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Study of some biochemical parameters and productivity of Silphium L. genotypes as perspective energetic crops
Д. Б. Рахметов | О. М. Вергун | С. О. Рахметова | О. В. Шиманська | В. В. Фіщенко
Purpose. This study was aimed to determine some biochemical parameters and productivity of the gene fund of Silphium L. genus in the M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine. Methods. Plant raw material investigated at the flowering stage (17 genotypes) and the end of vegetation (20 genotypes) of Silphium spp. 3 species and 4 cultivars studied for the content of nutrients at the flowering. Determination of dry matter, ash, calcium, nitrogenfree extractives conducted according to Hrytsaienko et al. (2003), phosphorus, protein – according to Pochinok (1976), sugars – according to Krishchenko (1983), cellulose – according to Zheng et al. (2018), lipids – according to Zamowski, Suzuki (2004). It was used productivity parameters: yield of above-ground mass, the yield of dry mass, energetic value, yield of energy. Data analyzed statistically. Results. Investigation of nutrients content showed that content of dry matter was in the range of 18.90–29.3%, protein – in the range of 8.88–23.56%, cellulose – 15.10–36.14%, ash – 8.13–12.19%, lipids – 1.83–3.97%; yield of above-ground mass – 45.0–139.0 t/ha, the yield of dry matter – 10.31–36.92 t/ha, energy value – 3933–4249 cal/g, and yield of energy – 43.81–149.27 Gcal/ha. A study of genotypes at the flowering and end of vegetation identified that the content of dry matter for all samples was in a range of 18.38–67.49%, sugars – 2.78–19.0%, ash – 3.93–11.20%, calcium – 1.68–5.99%, phosphorus – 0.14–1.21%, energy value – 3153.36– 3770.28 cal/g. Conclusions. Plant raw material of genotypes of Silphium L. spp. is a valuable source of nutrients. The content of ash, its components, energetic value, and parameters of productivity depending on genotype and stage of growth. The results allow recommending selected Silphium genotypes as perspective energetic crops in Ukraine as well as other countries.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Evaluation weather conditions for growing sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in the northern part of the Left-bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine
С. М. Каленська | А. С. Риженко
Pourpose. Establish compliance of heat and moisture resources to biological requirements of sunflower hybrids (Helianthus annuus), reveal criteria for assessing weather conditions in the northern regions of Ukraine; establish links between temperature, precipitation and yield. Methods. Field and mathematical methods were used. Field multifactorial experiment was conducted during 2016–2018 in the Left Bank of Ukraine, on the border of two soil and climatic zones of Ukraine - Forest-Steppe and Polissya. Peculiarities of plant growth and development, formation of "hybrids" yield (factor A) were studied: 'Ukrainskyi F1', 'P63LL06', 'NK Brio', 'NK Ferti' depending on "plant density" (factor B): 50, 55 , 60, 65 thousand pieces/hectare. We calculated and analyzed the sums of active, effective temperatures for two biological minima - 5 and 10 ° C; the sum of thermal units according to the method of Brown and Bootsma, 1993; coefficients of materiality of elements deviations of the agrometeorological mode of the current year from long-term averages; plasticity and yield stability according to the method of Eberthart S.A., Russel W.Q. (1966). Results. To pass the full cycle of sunflower plants development, the sum of active temperatures (t = 10 °C) for hybrid 'Ukrainskyi F1' – 2354.6; P63LL06 – 2306.4; 'NK Brio' – 2401.3; 'NK Ferti' – 2379.7; and the sum of effective temperatures for 'Ukrainskyi F1'- 1081.5; 'P63LL06' – 1056.9; 'NK Brio' – 1104.9; 'NK Ferti' – 1109.1 is required. The sum of temperatures, both at a biological minimum temperature 10 °C and 5 °C, meet biological needs of sunflower plants and is not a limiting factor for this crop growing. The sum of thermal units for the period April–October is 3780 on average for three years. During the period of active sunflower vegetation (April–August) the sum of thermal units is 2868–3258, significantly exceeding the sum of active and effective temperatures at biologically active temperatures 5 °С and 10 °С. The most determined limits of changes in active, effective temperatures and thermal units were observed in May – September. Conclusions. Plasticity and stability of sunflower yield more depending on hybrid and plants density than on conditions of the year. Yield stability coefficient for hybrid 'Ukrainskyi F1' was 1.68 - 2.30; 'P63LL06'- 2.51 - 3.14; 'NK Brio'- 3.15 - 4.63; 'NK Ferti' - 2.70 - 3.75 for yields, respectively: 2.16 - 3.11; 2.58 - 3.52; 3.20 - 4.12; 2.70 - 3.79 t/ha.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Peculiarities of the classification of economically valuable indicators of highbush blueberry varieties of Vaccinium corymbosum L.
