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Use of artificial neural network to evaluate cadmium contamination in farmland soils in a karst area with naturally high background values
Li, Cheng | Zhang, Chaosheng | Yu, Tao | Liu, Xu | Yang, Yeyu | Hou, Qingye | Yang, Zhongfang | Ma, Xudong | Wang, Lei
In recent years, the naturally high background value region of Cd derived from the weathering of carbonate has received wide attention. Due to the significant difference in soil Cd content and bioavailability among different parent materials, the previous land classification scheme based on total soil Cd content as the classification standard, has certain shortcomings. This study aims to explore the factors influencing soil Cd bioavailability in typical karst areas of Guilin and to suggest a scientific and effective farmland use management plan based on the prediction model. A total of 9393 and 8883 topsoil samples were collected from karst and non-karst areas, respectively. Meanwhile, 149 and 145 rice samples were collected together with rhizosphere soil in karst and non-karst areas, respectively. The results showed that the higher CaO level in the karst area was a key factor leading to elevated soil pH value. Although Cd was highly enriched in karst soils, the higher pH value and adsorption of Mn oxidation inhibited Cd mobility in soils. Conversely, the Cd content in non-karst soils was lower, whereas the Cd level in rice grains was higher. To select the optimal prediction model based on the correlation between Cd bioaccumulation factors and geochemical parameters of soil, artificial neural network (ANN) and linear regression prediction models were established in this study. The ANN prediction model was more accurate than the traditional linear regression model according to the evaluation parameters of the test set. Furthermore, a new land classification scheme based on an ANN prediction model and soil Cd concentration is proposed in this study, making full use of the spatial resources of farmland to ensure safe rice consumption.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Characteristics of fluoride migration and enrichment in groundwater under the influence of natural background and anthropogenic activities
Xu, Peng | Bian, Jianmin | Li, Yihan | Wu, Juanjuan | Sun, Xiaoqing | Wang, Yu
Excessive enrichment of fluoride threatens ecological stability and human health. The high-fluoride groundwater in the Chagan Lake area has existed for a long time. With the land consolidation and irrigation area construction, the distribution and migration process of fluoride have changed. It is urgent to explore the evolution of fluoride under the dual effects of nature and human. Based on 107 groundwater samples collected in different land use periods, hydrogeochemistry and isotope methods were combined to explore the evolution characteristics and hydrogeochemical processes of fluoride in typical high-fluoride background area and elucidate the impact of anthropogenic activities on fluoride migration. The results indicate that large areas of paddy fields are developed from saline-alkali land, and its area has increased by nearly 30%. The proportion of high-fluoride groundwater (>2 mg/L) has increased by nearly 10%, mainly distributed in the new irrigation area. Hydrogeochemical processes such as dissolution of fluorine-containing minerals, precipitation of carbonate minerals and exchange of Na⁺, Ca²⁺ on the water-soil interface control the enrichment of fluoride. The groundwater d-excess has no obvious change with the increase of TDS, and human activities are one of the reasons for the increase of fluoride. The concentration of fluoride is diluted due to years of diversion irrigation in old irrigation area, whereas the enrichment of δ²H, δ¹⁸O and Cl⁻ in new irrigation area indicates that the vertical infiltration of washing alkali and irrigation water brought fluoride and other salts to groundwater. Fertilizer and wastewater discharges also contribute to the accumulation of fluoride, manifesting as co-increasing nitrate and chloride salts. The results of this study provide a new insight into fluoride migration under anthropogenic disturbance in high-fluoride background areas.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The geochemical and mineralogical controls on the release characteristics of potentially toxic elements from lead/zinc (Pb/Zn) mine tailings
Chen, Tao | Wen, Xiao–Cui | Zhang, Li–Juan | Tu, Shu–Cheng | Zhang, Jun–Hao | Sun, Ruo–Nan | Yan, Bo
