أجريس - النظام الدولي للعلوم الزراعية والتكنولوجيا

[ نُشرت في: Research for Rural Development ]
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مصدر البيانات حسب البلد

النتائج 1 - 10 من 12

Effects of dietary supplementation with urea molasses multi-nutrient block on performance of mid lactating local Ethiopian and crossbred dairy cows


Tekeba, Eshetie Nega | Wurzinger, Maria | Baldinger, Lisa | Zollitsch, Werner

Thünen-Institut - Germany

A cross-sectional survey on fasciolosis in selected settlements of Taveta Division, Coast Province, Kenya


Mungube, E.O. | Sila, D.M. | Kariuki, C.W. | Bauni, S.M. | Tenhagen, B.-A. | Wamae, L. | Nginyi, J. | Omondi, G.A.

German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment - Germany

Comparison of Coleoptera and Lepidoptera Response to Insect Control by Radio Frequency Heating


Vearasilp, Suchada | Chanbang, Yaowaluk | Suriyong, Sangtiwa | Akaranuchat, Piyachat | Krittigamas, Nattasak | Thanapornpoonpong, Sa-nguansak | von Hörsten, Dieter | Pawelzik, Elke

Julius Kühn-Institut - Germany

Quality Assurance and Preservation of African Leafy Vegetables Considering Technological and Health Aspects for the Reduction of Food Losses and the Improvement of Health and Nutritional Value, Storability and Food Safety


Huyskens-Keil, S. | Trierweiler, Bernhard | Franz, Charles M. A. P. | Geisen, Rolf | Becker, Biserka | Huch, Melanie | Frommherz, Lara | Schmidt-Heydt, Markus | Kulling, Sabine E. | Mibus-Schoppe, H. | Rohn, S. | Schreiner, M. | Maul, R. | Lamy, E. | Opiyo, A.M. | Maina, J. | Kenji, G. | Ambuko, J. | Mwendwa Mutui, T.

Max Rubner-Institut - Germany

Comparison of Coleoptera and Lepidoptera Response to Insect Control by Radio Frequency Heating


Vearasilp, Suchada | Krittigamas, Nattasak | Thanapornpoonpong, San-nguansak | Suriyong, Sangtiwa | Akaranuchat, Piyachat | von Hörsten, Dieter | Pawelzik, Elke | Chanbang, Yaowaluk

Julius Kühn-Institut - Germany