С. І. Мельник | Н. С. Орленко | Н. В. Лещук | В. М. Матус | В. А. Павлюк | Н. В. Павлюк
Purpose. To substantiate the features of the classification of morphobiological and economically valuable indicators of highbush blueberry varieties of Vaccinium corymbosum L. Methods. The studies were carried out during 2012–2019. Research methods: field (visual examination of the manifestation of morphological signs of vegetative and generative organs of blueberry plants), laboratory (determination of the content of vitamin C, total sugar, pectin, carotenes, anthocyanins, flavonoids, total acidity in berries), analytical, comparative, statistical (cluster analysis). Results. Over the years of research, varieties of highbush blueberries were characterized by a stable manifestation of homogeneous morphological traits and economically valuable performance indicators. In particular, the studied varieties are classified according to ripeness groups: very early: ‘Fiolent’; early: ‘Draper’, ‘Huron’, ‘Clockwork’, ‘Cargo’, ‘Laska’; medium: ‘Blue Ribbon’, ‘Top shelf’, ‘ZF08-070’, ‘Mavka’; late: ‘Liberti’, ‘Last Call’ and very late: ‘Aurora’, ‘Overtime’. It was determined that the quantitative morphological traits of highbush blueberry varieties that influenced the formation of plant productivity include such traits as growth vigor, leaf length, leaf width, inflorescences lengthwise, bunch density, fruit size. Economically valuable indicators of suitability of highbush blueberry varieties remained stable within the ripeness group. The highest yield (19.5 t/ha) was provided by the mid-season variety ‘Mavka’ of domestic selection. The yield of berries from the bush of this variety was also high and amounted to 7 kg. The studied performance indicators were low in the variety ‘Blue Ribbon’ – 10.2 t/ha and 2.4 kg, respectively. The minimum and maximum values of the manifestation of characteristics will serve to establish the limiting boundaries of its variation in the next modeling of economically valuable indicators of highbush blueberry varieties. Conclusions. Such morphobiological characteristics of highbush blueberry varieties, as plant growth vigor, leaf length, leaf width, inflorescences lengthwise, bunch density, fruit size are closely related to plant productivity, berry yield per bush, berry weight and yield. Therefore, they can be involved in the development and improvement of the model of suitability indicators of highbush blueberries for distribution in Ukraine.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Морфо-біологічні ознаки та продуктивність ліній і гібридів суперсолодкої кукурудзи, отриманих на основі мутації sh2
О. Ю. Куліш | М. Ф. Парій
Мета. Суперсолодка кукурудза містить ген, експресія якого зумовлює підвищення концентрації цукру. Ідентифіковано гени ендосперму, що регулюють підвищення вмісту цукру і зменшення вмісту крохмалю; найефективнішими з них були shrunken2 (sh2), brittle1 (bt), sugary1 (su1) і sugary enhancer1 (se). Рецесивна мутація shrunken2 (sh2) забезпечує високий уміст цукрів у зерні молочно-воскової стиглості порівняно з іншими мутантними формами, що безпосередньо впливає на смакові якості sh2-гібридів, обумовлює широке використання цієї мутації в селекційній роботі і має найбільший комерційний потенціал. Основним завданням селекції є створення нового покоління високопродуктивних гібридів, яке залежить від наявності високоякісного вихідного селекційного матеріалу. Тому метою роботи було оцінити лінії суперсолодкої кукурудзи за морфо-біологічними ознаками, виділити ліпші лінії-донори генетичних ознак, створити високопродуктивні гібриди кукурудзи. Методи. Морфо-біологічні ознаки досліджених ліній оцінювали за Класифікатором-довідником виду Zea mays L. Комплексний аналіз зразків за господарсько-цінними ознаками проводили згідно з Методичними рекомендаціями