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Economic and biological evaluation of Сhinese cabbage [Brassica rapa L. var. pekinensis (Lour.) Kitam.] hybrids grown in the Right-Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine
Ковтунюк, З. І | Войтовська, В. І | Сторожик, Л. І
Purpose. To study the economic and biological characteristics and to reveal the genetic potential of various hybrids of Chinese cabbage depending on the climatic zone of cultivation. Methods. In the experiment, hybrids of Chinese cabbage ‘Pioner F1’ (control), ‘Villi F1’, ‘Manoko F1’, ‘Orient Star F1’, ‘Vitimo F1’, ‘Sprinkin F1’, ‘Summer Highland F1’, ‘Suprin F1’, and ‘Richi F1’ were evaluated. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with four replications with a single plot area of 21 m2. The container seedlings (40 days old) were planted in the middle of April according to the scheme 70 cm by 25 cm. Results. Having been planted at the same time, seed germination over the studied hybrids was not simultaneous. The first sprouted seeds (4 days after seeding) belonged to hybrids ‘Villi F1’, ‘Manoko F1’, ‘Orient Star F1’, and‘Summer Highland F1’. Seeds of the other hybrids started active germination on the 5–6 days after seeding. The highest yield of the cabbage heads was obtained from hybrids ‘Villi F1’ (31.7 t/ha) and ‘Sprinkin F1’ (28.7 t/ha), which was 10.0 and 7.0 t/ha more than in the control variant. The yield of ‘Summer Highland F1’ was 24.9 t/ha and ‘Suprin F1’ 24.6 t/ha. Under the conditions of unstable soil moisture, hybrids ‘Villi F1’and ‘Sprinkin F1’ appeared the most productive and ensured yield increase of 10.0 t/ha and 7.0 t/ha, respectively, compared to the control; and crop commercial quality was high. The highest percentage of dry matter (DM) content was in ‘Summer Highland F1’ (6.2%) followed by ‘Sprinkin F1’ (5.9%), which was 1.1% and 0.8% more than in the control. There was no significant difference between the values of the total sugars content over the variants. They ranged between 1.7 and 2.1%, which was similar to the control values. The content of nitrates in the cabbage heads of the studied Chinese cabbage hybrids was within the tolerance limit and amounted to 600 mg/kg (raw mass). Conclusions. Phenological observations of plant development and their biometric indices, depending on the varietal characteristics, indicate that under the conditions of unstable soil moisture, hybrids ‘Villi F1’ and ‘Sprinkin F1’ were more yielding and ensured yield increase of 10.0 t/ha and 7.0 t/ha, respectively, compared to the control. The crop commercial quality was high. The long growing season of ‘Richi F1’ (93 days) did not affect the crop quality and yield and demonstrated the lowest productivity compared to the control and the other experiment variants.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Cultivars of the Itoh peony group in the collection of the M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Горобець, В. Ф | Щербакова, Т. О
Purpose. To analyze the variety diversity of the Itoh peony group in the collection of the M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden National Botanical Garden National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and determine its biological features in the new conditions of introduction. Methods. Introduction studies, phenological observations, morphometry, statistical processing of results. Results. The cultivars diversity of the Itoh peony group of the M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden National Botanical Garden National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine collection was analyzed. The ornamental properties of the cultivars were described. Features of their growth and development under conditions of introduction were studied. It was revealed that the duration of vegetation of plants of Ito group varieties is 218–225 days. It was determined that plant growth begins on March 23 – April 2, flowering on May 19–28. The budding of plants was observed in the first decade of May and lasts 16–20 days. It was revealed that in the conditions of introduction ‘Morning Lilac’ and ‘Sonoma Apricot’ bloom first (May 19–20), ‘Viking Full Moon’, ‘Yankee Doodle Dandy’, ‘Yellow Waterlily’ bloom later (May 28). The height of generative shoots of plants in flowering phase ranged from 60 to90 cm. Plants go dormant in winter, having formed generative shoots that successfully winter. Reproduction of plants occurs both due to the buds that form on the lower part of the stem, and the buds that form on the rhizome. The shoot-forming ability and flowering productivity are 6.0±2.5 – 19.5±4.0 shoots and 4.5±1.5 – 16.0±3.0 generative shoots per plant, respectively. Cultivars ‘First Arrival’, ‘Sonoma Apricot’, ‘Hillary’, ‘Bartzella’, ‘Morning Lilac’, ‘Lollipop’, ‘Old Rose Dandy’ are highly productive. Conclusions. The collection of peonies of the M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden National Botanical Garden National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine has been expanded by Itoh Group cultivars. The R. Anderson’s breeds of 1980–1990 are more fully represented. An analysis of the ornamental features of the varieties showed that the hybrids with a semi-double flower shape of a yellow color dominate the collection. Cultivars retain all their ornamental and economic characteristics under conditions of introduction. The Itoh group varieties of the collection can be material for developing technologies for their cultivation and propagation, can be a source of replenishment and expansion of regional botanical gardens collections, planting material for gardening and landscaping, and also perform an educational and cognitive function.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Особенности формирования конвейера товарной продукции сортов салата посевного Lactuca sativa L. в Западной Лесостепи Украины | Особливості формування конвеєру товарної продукції сортів салату посівного Lactuca sativa L. у Західному Лісостепу України | Features of forming a conveyor of commodity products of lettuce, Lactuca sativa L., varieties in the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
Лещук, Н. В. | Дидів, О. Й. | Хареба, О. В.
Цель. Раскрыть научные основы формирования конвейера производства товарной продукции сортов салата посевного Lactuca sativa L. в условиях Западной Лесостепи Украины. Методы. Полевые исследования проводили в течение 2015–2017 гг. на опытном поле кафедры садоводства и овощеводства Львовского национального аграрного университета в соответствии с Методикой исследовательского дела в овощеводстве и бахчеводстве (2001) и Методикой проведения экспертизы сортов салата посевного Lactuca sativa L. на отличимость, однородность и стабильность (2007). Результаты. Установлено, что почвенно-климатические условия Западной Лесостепи Украины способствуют оптимальному росту и развитию растений салата посевного всех разновидностей соответствующих типов о чем свидетельствует структура конвейерного поступления свежей товарной продукции к потребителю (первая декада апреля – первая декада ноября). Самый короткий период вегетации обеспечили сорта салата посевного var. secalina ‘Зорепад’, ‘Малахіт’, ‘Дублянський’, которые имеют самый короткий период от всходов до технической спелости – 21–42 суток. Сорта этой разновидности занимают наибольший удельный вес в конвейерном производстве товарной продукции, которая при ранневесенних сроках посева в открытую почву (14.04–20.04) уже в первой декаде мая поступает к потребителю. Посев под зиму (21.11) обеспечил поступление свежей продукции уже в первой декаде апреля. Товарная продукция по массе продуктовых органов, габитусе розетки листьев (головки, стеблей), окраске, консистенции и вкусовым качествам соответствует техническим требованиям к товарной продукции Lactuca sativa L. Выводы. Подбор сортов салата посевного для конвейерного производства товарной продукции необходимо проводить с учетом разновидности соответствующего типа, группы спелости, сроков посева. Поступление свежей товарной продукции салата посевного к потребителю находится в прямой зависимости от сроков посева семян (ранневесенний, поздневесенний, летне-осенний и под зиму). | Purpose. To reveal the scientific bases of forming the conveyor production of commercial products of lettuce, Lactuca sativa L., varieties in the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.Methods. Field research was conducted during 2015–2017 at the research field of the Department of Horticulture and Vegetable Growing of the Lviv National Agrarian University in accordance with the Methodology on Experimental Techniques in Vegetable and Melon Growing (2001) and Methods of Expertise of lettuce, Lactuca sativa L., varieties.Results. It is revealed that the soil and climatic conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine contribute to the optimal growth and development of all lettuce varieties of the corresponding types, as evidenced by the structure of conveyor receipt of fresh commodity products to the consumer (first decade of April – first decade of November). The shortest growing season was provided by lettuce varieties var. secalina ‘Zorepad, ‘Malakhit, ‘Dublianskyi’, which have the shortest period from seedlings to technical ripeness (21–42 days). Therefore, varieties of this variation occupy the largest share in the conveyor production of commercial products, which, with early spring sowing in open ground (April 14–20), comes to the consumer in the first decade of May. Winter sowing (21.11) ensured the receipt of fresh produce in the first decade of April. Commercial products by mass of edible organs, shape of the rosette of leaves (heads, stems), color, consistency and taste qualities corresponds to the technical requirements for Lactuca sativa L.Conclusions. The selection of varieties of lettuce for the conveyor production of commercial products should be carried out taking into account the variety of the corresponding type, ripeness group, and timing of sowing. The receipt of fresh lettuce to the consumer is directly dependent on the timing of seeds sowing (early spring, late spring, summer-autumn and winter). | Мета. Розкрити наукові основи формування конвеєру виробництва товарної продукції сортів салату посівного Lactuca sativa L. в умовах Західного Лісостепу України. Методи. Польові дослідження проводили впродовж 2015–2017 рр. на дослідному полі кафедри садівництва та овочівництва Львівського національного аграрного університету відповідно до Методики дослідної справи в овочівництві та баштанництві (2001) та Методики проведення експертизи сортів салату посівного Lactuca sativa L. на відмінність, однорідність і стабільність (2007). Результати. ґрунтово-кліматичні умови Західного Лісостепу України сприяють оптимальному росту й розвитку рослин салату посівного всіх різновидів відповідних типів, про що свідчить структура конвеєрного надходження свіжої товарної продукції до споживача (перша декада квітня – перша декада листопада). Найкоротший період вегетації забезпечили сорти салату посівного var. secalina ‘Зорепад’, ‘Малахіт’, ‘Дублянський’, які мають найкоротший період від сходів до технічної стиглості – 21–42 доби. Тому сорти цієї різновидності займають найбільшу питому частку в конвеєрному виробництві товарної продукції, яка за ранньовесняних строків сівби у відкритому ґрунті (14.04–20.04) вже в першій декаді травня надходить до споживача. Сівба під зиму (21.11) забезпечила надходження свіжої продукції вже в першій декаді квітня. Товарна продукція за масою продуктових органів, габітусом розетки листків (головки, стебла), забарвленням, консистенцією та смаковими якостями відповідає технічним вимогам до товарної продукції Lactuca sativa L. Висновки. Підбір сортів салату посівного для конвеєрного виробництва товарної продукції необхідно проводити з урахуванням різновидності відповідного типу, групи стиглості, строків сівби. Надходження свіжої товарної продукції салату посівного до споживача перебуває у прямій залежності від строків сівби насіння (ранньовесняний, пізньовесняний, літньо-осінній та під зиму).
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Features of forming a conveyor of commodity products of lettuce, Lactuca sativa L., varieties in the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
Лещук, Н. В | Дидів, О. Й | Хареба, О. В
Purpose. To reveal the scientific bases of forming the conveyor production of commercial products of lettuce, Lactuca sativa L., varieties in the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Field research was conducted during 2015–2017 at the research field of the Department of Horticulture and Vegetable Growing of the Lviv National Agrarian University in accordance with the Methodology on Experimental Techniques in Vegetable and Melon Growing (2001) and Methods of Expertise of lettuce, Lactuca sativa L., varieties. Results. It is revealed that the soil and climatic conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine contribute to the optimal growth and development of all lettuce varieties of the corresponding types, as evidenced by the structure of conveyor receipt of fresh commodity products to the consumer (first decade of April – first decade of November). The shortest growing season was provided by lettuce varieties var. secalina ‘Zorepad, ‘Malakhit, ‘Dublianskyi’, which have the shortest period from seedlings to technical ripeness (21–42 days). Therefore, varieties of this variation occupy the largest share in the conveyor production of commercial products, which, with early spring sowing in open ground (April 14–20), comes to the consumer in the first decade of May. Winter sowing (21.11) ensured the receipt of fresh produce in the first decade of April. Commercial products by mass of edible organs, shape of the rosette of leaves (heads, stems), color, consistency and taste qualities corresponds to the technical requirements for Lactuca sativa L. Conclusions. The selection of varieties of lettuce for the conveyor production of commercial products should be carried out taking into account the variety of the corresponding type, ripeness group, and timing of sowing. The receipt of fresh lettuce to the consumer is directly dependent on the timing of seeds sowing (early spring, late spring, summer-autumn and winter).
