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النتائج 321 - 330 من 1,558
Introduction of lesserknown vegetable crops of Cucurbitaceous family
І. М. Бобось | Н. О. Лаврентьєва
The article unveils results and prospects for the introduction of lesser-known vegetable crops of Cucurbitaceous family to extend the diversity among vegetables. Among 5 species the best by commodity yield and quality indexes are selected. The promising species could be recommended for use in horticulture and landscaping. Introduction onto the territory of Ukraine of new lesserknown species of Cucurbitaceous family, such as trichosanthes, luffa, lagenaria, anguria, momordica will enable to extend the use of vegetable crops in landscaping for the designing of alpine hills, ornamental beds, decorating verandas, arbours, balconies with planting, as a wonderful material for artistic visage, restaurant business and agro-tourism. To extend the diversity among the vegetables in openair espalier growing it is promising to run the cultivation of disease and pest resistant, displaying good indices of taste estimate and quality species, namely trichosanthes of 5,1 kg/sq.m. commercial yield, with fresh and canned fruits accumulating high content of a dry matter (6,5 to 10,1%) and sugars (4,1 to 8,5%) and characterized by taste estimate for the processed foodstuff of 8,5 points.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Peculiarities of blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) varietal resources development in Ukraine
М. А. Броновицька
Blackcurrant varieties (Ribes nigrum L.) market in Ukraine has been monitored. The article discloses approaches to the development in Ukraine of this botanical taxon, as well as shows how the peculiarities of blackcurrant varieties DUS test along with taking into account economical characteristics of research entities of the NAAS of Ukraine as established. It details the procedure for adoption decision on an application (acquisition of proprietary rights of intellectual property for plant variety). Nowadays (priority ) and the most essential breeding vectors are set. A scientific rationale is given to the developments, management, maintenance of blackcurrant, common knowledge varieties database and its utilization in the wild for the official registration of proprietary rights on a plant variety. The article also discloses methodological aspects for singling out and the development of varieties displaying example characteristics of vegetative and generative organs of the blackcurrant for the purpose of uniformity test in the course of new varieties identification for the above introducent.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Researching morphological characters of rye (Secale cereale L.) and sorghum bicolor (Sorghum bicolor L.)
Г. М. Каражбей | С. М. Гринів | О. І. Безручко | Л. В. Камінська
The article highlights key issues of the development of collection of varieties displaying example characteristics of sorghum bicolor and rye. It displays their applicability and value. In order to develop the varietal collections of rye and sorghum bicolor as a methodical tool of varietal examination on distinctness, uniformity and stability, a scrutiny has been given to the morphologic description, morphologic description of plant varieties systematization, as well as field examinations on the facilities of the Poltava and Zhitomir state centers for variety testing. The work undertaken has resulted into the establishment of common knowledge rye, sorghum bicolor varieties collections encompassing 330 and 30 varieties, respectively. A morphologic analyzes of common knowledge varieties enabled to single varieties displaying example characters out of the majority of grades of identification characteristics expression. In particular, for sorghum bicolor of 199 grades as set by the Text Guidelines, varieties with example characteristics were selected for 135 grades by 40 identification characters, while in rye for 81grades out of 99 grades existing by 19 identification characteristics. For each crop Lists of varieties displaying example characters were created, with example referencing to characteristic number and state of its expression indicated, namely of 16 sorghum bicolor varieties and 18 varieties of the rye. The common knowledge variety collections established could be considered as a tool for identifying local differences, i.e. in the scale of Ukraine partially embracing CIS and Europe.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Gnome 2 as a donor for winter rye (Secale cereale L.) short stem
В. В. Скорик
A stabilizing (directed) selection has created a donor of short stem for winter rye (Secale cereale L.), plant height of which ranged from 50 to 60 cm. The plant height kept symmetry of its distribution curve and the frequency accumulation in central classes (positive excess). For the first time a symbolic designation to new short-stem related Hl-2Hl-2 allele and the donor name (Gnome 2) were proposed. 28 years of stabilizing selection showed that 57% of overall genetic variability of plant height resulted from adaptive genes available for directed selection by phenotype, and 43% from dominant and epistatic factors that predetermines the expression heterosis effect. Gnome 2 donor proved to have genetic additive correlation between the pants height and number of flows per ear, ear length, weight of seeds per plant , 100 seeds weight per plant; to have reverse correlation with ear density seeds weight per ear. The height of original parent components have displayed direct additive correlation with number of flowers per ear and reverse with the ear density. The additive correlation component directly exposes «genuine» impact of parental plants on the expression of the characteristics indicated among the offspring Productive bushing of parental plants, seed weight per plant directly, and seed size (100 seeds weight) indirectly, respectively, influence the height of offspring pants. The reverse additive correlation between the parents height and 100 seeds weight in the offspring is caused by pleiotropic effect of the genes impact thus enabling to combine the desirable characteristics in one genotype. Productive bushing is by 54% due to the impact of general genetic factors among the above, in particular, 30% due to that additive, 24 due to non-additive factors. The concept of genetic improvements for productive bushing of the Gnome 2 rye implies utilization of additive effect through the directed selection, as well as application of breeding techniques for controlling the effect of heterosis caused by the genes of dominant and epistatic impact. The selection paradigm requires simultaneous genotypes selection with immediate examination of the selection results by offspring while in parallel to develop inbred lines, combining these afterwards evaluating general and specific combining ability by productive bushing. It is also to be noted that the productive bushing essentially depends on the environmental conditions, which significantly corrects the implementation of productivity potent, thereby the issue of agronomical conditions aimed at extending the expression of characteristic in question remains.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Sugar beets combinability analyzes throghut two cycles of recurrent breeding
М. О. Корнєєва | Л. В. Фалатюк
Yield and sugar content genetic analyzes for hybrids developed engaging pollinating lines of the first and the second inbred generations throughout two cycles of recurrent breeding has underpinned the determination of regularities for combinability expression in crossing components and the change of their gene interaction types. This unveiled the lack of correlation between the parents descriptions as selected from groups that displayed contrast combining of productivity components and the lines combinability derived thereof. This provided a ground for correcting the breeding technology of the development of MS hybrids through the exclusion of individual polarization as phenotype based breeding method with replacing this by the assessment of economical value of the topcrossing components. The genetic value was determined for pollinator lines of І1 first hybrid generation by productivity components derived from multiple seed populations by Ulad breeding. 7 economically valuable lines were derived from U752 population by yield and 17 by sugar content, whereas 6 and 10 limes were derived from КМ2, respectively . This provided a ground for the development of synthetic varieties that displayed yield and sugar content characteristics improved, respectively, by 9,4 and 2,4% (U752 initial population ) and by 4,4 and 8,3% ( КМ2 initial population) compared to group standard. The structure of genetic variability of MS hybrids productivity as developed engaging І2 .first and second inbred generation. In the genotype variation of characteristics of hybrids derived from І1 pollinators of recurrent breeding first cycle the additive effects of both parental forms prevailed, and as regards the hybrids developed engaging І2 pollinators of the second cycle of recurrent breeding non-additive effects of the components interaction prevailed. In the second cycle of recurrent breeding 7 І2 lines valuable for combining were singled out, which had high general combinability by yield, and 8 were singled out by sugar content. 5 lines were singled out: U752/5/7, U752/84/3, КМ2/33/4, КМ2/34/7, КМ2/75/4, which combined high general combinability by yield and sugar content at once. Heterosis effect of hybrid combinations was subject to total fusion of additive and non-additive effects of the genes controlling quantitative characteristics of the productivity. The best hybrids yield engaging І2, pollinator lines selected out of U752 and КМ2 multi-seed populations ranged within 104...117,3%, sugar content – 102,4...106,0%, while that of synthetic varieties – 113,4 and 103,6% (U752) and 106,7 and 109,3% (КМ2), respectively, against the group standard.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Blago soft winter wheat variety as a national heritage in breeding
