted that the achievements to date have been the result of group work, with the participation of the ICT Innovation Center for the support of academia (CINTIA) and the different editorial bodies of the journals.Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) | Las directivas de la Universidad de Córdoba, en cabeza de la Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Extensión, continúan apoyando las revistas científicas de la universidad; lo cual se verá reflejado en los indicadores de investigación. En mayo de este año la Universidad de Córdoba, contrató los servicios de una firma especializada en la temática, teniendo como objetivo establecer las buenas prácticas editoriales en las diferentes revistas editadas en el alma mater. La asesoría se está recibiendo a través de capacitaciones, lográndose a la fecha aumentar la visibilidad en la web y mejorar la apariencia de las revistas en formato digital. Debe destacarse que los logros alcanzados hasta este momento, han sido el resultado de un trabajo grupal, donde ha participado el Centro de Innovación en TIC para el apoyo a la academia (CINTIA) y los diferentes cuerpos editoriales de las revistas.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Editorial Volumen 22(1) revista Temas Agrarios
Campo Arana, Rodrigo Orlando
Editorial Temas Agrarios continua participando en la convocatoria de indexación número 763 de 2016, de revistas científicas colombianas especializadas, a cargo de Publindex.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Phosphate solubilizing bacteria isolated from three agroecosystems of Valle del Cauca (Colombia)
Yacuma, Viviana | Patiño, Carlos | Sanclemente, Oscar E.
Phosphorus (P) plays a role in energy transfer processes and chemical reactions in plant metabolism. Phosphorus is found in soils both in an organic form and a mineral form. Phosphorus availability in soils is limited by fixation processes, which include both its adsorption to mineral fraction and the precipitation reactions. In this work, the phosphate solubilization by native bacterial was evaluated in order to identify the most efficient bacterial, in three agro-ecosystems: sugarcane monoculture (CAÑ), grassland (PAST), and guadua ecosystem (GUAD) located in Palmira, Colombia. Five soil samples were assessed by treatment. First, the phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria were isolated by using Pokovskaya (PVK) assay. Then, phosphorus solubilizing capacity (CSF, Spanish acronym) was determined by measuring the halo generated in the isolated sample by 20 days. High CSF was found in five isolated samples: two in PAST, two in GUAD and one in CAÑ. In the literature reviewed was not reported the CSF of GUAD7 strain (Escherichia vulneris) as significantly high CSF (p<0.05). The strains with intermediate CFS (GUAD5 (Pseudomonas fluorescens), PAST7 (Acinetobacter oleivorans), PAST8 (Acinetobacter calcoaceticus) y CAÑ6 (Pseudomonas entomophila) have been reported in the literature as beneficial bacteria to soil.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Characterization of the arboreal component of live fences, in agroforestry systems in the department of Nariño
Navia, Jorge F. | Muñoz, Diego A. | Solarte, Jesús G.
This study was conducted in the municipalities of Guachucal and Cumbal, Nariño department, where the arboreal component presented was characterized in the hedgerows agroforestry system. 20 farms were selected per municipality, which were stratified according to their area, obtaining 3 layers: I (0.5 to 3 ha), II (3.1 to 6 ha) and III (> 6 h).Subsequently, a floristic inventory where live fences density per km was evaluated, height, crown area and the index value of importance to know the diversity and abundance of species was made; besides the use that the farmers give to them. Through an ANDEVA, the functionality of live fences was analyzed based on the percentage of soil organic matter and percentage of moisture in pastures. It was found that the average density per km of hedgerows was 415 individuals in Guachucal, and 416 individuals in Cumbal. 19 species and families in Guachucal, 8 and 28 species and 12 families were reported in Cumbal. In both municipalities the use that they give to live fences is firewood-wood and poles. The average percentage of organic matter in the soil was 14.9% and humidity in pastures was about 60%, where no significant differences (p>0.05) was found in the municipalities. Producers prefer species such as eucaliptus globulus and cupressus lucitanica; As well as the smaller area farms have a higher percentage of tree cover in live fences, Cumbal presented greater floristic diversity in live fences compared to Guachucal.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Description of seeds of wild Euphorbia strigosa Hook & Arn from the state of Nayarit, México
Valdez-Hernández, Edna | Juárez-López, Porfirio | Pedraza-Santos, Martha E. | Zamora-Becerra, Bernabé L. | Martínez-Cárdenas, Leonardo | Colinas-León, María T.
In Mexico, Euphorbia strigosa has been identified as a species with ornamental potential, as a result of its color and small size (35 cm, is considered a dwarf version of Euphorbia pulcherrima). The difficulty in the conservation of E. strigosa is found in the great variability of its seeds depending on environmental and genotypic conditions where the species grows. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to describe the seeds of E. strigosa wild plants of the State of Nayarit, México (2013-2014). Group variables of 1000 and 100 seeds were measured, as well as the number of seeds in 1 g and in 10 mL. In addition, a sample of 130 seeds from each year were individually assessed for physical variables. The seeds were classified according to three degrees of luminosity of the brown color (Clear medium and dark) and four weight ranges (3.0-8.0; 8.1-13.0; 13.1-18.0 y > 18.1 mg). Based on the classification of factors: Year of collection, lightness of coffee color and weight, 22 subgroups were formed. In each subgroup the percentage of germination was evaluated. There were significant differences in all characteristics evaluated, which indicates the morphogenetic diversity of the seeds collected.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Arrow cane (Gynerium sagitatum Aubl.) in vitro rhizome formation and plantlet recovery
Suarez, Isidro E. | Ortiz, Orlis | López, Claudia M.
