أجريس - النظام الدولي للعلوم الزراعية والتكنولوجيا

[ نُشرت في: Arab Universities Journal of Agricultural Sciences ]
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الكلمات المفتاحية الخاصة بالمكنز الزراعي (أجروفوك)

النتائج 11 - 20 من 29

Effect of some fruit thinning treatments on yield and fruit quality of Zaghloul date palm


Hammam, M.S. | Sabour, A. | Ebeed, S. (Minsitry of Agriculture, Cairo (Egypt). Horticulture Research Inst.)

Egyptian Documentation and Information Centre for Agriculture - Egypt

Karkade, Hibiscus sabdariffa as a mineral and fiber supplement in chocolate cakes


Almana, H.A. (King Saud Univ., Riyadh (Saudi Arabia). Faculty of Agriculture)

Egyptian Documentation and Information Centre for Agriculture - Egypt

Effect of different nitrogen fertilizer forms on growth, mineral content and yield of banana plants


Saleh, M.M.S. (National Research Center, Cairo (Egypt). Horticulture Dept.)

Egyptian Documentation and Information Centre for Agriculture - Egypt