П. М. Василюк | Р. А. Вожегова | А. П. Орлюк | Г. Г. Базалій | Л. О. Усик
In 2011, Blago soft winter wheat variety state examination was completed so that the variety was listed in the National Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine. Recommended area of dissemination included Steppe, Forest-Steppe and Woodlands. The Blago variety has been developed in the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture at the NAAS of Ukraine and is suitable for cultivation under the conditions of irrigated farming and regular (nonirrigated) farming. This is the only research institution in Ukraine that develops winter wheat varieties for irrigated farming following specific program. As is generally known there are specific conditions at irritated plots. Increased moisture of soil and air, root nutrition mode sufficiently balanced with the elements required constitute special microclimate for the agrocenosis of winter wheat at irrigated soil, which ensure sustainable and high yields across space and time. Nevertheless, not only these conditions facilitate the varieties of wheat, but pests and pathogens as well, thereby maliciousness of the latter, especially that of the diseases, significantly increase compared to nonirrigated crops. The yield potential for Blago as a new variety of winter wheat makes 9 to 10 tons per hectare, and is implemented at irritated lands of the South, as well as in the Woodland and Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The variety represents a comprehensive use genotype as its high adaptability enables it to be applied as at irrigated, so at nonirrigated lands. The variety is well-balanced in terms of its value for cultivation and use traits.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Potato varieties dynamics (Solanum tuberosum L.), suitable for dissemination in Ukraine during the 1991-2013 period
П. М. Василюк | А. А. Подгаєцький | Н. В. Кравченко | З. Б. Києнко
The analysis of dynamics entering into the State Register of Plant Varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine, potato varieties during the period of 1991–2013.The magnificent differences in the total numbers of varieties, including foreign and national breeding are determined. The certain period of years with relatively equal number of varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine is revealed. Simultaneously their number has increased 4.7 times for the entire period. The Scientific Institutions have been established, and their share of varieties is considered to be the biggest one in the Register, although the varieties of the most Breeding Institutions performed their competitiveness in recent years. The different ratio between foreign countries varieties and firms on number suitable for distribution in Ukraine has been set. It concerns their total number, having increased during the period of 1991 – 2013 12.3 times.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Summary of quince (Суdonіа oblonga Mill.) development in nursery
В. О. Сіленко | В. А. Трохимчук | Н. О. Яремко
The authors present the results of the study of pears clonal rootstocks, namely the following quince forms: IC 2-10, IC 4-6, S1 and Cydo in the nursery during 2010-2012. Experimental nursery was founded in the spring of 2010, with bushes planting designs of the following dimensions: 1,4*0,3 m. Diameter of the reference root collar of all forms of rootstocks in average over the years of the tests, ranged from 6,7 mm to 7,9 mm and satisfied the requirements of standard (6-12 mm). Among the quince forms under review the best biometric indicators for two years of examination have been registered for IC 2-10, IC 4-6 and S1quince. The IC 4-6 and S1 display better quality of the root system of vertical layers; highest standard layers yield is registered for ІC 2-10, 4-6 and S1forms. IC 2-10 rootstock and S1quince have proved to be the best varieties for the West Steppe of Ukraine by the complex of economic and biological characteristics.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Morpho-biological and economical characteristics of typical model of Romen lettuce variety Lactuca: sativa var. Longifolia
Н. В. Лещук
The article highlights techniques for development of the range of varieties of new species of cutting lettuce Lactuca sativa: var. longifolia. It reflects the role of minor sub-species of romaine lettuce. Scientific rationale is given to peculiarities of key methods in the technology for growing marketable products of romaine lettuce in the open air. The method for identification adapted – morphological description of qualitative, quantitative and pseudo-qualitative characteristics of phenotype for cutting lettuce, as well as typical model of morpho-biological and economical parameters of new varieties of Romen lettuce for the purposes of official listing of varieties and rights herewith.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Ювілей директора Українського інституту експертизи сортів рослин
Г. М. Каражбей