أجريس - النظام الدولي للعلوم الزراعية والتكنولوجيا

[ نُشرت في: Research for Rural Development ]
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النتائج 1 - 2 من 2

Quality Assurance and Preservation of African Leafy Vegetables Considering Technological and Health Aspects for the Reduction of Food Losses and the Improvement of Health and Nutritional Value, Storability and Food Safety


Huyskens-Keil, S. | Trierweiler, Bernhard | Franz, Charles M. A. P. | Geisen, Rolf | Becker, Biserka | Huch, Melanie | Frommherz, Lara | Schmidt-Heydt, Markus | Kulling, Sabine E. | Mibus-Schoppe, H. | Rohn, S. | Schreiner, M. | Maul, R. | Lamy, E. | Opiyo, A.M. | Maina, J. | Kenji, G. | Ambuko, J. | Mwendwa Mutui, T.

Max Rubner-Institut - Germany

Fermentation of African Leafy Vegetables to Lower Post-Harvest Losses, Maintain Quality and Increase Product Safety


Wafula, E.N. | Franz, Charles M. A. P. | Rohn, S. | Huch, Melanie | Maina Mathara, J. | Trierweiler, Bernhard | Becker, Biserka

Max Rubner-Institut - Germany