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Heat Stress and Cultivable Intestinal Bacteria of Lehmann Brown Hens
Harutyunyan, N.A. | Chitchyan, Zh.T. | Badalyan, M.V. | Pepoyan, A.Z.
The use of genetic methods seems to have briefly pushed back the use of culture methods. Currently, a new technique developed based on the latter – culturomics, enables the discovery and study of expanded bacterial diversity using a large number of culture conditions and media. This study aims to investigate the influence of heat shock on the qualitative and quantitative content of cultivable gut bacteria of Lehmann Brown chickens from the “Arax” chicken factory.The chickens (5 months old, weighing 1.4-1.7 kg) of the “Arax” poultry factory in Armenia were transferred to a sterilized test room with the necessary conditions. After four days of maintenance in a new environment (temperature 25 0C), fecal samples were taken from the hens. After that, the hens were kept at 35 0C for a day, followed by another sampling conducted a day later. The current investigations have emphasized that the bacterial number and diversity of hen gut microbiota undergo changes under the influence of heat stress.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Epidemiological Analysis of the Swine Perfringens Disease in the Aragatsotn Region
Sargsyan, M.A.
Over the recent 20 years, for the first time, the disease of swine perfringens has been studied in the Aragatsotn region of RA and related epidemiological analysis has been conducted. To identify A, C, and D serological types of Cl. Perfringens and special diagnostic sera produced by the Kursk biofactory were used. It has been found that the main serological infection type of swine perfringens is C and sometimes A and D subtypes. In the pig breeding farms of the mentioned region about 6887 heads of swine (aging from 3 days to 1 year old) were registered. Per the research results, about 45 out of 72 communities were recognized as insecure/vulnerable. As to the above-stated animal number, it should be mentioned, that 1722 heads of swine fell down, whereas 5510 were considered bacteria carriers. Thus, as a result of epidemiological analysis, the morbidity (bacteria carrying rate), mortality, insecurity/vulnerability, and focality coefficients (indicators) have made 0.80 (80 %), 0.25 (25 %), 0.63 (63 %), and 122 animals, respectively.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]A Study of Weight Gain Dynamics in Lambs of Armenian Semi-Fine Fleece Sheep in the Corridel Breed before Weaning
Pambukhchyan, Z.S. | Marmaryan, Y.G.
In livestock breeding, particularly in sheep breeding, biotechnology of industrial technology plays an important role. A remarkable characteristic of technology is that it should be economically and biologically suitable. As a result, we are faced with the task of increasing grain yields and qualitative compositions of sheep. Ewes not having enough milk to feed their lambs after birth, result in malnourished lambs that grow poorly. Consequently, they become sick, and the rate of decline increases. Based on the analysis of the data, it appears that the variation in the live mass can also be attributed to ewes feeding, care, and behavior during the manger period. According to the research program, 2.5- and 5-month-old lambs were weighed. 2.5-month-old lambs had an average live weight of 17.0-20.51 kg for males and 15.10-18.13 kg for females. Compared to the live weight of newborn lambs (3.85 kg and 3.20 kg), the absolute weight gain of male and female lambs at 2.5 months was 16.66 kg and 14.93 kg, respectively. Lambs grain weight rapidly from birth to 2.5 months old (200-220 grams per day), which is typical for lambs in this age group. The data shows that lambs up to 2.5 months of age grew more rapidly than lambs 2.5-5 months of age, which was 12.69 kg and 12.09 kg, respectively, which is typical for lambs this age of multi-purpose sheep.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The Use of Fruit Extracts in the Production of Functional Juices
Yavruyan, N.V. | Karapetyan, V.A.
Drinks saturated with biologically active substances can be obtained from non-alcoholic drinks or mixed berry juices. Natural plant materials were used as a source of physiologically valuable food components: citrus, stone fruits, berries, medicinal herbs, etc. We have developed new functional drink recipes based on directly pressed grape juice and natural raw materials rich in organic acids, vitamins, minerals, and other macro-elements and micro-elements such as feijoa, and blackberry. The Armenian Khndoghn grape variety was chosen to produce juices with the first pressing. This juice has a high biological value and harmonious taste with aromatic compounds. Three drinks were prepared, each containing grape juice and blackberry juice in 80:20, 90:10, and 70:30 ratios. Based on the results, optimal parameters and methods for extracting biologically active substances from plant raw materials (by extraction) were determined, and their organoleptic and dietary properties were improved. Due to the high content of vitamins, phenolic carbonic, organic acids, macro-elements, and micro-elements, new drinks have acquired excellent sensory and functional properties, so including them in serial production is recommended.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The Monitoring of Raspberry Pest Species Composition in the Conditions of the Ijevan Region
Ter-Grigoryan, A.J. | Manvelyan, A.A. | Ghazaryan, M.H. | Amiryan, K.R.