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Features of forming a conveyor of commodity products of lettuce, Lactuca sativa L., varieties in the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
Н. В. Лещук | О. Й. Дидів | О. В. Хареба
Purpose. To reveal the scientific bases of forming the conveyor production of commercial products of lettuce, Lactuca sativa L., varieties in the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Field research was conducted during 2015–2017 at the research field of the Department of Horticulture and Vegetable Growing of the Lviv National Agrarian University in accordance with the Methodology on Experimental Techniques in Vegetable and Melon Growing (2001) and Methods of Expertise of lettuce, Lactuca sativa L., varieties. Results. It is revealed that the soil and climatic conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine contribute to the optimal growth and development of all lettuce varieties of the corresponding types, as evidenced by the structure of conveyor receipt of fresh commodity products to the consumer (first decade of April – first decade of November). The shortest growing season was provided by lettuce varieties var. secalina ‘Zorepad, ‘Malakhit, ‘Dublianskyi’, which have the shortest period from seedlings to technical ripeness (21–42 days). Therefore, varieties of this variation occupy the largest share in the conveyor production of commercial products, which, with early spring sowing in open ground (April 14–20), comes to the consumer in the first decade of May. Winter sowing (21.11) ensured the receipt of fresh produce in the first decade of April. Commercial products by mass of edible organs, shape of the rosette of leaves (heads, stems), color, consistency and taste qualities corresponds to the technical requirements for Lactuca sativa L. Conclusions. The selection of varieties of lettuce for the conveyor production of commercial products should be carried out taking into account the variety of the corresponding type, ripeness group, and timing of sowing. The receipt of fresh lettuce to the consumer is directly dependent on the timing of seeds sowing (early spring, late spring, summer-autumn and winter).
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Practical aspects of applying statistical analysis of quantitative characters of сutting lettuce varieties var. <em>сapitata</em> L
Лещук, Н. В | Орленко, Н. С
Purpose. To determine and substantiate practical aspects of statistical analysis application for management results of the morphological description of cutting lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) varieties when identifying them during corresponding phenological phases of growth and development. Methods. Field study, analytical approach based on descriptive statistics and cluster analysis. Results. Quantitative values of display of such morphological characters as leaf rosette diameter, lettuce head size, leaf blade thickness and its venation were determined for the Lactuca sativa L. varieties. Statistical indices of four morphological characters of randomized sampling frame of seven cutting lettuce varieties were determined and the results of statistical analysis were interpreted. Cutting lettuce of loose leaf and capitate varieties was identified during corresponding phenological phases of growth and development. The most suitable method for clustering cutting lettuce varieties was defined. The results of clustering were interpreted. It was found that ‘Hodar’ variety differed greatly from others, ‘Dumka’ and ‘Olzhych’ varieties were the most similar. Conclusions. The results of the identification allowed to establish that capitate lettuce varieties were similar in the following combinations: ‘Bona’ and ‘Dyvohray’, ‘Olzhych’ and ‘Dumka’. According to the duration of interphase periods, it can be noted that such varieties as ‘Dumka’ and ‘Dyvohrai’ had the highest rate of maturation in comparison with ‘Bona’ and ‘Hodar’ varieties, and the lowest one as compared to the ‘Olzhych’ variety
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Associations of alleles of microsatellite markers with agronomical traits of modern bread winter wheat varieties in Southern Ukraine
Колесник, О. О | Хохлов, О. М | Чеботар, С. В
