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Оптимизация уровня обменной энергии и незаменимых аминокислот в комбикормах для ремонтных свинок
Roshchin, V.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Balancing of mixed feeds for replacement gilts considering the metabolically energy level and essential available amino acids amount increases growth speed of animals at 9,6% (P less than 0,05) compared to mixed feeds prepared in correspondence with detailed norms of feeding; it also decreases terms of animals pedigree usage from 277 to 223 days
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Эффективность скармливания жмыха и шрота из рапса нового сорта Явар в рационах телят
Sapsaleva, T.L. | Radchikova, G.N. | Pilyuk, S.N., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Rape-cake containing 1,4-1,9% of glycozinolates and 27-30 mMol of erucic acid per 1 kg of dry matter may be implemented in mixed feed KP-1 for calves in amounts of 15% on mass. Feeding animals with mixed feeds KP-1 with rape-cake allows to get the average daily weight gains of 848-865 g at forage spends of 2,49-2,52 forage units per 1 kg of weight gain
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Эффективность применения заменителей цельного молока при выращивании телят
Sakhanchuk, A.I. | Kallaur, M.G. | Kirikovich, S.A. | Dargel, T.B. | Kurepin, A.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
As a result of the conducted researches it was determined that replacement of milk in diets for suckling calves with whole milk substitute Komnilakt-50/2101 allows to significantly reduce the price and increase profitability of pedigree heifers growing that corresponds demands of the standard of classification for young cattle of 3 months of age on live weight of 90-105 kg at planned live weight of cows of 500-600 kg
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Проблема производства высококачественной и экологически чистой продукции свиноводства на крупных промышленных комплексах
Senko, A.V. | Voronov, D.V., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
The article deals with the prevention problem of digestive system diseases in pig-breeding and therapeutic measures perfecting for these diseases. In article are given new methods of prevention without using antibiotics
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Естественные защитные силы гусей при включении в рацион коэнзима В12 в весенне-летний период
Skobelev, V.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In given article natural resistance of geese during the spring-and-summer period is considered at inclusion in a diet coenzyme B12. Namely, dynamics bactericidal, lysozyme activity of blood of geese, dynamics of phagocytosis activity, the general fiber in blood whey, dynamics of fiber gamma-globuline fraction and reliability of distinction between groups is resulted
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Влияние толщины шпика на мясосальные качества свиней
Streltsov, V.A., Bryansk State Agricultural Academy (Russian Federation) | Pinchuk, V.F., Agricultural Complex Voskhod (Belarus) | Ryabicheva, A.E., Bryansk State Agricultural Academy (Russian Federation) | Streltsova, Z.S., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
The present research deals with slaughter and morphological characteristics as well as physical and chemical properties of meat of young hogs taken off fattening estimated bearing relationship to back fat thickness of sow. The above data have been obtained in the commercial swine production farm specialized in three-way rotational crossbreeding in its breeding programme
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Влияние различных факторов на продуктивное долголетие коров
Tanana, N.A. | Korshun, S.I. | Klimov, N.N., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
In the article showed results of the researches of the influence on productive longevity of cows of such factors, as a linear belonging, a genotype of the father, type of selection are stated. The lead researches have shown, that more longer duration of use characterized the animals belonging to line Siling Trajdzhun Rockit 252803 - 4,5 lactations. Among daughters of various bulls the greatest term of productive use daughters of the bulls the Silach 158 - 5,0 lactations differed. At the maximal deviation in efficiency of ancestors (6001-7000 kg of milk) longevity of their daughters was the greatest and has made 4,18 lactations. The greatest influence on duration of economic use of cows was rendered by specific features of bulls (32,2%) and a linear accessory -12,0%. While the selection variant practically does not influence longevity of animals - a share of influence of 3,7%
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Продуктивность и сохранность молодняка свиней при сочетании ультрафиолетового и узкополосного красного облучения различной кратности
Taranenko, T.I., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
In the experiment with swine there was studied the influence of ultra-violet and various doses of narrow-band red radiation on efficiency and safety of animals. It has been established, that efficiency and safety of animal skilled groups in comparison with animals of control group has risen. Use of an ultra-violet and narrow-band red irradiation with frequency rate of inclusion of red light three times has a day allowed to raise average alive mass of young plants of pigs on 2,5 kg or on 9,1% (Р less than 0,01), a daily average gain - on 9,6%(Р less than 0,001) and safety of animals - on 10%
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Иммунокорригирующая добавка для повышения иммунобиологической полноценности колострального молока
Trofimov, A.F. | Timoshenko, V.N. | Muzyka, A.A. | Pechenova, M.A. | Kovalevskij, I.A. | Moskalev, A.A. | Puchka, M.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Loponogova, T.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Efficiency of level increase of colostrums' full value and natural resistance of calves at the expense of application additive stimulating immunity a preparation «Erakond» is proved in the article. Optimum doses and ways of application of a preparation are established
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Применение квантовой энергии для стимуляции иммунобиологической реактивности, роста и развития новорожденных телят
Trofimov, A.F. | Timoshenko, V.N. | Muzyka, A.A. | Pechenova, M.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
It is established, that application of laser radiation of low intensity of infra-red area of a spectrum together with a constant magnetic field (an exposition 180 seconds) promotes correction of immunity of an organism of newborn calves that leads to increase in intensity of growth, and decrease in disease of young growth
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