There are many berries grown in Armenia, but raspberries are among the most popular. Several pests, the species composition of which has not yet been determined, hinder the achievement of a high-quality harvest. Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) pest species composition was monitored in Tavush marz (Ijevan community) in 2022-2023. Our research has identified and registered seventeen types of pests, of which two belong to the Acarina order of the Arachnoidae class and fourteen to the following orders of the Insecta class: Thysanoptera, Homoptera, Orthoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, Heteroptera, one in the Gastropoda order of Mollusca class. The detected pests were: Tetranychus urticae (Koch, 1836), Eriophyes gracilis (Nalepa, 1891), Thrips tabaci (Lindeman, 1899), Aphis grossulariae (Kaltenbach, 1843), Myzus persicae (Sulzer), Stictocephala bubalus (Kopp and Yonke, 1977), Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa (Linnaeus, 1758), Tettigonia viridissima (Linnaeus, 1758), Byturus tomentosus (De Geer, 1774), Anthonomus rubi (Herbst, 1795), Melolontha hippocastani (Fabricius, 1801), Polyphylla olivieri (Castelnau, 1840), Resselie llatheobaldi (Barnes), Lasioptera rubi (Schrank, 1803), Pennisetia hylaeiformis (Laspeyres, 1801), Dolycoris baccarum (Linnaeus, 1758), and Deroceras agreste (Linnaeus, 1758). Nevertheless, the most spread species were Resselie llatheobaldi (Barnes), Lasioptera rubi (Schrank, 1803), Anthonomus rubi (Herbst, 1795), and Byturus tomentosus (De Geer, 1774).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Study and Evaluation of Quality Indicators of Raceme Tomato Hybrids Under Greenhouse Conditions
Martirosyan, H.H.
The increased demand for tomato products has spurred the cultivation of various varieties and hybrids. Particularly notable are the tomato hybrids whose fruits are harvested collectively in entire branches (racemes), thus earning them the name “raceme tomatoes”. The scientific studies were carried out in 2021-2023, in the glass experimental greenhouse of the Scientific Center of Vegetable and Industrial Crops of the Ministry of Agriculture of the RA, Darakert, Ararat Marz, during two vegetation periods: spring and autumn. The study focused on five raceme tomato hybrids: Prodezo F1, Santiana F1, Adventure F1 by Rijk Zwaan, Climbo F1 by Syngenta, and hybrid RM-4, which was obtained by us (Known since 2023 as Syune). Prodezo F1 hybrid, which is included in the state register of Armenia, served as the control. The selection of hybrids was based on the increasing demand among the population for raceme tomatoes. According to varietal characteristics and vegetation period, the dry matter content varied from 6.14 % to 7.74 %, which was 2.88 % - 3.22 % for sugars, and 18.44 % - 22.13 % for ascorbic acid content. As a result of the study, the hybrids Adventure F1 by Rijk Zwaan and RM-4 (Syune), a locally cultivated hybrid, stood out for their quality indicators among the examined tomato hybrids, regardless of the vegetation period. These high-quality hybrids will be introduced to greenhouses of Armenia for further cultivation.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The Influence of the Stationarity Property on Traffic Flow Control
Sargsyan, Arman | Harutyunyan, Armen
This study provides an overview of traffic control methods using automated traffic control systems (ATCS). The main approach highlighted during the analysis is the application of rigid multi-program management, including a library of coordination programs. The study also found a dependence of the period of operation of each coordination program on the state and intensity of traffic flow (TF), noting an increase in the period of stationarity with an increase in the intensity of TF. Based on the system analysis, a mathematical dependence of the control parameter on the intensity affecting the efficiency of TF management is proposed. The results obtained can be applied to optimize the operation of the automated control system and develop effective traffic management strategies.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Research on the Efficiency of Complex Fertilizer Produced from the New Serpentine-Based Ingredient
Yeritsyan, Sergey | Gasparyan, Gayane | Grigoryan, Karen | Khachatryan, Anna
Using serpentine, which is widespread in Armenia, we developed two new fertilizers. First fertilizer, is composed of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur, as well as amorphous silicon dioxide, and fertilizer 2, which contains a small amount of phosphorus (in the form of a mixture in the mineral), calcium, magnesium, sulfur, and amorphous silicon dioxide. Fertilizers were soluble in water and a 1 % ammonium carbonate solution. Laboratory studies have shown that fertilizers positively affect spring barley seed germination percentage, germination rate, growth, yield, and grain NPK content. The yield of spring barley increased by 28.4-33.1 % under the influence of fertilizers, which is equivalent to the efficiency of double superphosphate. However, serpentine, the most common in Armenia, can be used to obtain recommended fertilizers in a much cheaper and safer manner.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The Use of Pine Cone Extract in the Production of Albumen Curd
Chatinyan, Nara | Dallakyan, Nara | Mezhlumyan, Anahit
Due to a lack of protein in the human diet, dairy products made from milk proteins have increased in production. The proposed new product was made from cheese whey and curds. The main ingredients were whey proteins and pine cone extract as a natural additive. The relevance of making albumen curd with vegetable extract is scientifically and experimentally justified. Based on this study, the optimal dose of pine cone extract was determined which results in imparting a distinctive taste and aroma characteristic of pine cone, improving the chemical composition, and extending the product’s shelf life.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Risk Assessment of Toxic Elements in Buckwheat Produced in Armenia
Pipoyan, Davit | Arshakyan, Yepraqsya | Beglaryan, Meline
Buckwheat provides essential nutrients crucial for the human body’s regular functioning, however, studies have indicated that it may also contain potentially toxic elements. Therefore, this study aims to assess the health risks associated with buckwheat produced in Armenia, focusing on dietary exposure to toxic elements (lead, cadmium, and arsenic). Risk asessment was conducted using the margin of exposure (MOE) method, involving calculating daily intakes for toxic elements. The study findings suggest that the levels of toxic elements in the investigated buckwheat samples were within acceptable limits. This indicates that there is no significant health risk to consumers.
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