AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

[ Published in: Food Innovation and advances ]
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Results 1-10 of 65

Infrared guided smart food formulation: an innovative spectral reconstruction strategy to develop anticipated and constant apple puree products


Wang, Zhenjie | Bureau, Sylvie | Jaillais, Benoit | Renard, Catherine, M.G.C. | Chen, Xiao | Sun, Yali | Lv, Daizhu | Pan, Leiqing | Lan, Weijie | Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU) | Sécurité et Qualité des Produits d'Origine Végétale (SQPOV) ; Avignon Université (AU)-Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE) | École nationale vétérinaire, agroalimentaire et de l'alimentation Nantes-Atlantique (ONIRIS) | Statistique, Sensométrie et Chimiométrie (StatSC) ; École nationale vétérinaire, agroalimentaire et de l'alimentation Nantes-Atlantique (ONIRIS)-Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE) | Département Aliments, produits biosourcés et déchets - INRAE (TRANSFORM) ; Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE) | Sécurité et Qualité des Produits d'Origine Végétale (SQPOV) ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Avignon Université (AU) | Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences (CATAS) | This work was supported by the 'Interfaces' project, an Agropolis Foundation Flashship project publicly funded through the ANR (French Research Agency) under the 'Investissements d'Avenir' program ( Labex Agro, coordinated by Agropolis Fondation), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC,32302204), and Research Startup Foundation (ANR-10-LABX-01-001) Nanjing Agricultural University (No. 804120).

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France

Optimisation of vibrational spectroscopy instruments and pre-processing for classification problems across various decision parameters


Joy Sim | Cushla McGoverin | Indrawati Oey | Russell Frew | Biniam Kebede

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Potential of cyclodextrins in food processing for improving sensory properties of food


Niina Kelanne | Baoru Yang | Oskar Laaksonen

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Characterization and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitory activity of peptides of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) seed meal


Yuanju Zheng | Di Wang | Yunxi Zhou | Michael Yuen | Tina Yuen | Hywel Yuen | Qiang Peng

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Non-methylesterified pectin from pitaya (Hylocereus undatus) fruit peel: optimization of extraction and nanostructural characterization


Yubei Wang | Qiong Fang | Chang Shu | Tingting Zhang | Jiankang Cao

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Comparative study on the physicochemical properties, functional components, color and anthocyanins profile of Aronia melanocarpa juice using different sterilization methods


Xinran Lv | Tian Lan | Shujuan Wang | Xinjie Li | Shihan Bao | Tongyin Li | Xiangyu Sun | Tingting Ma

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Transcriptomics and metabolomics reveal major quality regulations during melon fruit development and ripening


Xupeng Shao | Fengjuan Liu | Qi Shen | Weizhong He | Binxin Jia | Yingying Fan | Cheng Wang | Fengzhong Wang

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Cork taint of wines: the formation, analysis, and control of 2,4,6- trichloroanisole


Hui Zhou | Yiding Xie | Tianyang Wu | Xin Wang | Jie Gao | Bin Tian | Weidong Huang | Yilin You | Jicheng Zhan

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Biochemical and physical investigations on detoxification of ginkgo kernel juice using probiotic fermentation with macroporous resin addition


Yuyu Sun | Jiaying Zhao | Sivakumar Manickam | Jingyang He | Dandan Li | Yongbin Han | Xiaosan Jiang | Yang Tao

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Color myth: anthocyanins reactions and enological approaches achieving their stabilization in the aging process of red wine


Siqi Cheng | Tianyang Wu | Jie Gao | Xiaoyu Han | Weidong Huang | Yilin You | Jicheng Zhan

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden