AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

Study of the influence of the mass fraction of free fatty acids and phospholipids, exhibiting acidic properties, for nuclear magnetic relaxation characteristics of sunflower lecithins | Исследование влияния массовой доли свободных жирных кислот и фосфолипидов, проявляющих кислотные свойства, на ядерно-магнитные релаксационные характеристики подсолнечных лецитинов


Viktorova, E.P., Krasnodar Research and Development Inst. of Storage and Processing of Agricultural Produce (Russian Federation) | Agafonov, O.S., The V.S. Pustovoyt All-Russia Research and Development Inst. of Oil–Producing Crops, Krasnodar (Russian Federation) | Kalmanovich, S.A., Kuban State Tecnological Univ., Krasnodar (Russian Federation) | Prudnikov, S.M., The V.S. Pustovoyt All-Russia Research and Development Inst. of Oil–Producing Crops, Krasnodar (Russian Federation) | Shakhraj, T.A., Krasnodar Research and Development Inst. of Storage and Processing of Agricultural Produce (Russian Federation)

Bibliographic information
Известия высших учебных заведений. Пищевая технология | News of institutes of higher education. Food technology
Issue 1 ISSN 0579-3009
p. 114-116
Other Subjects
Federacion de rusia; Fosfolipidos; Federation de russie; Acidos grasos libres
Summaries (En, Ru)
3 tables
5 ref.

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