Large quantities of lead/zinc (Pb/Zn) mine tailings were deposited at tailings impoundments without proper management, which have posed considerable risks to the local ecosystem and residents in mining areas worldwide. Therefore, the geochemical behaviors of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in tailings were in–depth investigated in this study by a coupled use of batch kinetic tests, statistical analysis and mineralogical characterization. The results indicated that among these studied PTEs, Cd concentration fluctuated within a wide range of 0.83–6.91 mg/kg, and showed the highest spatial heterogeneity. The mean Cd concentrations generally increased with depth. Cd were mainly partitioned in the exchangeable and carbonate fractions. The release potential of PTEs from tailings was ranged as: Cd > Mn > Zn > Pb > As, Cd > Pb > Zn > Mn > As and Cd > Pb > Mn > Zn > As, respectively, under the assumed environmental scenarios, i.e. acid rain, vegetation restoration, human gastrointestinal digestion. The results from mineralogical characterization indicated that quartz, sericite, calcite and pyrite were typical minerals, cumulatively accounting for over 80% of the tailings. Sulfides (arsenopyrite, galena, and sphalerite), carbonates (calcite, dolomite, cerussite and kutnahorite), oxides (limonite) were identified as the most relevant PTEs–bearing phases, which significantly contributed to PTEs release from tailings. A combined result of statistical, geochemical and mineralogical approaches would be provided valuable information for the alteration characteristics and contaminant release of Pb/Zn mine tailings.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Environmental impact of amino acids on selenate-bearing hydrocalumite: Experimental and DFT studies
Wang, Mengmeng | Akamatsu, Hirofumi | Dabo, Ismaila | Sasaki, Keiko
Selenium (Se) radioactive wastes can be disposed through stabilization/solidification (S/S) based on the cementitious matrix on hydration products, where hydrocalumite (Ca₂Al-LDH) is expected to play an important role in the retention of SeO₄²⁻. Natural organic matters (NOMs) are known to be a risk to affect the transportation and mobility of undesirable chemical species in the pedosphere which receives the low level radioactive wastes (LLW). In the present work, five amino acids were selected as the simplified models of NOMs in the pedosphere to explore their effects on the stability of Ca₂Al-LDH after immobilized SeO₄²⁻ under alkaline conditions. As the loading amount of amino acids on Ca₂Al-LDH increasing, release of SeO₄²⁻ was enhanced in HGly, H₂Asp, and H₂Cys series, while no enhancement was observed in HPhe and HTrp series. Density functional theory (DFT) calculation predicted ion-exchange of amino acids and CO₃²⁻ with SeO₄²⁻ in a unit cell of LDH model. The intercalation of Asp²⁻ and CO₃²⁻ caused 003 peaks in XRD sharper and d₀₀₃ decreased from 8.15 Å to 7.70 Å which is assigned to Ca₂Al-LDH(Asp, CO₃). In H₂Cys series, the 003 peaks were kept broad and SeO₄²⁻ was still relatively maintained in LDH which was caused by the lower amounts of intercalated CO₃²⁻ in the presence of H₂Cys. Amino acids in the interlayer of Ca₂Al-LDH have several possible configurations, where the most stable one is prone to be in a horizontal direction through hydrogen bonds and Ca–O chemical bonds. This provides an insight on the stability of selenate immobilized in hydrocalumite, which can be produced in cement disposing in the pedosphere for a long term of burying. Not only carbonate but also small molecular organic matters like amino acids possibly give environmental impact on the mobility of low level anionic radionuclides in LDH.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Indirect photodegradation of sulfadiazine in the presence of DOM: Effects of DOM components and main seawater constituents
Bai, Ying | Zhou, Yanlei | Che, Xiaowei | Li, Conghe | Cui, Zhengguo | Su, Rongguo | Qu, Keming
The presence of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in coastal waters has caused concern over the past decade. Sulfadiazine (SD) is a very common antibiotic widely used as human and fishery medicine, and dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays a significant role in the indirect photodegradation of SD; however, the influence of DOM compositions on SD indirect photodegradation is poorly understood. The roles of reactive intermediates (RIs) in the indirect photolysis of SD were assessed in this study. The reactive triplet states of DOM (³DOM∗) played a major role, whereas HO· and ¹O₂ played insignificant roles. DOM was divided into four components using excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy combined with parallel factor analysis. The components included three allochthonous humic-like components and one autochthonous humic-like component. The allochthonous humic-like components contributed more to RIs generation and SD indirect photolysis than the autochthonous humic-like component. A significant relationship between the indirect photodegradation of SD and the decay of DOM fluorescent components was found (correlation coefficient, 0.99), and the different indirect photodegradation of SD in various DOM solutions might be ascribed to the different components of DOM. The indirect photolysis rate of SD first increased and then decreased with increasing pH. SD photolysis was enhanced by low salinity but remained stable at high salinity. The increased carbonate concentration inhibited SD photolysis, whereas nitrate showed almost no effect in this study.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Foraminifera as bioindicators of water quality: The FoRAM Index revisited
Prazeres, Martina | Martínez-Colón, Michael | Muller, Pamela Hallock
Coral reefs worldwide are degrading at alarming rates due to local and global stressors. There are ongoing needs for bioindicator systems that can be used to assess reef health status, the potential for recovery following destructive events such as tropical storms, and for the success of coral transplants. Benthic foraminiferal shells are ubiquitous components of carbonate sediment in reef environments that can be sampled at minimal cost and environmental impact. Here we review the development and application of the FoRAM Index (FI), which provides a bioindicator metric for water quality that supports reef accretion. We outline the strengths and limitations of the FI, and propose how it can be applied more effectively across different geographical regions.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Evaluating the protection of bacteria from extreme Cd (II) stress by P-enriched biochar
Chen, Haoming | Tang, Lingyi | Wang, Zhijun | Su, Mu | Tian, Da | Zhang, Lin | Li, Zhen
Cadmium cations (Cd²⁺) are extremely toxic to organisms, which limits the remediation of Cd by microorganisms. This study investigated the feasibility of applying biochar to protect bacteria from extreme Cd²⁺ stress (1000 mg/L). An alkaline biochar (RB) and a slightly acidic biochar (SB) were selected. SB revealed a higher Cd²⁺ removal than RB (15.5% vs. 4.8%) due to its high surface area. Addition of Enterobacter sp. induced formation of Cd phosphate and carbonate on both SB and RB surface. However, Cd²⁺ removal by RB enhanced more evidently than SB (78.9% vs. 30.2%) due to the substantial microbial regulation and surficial alkalinity. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and geochemical modeling (GWB) all confirmed that the formation of stable Cd phosphate on RB was superior to that in SB. These biomineralization, together with biochar pore structure, protect bacterial cells from Cd stress. Moreover, the alkalinity of biochar promoted the formation of carbonate, which strengthened the decline of Cd²⁺ toxicity. The protection by RB was also confirmed by the intense microbial respiration and biomass (PLFA). Furthermore, this protection induced a positive feedback between P-abundant biochar and Enterobacter sp.: biochar provides P source (the most common limiting nutrient) to support microbial growth; bacteria secrete more organic acids to drive P release. This study therefore elucidated the protection of bacteria by P-enriched biochar based on both physic-chemical and microbial insights.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Spatial distribution and factors influencing the different forms of ammonium in sediments and pore water of the aquitard along the Tongshun River, China
Liu, Rui | Ma, Teng | Zhang, Dongtao | Lin, Chaohong | Chen, Juan
Nitrogen pollution of groundwater has created problems worldwide. Riparian zones form a connection hub for terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. As a potential source of ammonium in groundwater, aquitards have an important effect on the environment of riparian zones. The spatial distribution and factors influencing the ammonium content in the riparian zone aquitard of a small watershed were analyzed through three geological boreholes with increasing distances from the river: boreholes A > B > C. The results show that the distribution of ammonium was closely related to the lithology of sediments. Under the influence of the river and floods, the average content of ion exchange form of ammonium of sediments in borehole A (stable sedimentary environment) was 94.31 mg kg⁻¹, accounting for 21.2% of the transferable ammonium. The average proportions of ion exchange form of ammonium in the transferable ammonium of boreholes B and C (unstable sedimentary environment) were 19.1% and 17.4%, respectively. The carbonate and iron-manganese oxide forms of ammonium content of sediments in three boreholes were 0.96–15.28 mg kg⁻¹ and 2.3–54.4 mg kg⁻¹, respectively; this was mainly affected by the pH and Eh of the sedimentary environment. Organic sulfide, the form of transferable ammonium of sediments mainly exists in organic matter. The ammonium content in pore water generally increased with depth and was mainly derived from the mineralization of humic-like organic matter in borehole A. The ammonium in pore water in boreholes B and C mixed with ammonium from the mineralization of organic matter and the desorption of ion exchange form ammonium within sediments. The ammonium content in the pore water (up to 5.34 mg L⁻¹) was much higher than the limit for drinking water of 0.5 mg L⁻¹ in China. Therefore, the aquitard has a high risk of releasing ammonium and poses a certain threat to the quality of groundwater.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Removal characteristics of a composite active medium for remediation of nitrogen-contaminated groundwater and metagenomic analysis of degrading bacteria