Gynerium sagitatum Aubl. (Poaceae) is an important environmental, cultural and economic species for aboriginal communities in Northern Colombia, in which the centrale central nerve is used to make precious craftsmanship products. The massive use of the plant with no restoration has dangerously decreased natural populations. Micropropagation has emerged as a way to efficiently produce planting material for cropping and restoration of affected areas. To improve cost efficiency of the micropropagation protocol, in vitro rhizome structures were induced using in vitromaintained plants as explants under three quantities of sucrose, four of benzyl aminopurine - BAP and four of abscisic acid - ABA supplied in MS with (in mg L-1) myo-inositol (100), thiamine HCL (0.4), and solidified with Phytagel® (3.000). Treatments (48) were distributed using a complete randomized design with six replicates per treatment. Cultures were stored during eight weeks at 25 °C with 12 h photoperiod (40 μmol photons m-2 s-1) provided by with cold fluorescent lamps. Statistical differences were observed with respect to number of rhizomes and rhizome length as a result of three factor interaction. Ex vitro plantlet recovery occurred at highest percentage from rhizomes developed in media supplied with sucrose at 263000 µM combined with 4.44 and 8.88 µM BAP. Data evidenced the possibility of inducing in vitro rhizome growth from arrow cane explants to use them as a way for propagation and plant conservation.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Development of molecular markers for the Eucalyptus species identification
Rivera-Jiménez, Hernando J. | Rossini, Bruno C. | Leite, Vanusa do S. | Silva, Paulo HM Da | Marino, Celso L.
One of the main problems faced in several eucalypt breeding programs is the difficulty to identify the species and hybrids. This study aimed to find molecular markers associated with five species of Eucalyptus (E. saligna, E. tereticornis, E. urophylla, E. grandis and E. brassiana), by AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism) markers and BSA (Bulk Segregant Analysis), for their use in breeding programs in Brazil. In 33 primer combinations, a total of 868 polymorphic fragments was obtained, which represent a 91.65% of polymorphism. The best combinations that show potential markers for species identification were the primers M + GGT / E + ACC, which was linked to 70% of E. urophylla individuals. However, primer combination composed of M+GGA/E+ACC identified 60% of individuals in the E. saligna species; combination by the primers M+GTC/E+AAC, confirmed two marks, one in 60% and the other in 50% of E. grandis individuals in the identification test. The treatment composed by the primers M+GGC/E+AAA, was confirmed in only 30% of E. brassiana individuals, being the same for the combination M+GGC/E+ACC primers, identifying 30% of E. tereticornis individuals. The AFLP analysis and BSA provide a quick tool for the identification of cultivars in Eucalyptus and can also be used to assist forest breeding programs.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Evaluation of colloidal face in a Chromic Dystruderts soil to application of mature sugar cane sludge
Forero, Fabio E. | Suárez, Karen V. | Forero, Nicolás
The applications of organic modifications are alternatives used for the physical, chemical and biological improvement of soil. A good example is mature or fresh sugar cane sludge, a by-product of the traditional or semi-industrial process of the sugarcane-producing region called “Hoya del Río Suárez (Chitaraque, Boyacá)”. In this research, the behavior of the interchangeable bases Calcium (Ca+2), Magnesium (Mg+2) and Potassium (K+) in the colloidal fraction of the soil was determined from a DCA type design with six treatments (T0: Control only with calcareous modification (6.6 t ha-1 Dolomite). T1: Commercially (0.44 t ha-1 of 15-15-15) + Dolomite. T2: mature sugar cane sludge (5.7 t ha-1). T3: Abimgra (3,3 t ha-1). T4: 75% mature sugarcane sludge + Abimgra (2.85 t ha-1 plus 1.65 t ha-1). T5: 50% sugarcane sludge + 50% Abimgra (2.85 t ha-1 plus 1.65 t ha-1). T6: 25% mature sugarcane sludge + 75% Abimgra (1.42t ha-1 plus 2.47 t ha-1) and four replications where the concentrations of the bases were determined before sowing and in the crop of the Cerinza ICA variety bean. Concluding that the application of 2.85 t ha-1 of sugar cane sludge and 1.65 t ha-1 of Abimbra, obtained the best results in the increase of Ca+2 and Mg+2 bases, reaching values of 7 cmol(+) kg-1 of soil and 1.8 cmol(+) kg-1 of soil respectively. The above stated explains the great potential of mature sugar cane sludge with the contribution of calcium and magnesium.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Physiological response of on rice cultivars in different sowing times in Córdoba, Colombia
Villalba, José V. | Jarma, Alfredo J. | Combatt, Enrique M.
A greater efficiency of rice cultivation is based on knowing its characteristics in terms of growth and yield according to the environmental supply. This research aimed at determining the dry mass (DM) g, leaf area (LA) cm2, absolute growth rate (AGR) g day-1, relative growth rate (RGR) g g-1 day-1, net assimilation rate (NAR) g cm-2 dia-1, leaf area ratio (LAR) cm-2 day-1, and leaf area index (LAI) and yield components of plant height, panicles per m2, grains per panicle, weight of 1000 grains, and yield t ha-1, of Fedearroz 2000, Fedearroz 50, Fedearroz Mocarí and Fedearroz 473 cultivars under irrigation, during the sowing season ranging from october to december, with a randomized block design with factorial arrangement 4x3 and four replications, while doing sampling for 15 days. The results showed high differences between sowing times, where the highest values of DM were presented in october, the LAI in November, RGR, RGR, NAR and LAR in october and november, where the cultivars showed more stability to environmental factors. The variables plant height, panicles per m2, numbers of grains per panicle and weight of 1000 grains did not present significant difference in one month to another; However the cultivars fedearroz 2000 and fedearroz 50 reached the maximum values in november, the yield presented highly significant differences in the seasons of november and december for the Fedearroz 2000 and Fedearroz 473 cultivars. To conclude, the greater physiological efficiency of the cultivars is presented in the sowing seasons of november and december.
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