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Estimation of serum glucose, cholesterol and uric acid contents and proximate analysis of meat in different strains of chickens
Bhatti, B.M. | Talat, T. | Sardar, R. (Poultry Research Inst., Rawalpindi (Pakistan))
In this study five samples each of serum glucose, serum cholesterol and uric acid contents were measured in Fayoumi, Rhode Island Red, Parent desi, desi Fl and desi F2 strains of chickens. Cholesterol contents were found to be lowest in desi F2 chickens whereas in other strains there was least significant difference, which can be attributed to reduced lipogenic activity in desi F2 generation. When five samples each of meat from two locations i.e. breast and thigh was subjected to proximate analysis it was found that there was no difference (P greater than 0.05) in crude protein, crude fat, total ash and moisture contents regardless of sex and strains. Dry matter contents differed (P less than 0.05) in breast meat and found to be lowest in Parent desi stocks.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Продуктивность, состав и кормовые достоинства галеги восточной
Zenkova, N.N. | Razumovskij, N.P. | Subbotina, I.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was determined the productivity and foraging advantages of fodder galega (Galega officinalis) in comparison with the traditional perennial leguminous grasses (alfalfa (Medicago sativa); alsike clover (Trifolium hybridum); cookshead (Onobrychis viceaefolia)) and influence of the analyzed crop of state and internal microbiota of agricultural animals. There was studied the qualitative structure of galega in accordance with the phases of crop development and its influence on physiological functions of animals. It is established, that in the conditions of northern region of Belarus the fodder galega provided the yielding capacity of dry matter of 11,3 t/ha that exceeded the indices of alfalfa on 13,9%, alsike clover - in 2,7 times and cookshead - in 2,1 times. By the third decade of May it formed 18-20 tons green mass that made it possible to feed animals on 10-15 days earlier, than with other leguminous grasses. High degree of leafage (65,7%) preconditioned its high nutritional value. Fodder galega has high level of calcium, potassium, phosphorus and some microelements: copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt. Studying of vitamin value of fodder galega showed that its green mass was vitamin-rich, had enough of irreplaceable amino acids. It was established, that hay of fodder galega had high level of the non-decomposed protein (68,6-71%) that was very important for feeding of highly productive cows. It increased the level of crude protein in experimental animals on 8%.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Показатели рубцового пищеварения у жвачных животных при различной концентрации обменной энергии и сырого протеина в сухом веществе рациона
Kurepin, A.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
While studying biochemical values that characterize rumen digestibility based on research agricultural experiment some results were obtained. These results prove that studied diets with increase of energy and raw protein concentration levels in dry matter influence positively at nitrous substances concentration activate micro flora motions and promote bio-synthetic processes in rumen fluid of experimental animals
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Влияние уровня обменной энергии в рационе на продуктивность молодняка крупного рогатого скота
Lemeshevskij, V.O., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Improvement of the standards of energy and protein diets of young stock cattle of 1-6 month old and determination of its influence on animal productivity was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. The studied made it possible to determine that at the age of 1 month the calf diet should contain 1,02 kg of dry matter and 21,2 MJ of metabolic energy; at the age of 2 months - 1,26 kg and 23,5 MJ; at the age of 3 months - 2,2 kg and 25,6 MJ; at the age of 4 months - 2,9 kg and 31 MJ; at the age of 5 months - 3,28 kg and 34,2 MJ; at the age of 6 months - 3,76 kg and 37,6 MJ, respectively. Metabolic energy concentration per 1 kg of dry matter should not be lower than 20,7 MJ at the first month, 19 MJ - at the second month, after the third month it should lower up to 10 MJ. In course of 6 months the presented diet scheme made it possible get 832 g of average weight gain in the conditions of forage expenses of 3,52 forage units per 1 kg
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Влияние обработки зерна на гидродинамической установке на его состав
Radchikov, V.F., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Pentilyuk, S.I., Kherson State Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine)
Treatment of legumes and cereals on hydrodynamic machine TEK-CM allows to obtain tine-dispersed feed products (paste, milk) containing dry matter of 42-30% with better nutrition values compared to initial raw material. Preparation of grain to feeding on hydrodynamic machine TEK-CM increases the sugars contents on 26-56%, free amino acids - on 22-57%, and the quantity of cellular tissue decreases. Activity of the antinutrients containing in a soya, decreases up to a safe level
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Продуктивность многоукосных однолетних ценозов