Li, Shuo | Zhang, Yuling | Qian, Hong | Deng, Zhiqun | Wang, Xi | Yin, Siqi
To investigate the removal characteristics of ammonium-nitrogen (NH₄⁺-N), nitrite-nitrogen (NO₂⁻-N), nitrate-nitrogen (NO₃⁻-N), and total nitrogen from groundwater by a degradable composite active medium, kinetics, thermodynamics, and equilibrium adsorption, experiments were performed using scoria and degrading bacteria immobilized on scoria. Removal of NH₄⁺-N, NO₂⁻-N, and NO₃⁻-N was conducted in adsorption experiments using different times, initial concentrations, pH values, and groundwater chemical compositions (Ca²⁺, Mg²⁺, HCO₃⁻, CO₃²⁻, Fe²⁺, Mn²⁺, and SO₄²⁻). The results showed that the removal of nitrogen by the composite active medium was obviously better than that of scoria alone. The removal rates of NH₄⁺-N (C₀ = 5 mg/L), NO₂⁻-N (C₀ = 5 mg/L), and NO₃⁻-N (C₀ = 100 mg/L) by the composite active medium within 1 h were 96.05%, 82.40%, and 83.16%, respectively. The adsorption kinetics were well fitted to a pseudo-second order model, whereas the equilibrium adsorption agreed with the Freundlich model. With changes in the pH, variation in the removal could be attributed to the combined effect of hydrolysis and competitive ion adsorption, and the optimum pH was 7. Different concentration conditions, hardness, alkalinity, anions, and cations showed different promoting and inhibiting effects on the removal of nitrogen. A careful examination of ionic concentrations in adsorption batch experiments suggested that the sorption behavior of nitrogen onto the immobilized medium was mainly controlled by ion exchange. The degrading bacteria on the scoria surface were eluted and analyzed by metagenomic sequencing. There were significant differences in the number of operational taxons, relative abundances, and community diversity among degrading bacteria after adsorption of the three forms of nitrogen. The relative abundance of degrading bacteria was highest after NO₃⁻-N removal, and the diversity was highest after NO₂⁻-N removal. Pseudomonas and Serratia were the dominant genera that could efficiently remove NH₄⁺-N and NO₂⁻-N.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Trends in surface water chemistry in afforested Welsh catchments recovering from acidification, 1991–2012
Broadmeadow, S.B. | Nisbet, T.R. | Forster, J.
A key criterion of the UK Government's policy on sustainable forest management is safeguarding the quality and quantity of water. Forests and forestry management practices can have profound effects on the freshwater environment. Poor forest planning or management can severely damage water resources at great cost to other water users; in contrast good management that restores and maintains the natural functions of woodland can benefit the whole aquatic ecosystem.Forests and forest management practices can affect surface water acidification. Monitoring of water chemistry in ten forest and two moorland acid-sensitive catchments in upland Wales commenced in 1991. The streams were selected to supplement the United Kingdom Upland Waters Monitoring Network (UWMN) with additional examples of afforested catchments. Analysis of 22 years of water chemistry data revealed trends indicative of recovery from acidification. Excess sulphate exhibited a significant coherent decline, accompanied by increases in pH and “charge-balance based” acid neutralising capacity (CB-ANC). Alkalinity and “alkalinity-based” acid neutralising capacity (AB-ANC) exhibited fewer trends, possibily due to the variable responses of the organic - carbonate species to increasing pH in these low alkalinity streams. Whilst total anthropogenic acidity declined, dissolved organic carbon and Nitrate-Nitrogen (NNO₃) concentrations have risen, and the contribution of NNO₃ to acidification has increased.Between-stream variability was analysed using Principal Component Analysis of the trend slopes. Hierarchical clustering of the changes in stream water chemistry indicated three distinct clusters with no absolute distinction between moorland and forest streams. Redundancy analysis was used to test for significant site-specific variables that explained differences in the trend slopes, with rainfall, crop age, base cation concentration and forest cover being significant explanatory variables.
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