AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

[ Publicado en: Journal of Veterinary Research ]
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Resultados 41-50 de 77

Development of enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for seromonitoring against hydropericardium syndrome (ELISA) virus


Manzoor, R. | Kamal, T. | Khawaja, D.A. | Ismail, M.A. | Gill, Z.J. (Veterinary Research Inst., Lahore (Pakistan))

National Agricultural Research Centre - Pakistan

Evaluation of coproantigen diagnosis for natural Echinococcus multilocularis infection in red foxes [Vulpes vulpes]


Morishima, Y. (Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan)) | Tsukada, H. | Nonaka, N. | Oku, Y. | Kamiya, M.

The Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Information Technology Center - Japan

Use of biotinylated antibody for the assay of Hanganutziu-Deicher antibodies and antigens in fluids and tissues from cancer patients


Gathuru, J.K. (Yokohama Univ. (Japan). Faculty of Engineering) | Higashi, H. | Kato, S. | Usuba, O. | Naiki, M.

The Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Information Technology Center - Japan

Evaluation of isometamidium levels in the serum of sheep and goats after prophylactic treatment against trypanosomosis


Wesongah, J.O. | Murilla, G.A. | Kibugu, J.K. (Kenya Trypanosomiasis Research Inst., Kikuyu (Kenya)) | Jones, T.W.

National Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Information Centre - South Africa

Evaluation of an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of feline lentivirus-reactive antibodies in wild felids, employing a puma lentivirus-derived synthetic peptide antigen


Van Vuuren, M. | Stylianides, E. (Pretoria Univ., Onderstepoort (South Africa). Veterinary Tropical Diseases Dept.) | Kania, S.A. | Zuckerman, E.E. | Hardy, W.D.

National Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Information Centre - South Africa

Development of solid phase antigen for indirect ELISA for the detection of specific antibody responses to infection with Newcastle disease virus


Sahle, M. (National Animal Health Research Center, Sebeta (Ethiopia)) | Burgess, G.W.

National Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Information Centre - South Africa

The use of chicken IgY in a double antibody sandwich ELISA for detecting African horsesickness virus


Du Plessis, D.H. | Van Wyngaardt, W. | Romito, M. (Agricultural Research Council, Onderstepoort (South Africa). Onderstepoort Veterinary Inst.) | Du Plessis, M. | Maree, S.

National Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Information Centre - South Africa

Detection of bovine-virus-diarrhoea-virus antibodies in cattle with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay


Muvavarirwa, P. | Mudenge, D. | Moyo, D. | Javangwe, S. (Zimbabwe Univ., Harare (Zimbabwe). Dept. of Paraclinical Veterinary Studies)

National Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Information Centre - South Africa