[ 发表于: Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology ]

结果 71-80 的 394

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Effect of Natural Seed Aging on Root and Shoot Traits in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cultivars


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Comparison of The Fiber Characteristics of the Some Cotton Varieties Ginned by Using Sawgin and Rollergin


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Investigation of Antiproliferative Effects of Home-Made and Commercial Apple Vinegars on Myeloma Cells


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Changes That May Occur in Temperature, Rain, and Climate Types Due to Global Climate Change: The Example of Düzce


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Association Between Flaming Efficiency and Liquefied Petroleum Gas Pressure and Flaming Time in Hazelnut Sucker Control Done Using a Flame Torch


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Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

A Research on Producer Reasons for Participation into Agricultural Fairs


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