Purpose. Defining marker-trait associations of microsatellite markers with specific regions of the genome that control important agronomical traits in the investigated varieties originated in the Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute – National Center of Seed and Cultivar Investigations and entered into the State register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine during different years. Methods. Molecular genetic methods (extraction of genomic DNA, polymerase chain reactions (PCR), electrophoresis of amplification products in polyacrylamide gel), field methods (phenological observations of heading date and analysis of plant height, visual assessment of the colour and length of wheat ear and awns), statistical methods (evaluation of trait means by descriptive statistic instruments of EXCEL package, ANOVA method performed by GLM instrument from AGROBASE 21 package). Results. During four growing years (2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14), 47 bread winter wheat varieties were phenotypically measured and analyzed with 17 microsatellite loci. 35 marker-trait associations (MTA) for heading date, 39 for plant height, 33 for awn size, 20 for ear colour and 8 for ear size were found to be stable and significant during two–four different growing years. Conclusions. Microsatellite markers that showed substantial and stable during different growing years associations with agronomical traits can be useful and suitable for marker-assisted selection (MAS) in Ukrainian wheat breeding programs.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Influence of growth regulators EpinTM and Emistym C on the productivity of plantations and fruit quality of strawberry varieties (Fragaria ananassa (Weston) Duсhesne ex Rozier)
Силаєва, А. М | Спірочкіна, М. М
Purpose. To study the effect of growth regulators EpinTM and Emistym C on yield and quality of strawberry berries of five varieties (Fragaria ananassa (Weston) Duсhesne ex Rozier) with various ripening time. Methods. Field, laboratory, analytical and statistical ones. Results. It was found that there were no impact of growth regulators EpinTM and Emistym C on the speed of phenological phases of strawberry plants development. It was experimentally determined the impact of mentioned substances on the yield of most studied varieties. Laboratory analysis has confirmed the changes in biochemical composition of strawberries. Conclusions. The use of growth regulators EpinTM end Emistym C had a positive effect on fruit yield and quality of studied strawberry varieties. Spraying with these substances increased yields by 14–51% as compared with the control. Content of sugars, dry matter and vitamin C in berries of most of varieties was increasing. At the same time the level of acidity in case of spraying with growth regulators was significantly reducing.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Methodological aspects of applying histogram and variation curve of morphological traits of Maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids
Лещук, Н. В | Таганцова, М. М | Стадніченко, О. А
The article provides methodological ground (method of morphological description) for identification of qualitative, quantitative and pseudo-qualitative characteristics of maize hybrids (Zea mays L) disclosing methodological facets of practical appliance for histogram and variation curve of morphological characteristics of the phenotype by uniformity test and unveiling the link between quantitative characteristics of the ear and economically valuable indices of plant productivity. Target of the research has covered physiological and biochemical processes of plant productivity development into relevant phenological growth and development stages followed by relevant observations and records of vegetative and generative organs of maize. The field examination results obtained are processed with mathematical and statistical methods with the view of searching for margins (min and max) of confidence intervals and in order to verify reliability of the research results with the view of follow-up construction of histogram and variation curve.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Comparative evaluation of tomato varieties (Licopersicum esculentum Mill.) in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
Жук, О. Я | Яременко, Г. Б
Purpose. Comparative evaluation of varieties of tomato bred by Kyiv experimental station of the Institute of vegetables and melons (IVM) NAAS of Ukraine with allowance for different fruit shapes. Methods. Field, laboratory, statistical ones. Results. Since varietal characteristics can greatly influence the course of the growth process, the experiment included phenological observations of plants growth and development, biometric measurements of plants and fruits, productivity records, besides, biochemical values of fruits with various shape were defined (flat-round and plum-shaped fruits). Varieties with the highest yield, best biochemical values and earlier fruit ripening were identified. Conclusions. Among the samples of tomato with flat-round fruits, Zoren variety had the shortest time interval from mass germination up to early ripening of fruits, Myroliubivskyi variety – in the group of plum-shaped fruits. In the first group Atlasnyi variety had the highest yield, in the second – Khoriv variety. Atlasnyi (flat-round fruits) and Oberig (plum-shaped fruits) varieties had the best biochemical values. Varieties with plum-shaped fruits excelled samples with flat-round fruits at biochemical composition.
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