Lukashevich, N.P. | Zenkova, N.N. | Skovorodko, V.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
The level of yielding and biological capacity of grass mixtures of feeding crops (common ryegrass (Lolium perenne); spring vetch (Vicia); Austrian winter pea (Pisum arvense); blue lupine (Lupinus angustifolius); common barley (Hordeum vulgare)) in the conditions of the Northern part of the Republic of Belarus and their quality evaluation were studied. The optimum temperature of seed germination at the seeding depth and the sufficient amount of moisture in soil provided high germination rate. Nitric fertilizer application and crop sowing in the conditions of various coenosis did not affect seed germination. The quantity of shoots predetermined the optimum plant stand density and made it possible to generate high green mass productivity. Formation of a high green mass yield in single-crops sowings of annual ryegrass was obtained against the background of minimum 180 kg of primary nutrients of nitric fertilizers per 1 ha, taking into consideration that the amount of crop tops increases in 3 times in comparison with crops without nitric fertilizers. Inclusion bean component into the grass mixture (even without nitrogen application) made it possible to generate the level of top biomass by three hay crops from 40,2 up to 55,4 t/ha. However, application of mineral nitrogen for cultivation of leguminous and cereal crop mixtures with overgrassing of annual ryegrass made it possible to increase the green mass productivity. Inclusion of a bean component into a grass mixture rendered influence on the amount of digestible protein. The highest protein yield was provided by high yielding crops with content of spring vetch on the background of mineral nitrogen (0,9 t/ha). In coenosis with pea and lupine mixtures provided protein content of 0,8 t/ha
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Злаковый силос, заготовленный с консервантом Axphast Gold, в рационах крупного рогатого скота
Tsaj, V.P. | Gurin, V.K., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
The comparative analysis of application of cereal ensilage produced with addition of microbial and enzymatic preserving agents Axphast Gold and Biotrof on fodder digestibility, hematological indexes and cicatrical digestion of cattle rearers was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Cattle feeding with the analysed silage rendered positive effect on digestibility of the forage dry matter, which was on 2% higher the control index, organic matter - on 2,4%, nitrogen-free extractive substances - on 2,84%, fat - on 0,58%, protein - on 2,3%, cellulose - on 2,1%. Use in feeding of ensilaged forages from the cereal perennial grasses preserved by the microbial- enzymatic preparation produced by company Biota rendered the positive influence on use of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus. There was also noted the increasing of the content of volatile fatty acids in paunch of young cattle silage fed with Axphast Gold that testified of more effective utilization of forage
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Молочная продуктивность, распределение и использование энергии первотелками в период раздоя
Kurepin, A.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Results of the scientifically-economic experience lead in farm Zarechje (Smolevichskij district of the Minsk area) have shown, that perfect metabolizable energy concentration in dry matter of a diet at milking period for first-calve cows is 11,7 MJ/kg. It allows to increase natural milk productivity at 8,24% (27,4 against 25,4 kg) and 4%-milk outcome – at 8,93% as well as effective usage of metabolizable energy for production up to 4,9% (P less than 0,01) and minimum of production warmth loses
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Влияние различного сахаропротеинового отношения в рационе на эффективность использования обменной энергии племенными бычками
Kryshton, T.G., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breding (Belarus)
Balanced complete feeding proved to be one of the major conditions of animal productivity increase and improvement of their reproductive qualities. Full value of feeding could be obtained at the expense of forage quality improvement and perfection of structure of the rations providing the increasing of metabolic energy use by breeding bull-calves. Analysis of the efficiency of metabolic energy use by the replacement bull calves under conditions of various sugar and protein ratio was realized in the Republic of Belarus. Research results showed that enrichment of replacement bull calves (with 325-405 kg of live weight) rations with easy digestible carbohydrates (sugar and starch) in ratio of 32% from a dry matter ration, including 15% of stable starch made it possible to increase the transformation of metabolic energy into energy of body weight gain on 21,73 - 23,96 MJ or on 10,3%, that as a result correspondingly increased the daily average weight gains on 7,9% and reduced the expenses for forage energy for 7,1% counting on an energy unit. According to the ejaculate volume indices the bull calves of the second experimental group surpassed analogues of a control group on 14,8%, and according to sperm concentration indices - on 12%. The average quantity of the frozen doses of sperm has made 65%
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