для польового та лабораторного вивчення генетичних ресурсів кукурудзи. Уміст редукувальних цукрів у зерні досліджених ліній і гібридів кукурудзи визначали за методом Бертрана. Результати. Досліджено морфо-біологічні ознаки суперсолодкої кукурудзи. Істотні відмінності між дослідженими лініями спостережено за тривалістю вегетаційного періоду, кількістю насінин в одному ряді й кількістю рядів зерен у качані. Виділено лінії-джерела господарсько-цінних ознак для практичної селекції. Проведено схрещування і отримано 50 гібридних комбінацій, серед яких виділено 16, які характеризувалися кращими показниками господарських ознак. Висновки. У результаті аналізу основних морфо-біологічних ознак у гібридних комбінаціях цукрової кукурудзи з мутантним геном sh2 виділено джерела селекційно-цінних ознак. За тривалістю вегетаційного періоду всі лінії було розділено на три групи: ранні – 8 ліній, середні – 6 і пізні – 8 ліній. Установлено, що перспективними донорами продуктивності качана були лінії SH-621, SH-234 і SH-936, висоти рослин – SH-234 і SH-936, кількості рядів зерен – SH-234 і SH-113, довжини качана – SH-318 і SH-936. За оцінкою морфо-біологічних ознак виділено ліпші лінії, які були схрещені, отримано низку гібридів. Найкращі з них – ‘Матір Драконів F1’, ‘Юрмала F1’ і ‘Ларус F1’ – передано на державну реєстрацію.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Expression of gus and gfp genes in amphidiploid spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L.) after Agrobacterium-mediated transformation
А. В. Кирієнко | М. В. Кучук | Н. Л. Щербак | М. Ф. Парій | Ю. В. Симоненко
Purpose. To study the expression of gus and gfp genes in callus explants of amphidiploid spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L.) after Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation. Methods. Winter spelt wheat of ‘Europa’ variety was chosen for transformation. Calli obtained from mature embryos were used as explants. Callus pre-cultivation was carried out on MS nutrient medium (Murashige–Skoog) supplemented with 2 mg/L 2.4-D (2.4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) and 10 mg/L silver nitrate. For genetic transformation, Agrobacterium tumefaciens Conn., strain GV3101 and a genetic construct with reporter genes beta-glucuronidase (GUS) and green fluorescent protein (GFP) were used. Calli were transformed by inoculation with agrobacteria and vacuum infiltration. Then they were co-cultured on MS medium with 2 mg/L 2.4-D and 10 mg/L AgNO3, but without antibiotics. The expression of the gus gene was checked by histochemical and the gfp gene by visual analysis (fluorescence of the GFP protein in UV light). Gfp and gus gene expression levels were evaluated using ImajeJ software. The integration of the gfp and gus genes into the spelt genome was verified by PCR. Results. Genetic transformation of spelt callus explants by inoculation in a nutrient medium with agrobacteria and vacuum infiltration occurred at different frequencies. The level of expression of the gus gene during vacuum infiltration was 4.66 ± 0.74%, with inoculation – 4.00 ± 0.91%; and the gfp gene with vacuum infiltration – 3.66 ± 0.74%, with inoculation – 4.66 ± 1.39%. The level of expression of the gfp gene was higher when using inoculation with agrobacteria, and the gus gene was higher during vacuum infiltration. Using PCR analysis, the integration of the gfp and gus genes into the callus of spelt genome was confirmed. The length of the PCR product with primers for the gus gene was 240 bp, and 717 bp for the gfp gene. Conclusions. The use of vacuum infiltration and inoculation methods for spelt genetic transformation gave different results. The frequency of genetic transformation ranged from 3.66 to 4.66%. Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of amphidiploid spelt wheat allows us to study the expression of gus and gfp reporter genes using callus explants derived from mature embryos
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Customer-related quality of perspective potato hybrids (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Н. С. Кожушко | М. М. Сахошко | С. І. Бердін | М. Г. Баштовий | Д. В. Смілик
Purpose. Based on the study of consumer qualities of perspective potato hybrids (Solanum tuberosum L.) the ones with a high degree of differentiation depending on the biochemical composition of tubers and culinary-consumer type were identified. Methods. Field (phenology); laboratory (biochemical, technological); mathematical and statistical (linear correlation, regression). Results. Consumer qualities and patterns of their formation under the influence of the biochemical composition of tubers were studied. Excellent taste was determined in mid-early (‘203.703-3’, ‘205.781-9’), mid-season (‘205.786-72’, ‘205. 798-15’) hybrids. High cooking quality of the tubers was detected in early-season hybrids (‘99.523-15’, ‘205.791-3’, ‘205.785-25’, ‘205.792-205’). Soft crispy texture was detected in mid-early (‘205.776-25’, ‘99.546-3’) and mid-season (‘205.782-24’, ‘205.786-72’, ‘205.798-43’) hybrids. The mid-early hybrid '205.780-8' contained high levels of starch. In terms of resistance to browning, three early-season (‘99.517-39’, ‘203.703-2’, ‘205.785-25’) and two mid-season hybrids (‘205.781-9’, ‘205.788-3’) were selected. It is proved, that the taste development depended on the starch content (r=0,657), proportion of starch/protein (r=0,470) and sugars accumulation (r= -450). The positive dependence of the cooking quality of the tubers on their starchiness (r=0,945), proportion of starch and protein (r=0,900) was detected. The influence of proportion of starch/protein over the texture of the tubers (r=0,877) and starch content (r=0,868) was established. Mealiness depended on sugars (r= -0,494) and starch content (r=0,474), resistance to browning – on tyrosine content in protein (r=-0,873) and free tyrosine content (r= - 0,824). In terms of culinary and consumer type of food (table) potatoes, eight hybrids were rated as type B, five and five hybrids belonged to types A and C respectively, and three hybrids belonged to type D. Conclusions. The selected, as for the high level of culinary quality indicators, hybrids can be recommended as valuable output material for practical plant breeding. Determination of biological interrelation of potato culinary quality indicators and biochemical composition of their tubers allowed to develop mathematical simulations to predict taste and texture, and it practically relieved from boiling and subjective evaluation by organoleptic method of tasting results. Systematization of culinary and consumer type food (table) potatoes can be a subject matter in the course of state variety testing.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Features of the morphological structure of plants and biochemical properties of introduced and domestic varieties of Cannabis sativa L.
А. С. Полякова | Л. М. Горшкова | Д. Б. Рахметов
Purpose. Identifying the features of the seasonal growth rhythm, development of the plants, morphological and biological differences in monoecious introduced and domestic varieties of Cannabis sativa L. in the North-east region of Ukraine. Methods. The research was conducted from 2014 till 2019. The following research methods were employed: field (phenological observations, sampling for laboratory analysis), microscopic (study of the morphological structure of glandular and cystolithic hairs on vegetative and generative organs, determination of the size and density of hair formation), laboratory and analytical (determination of the content of cannabinoid substances by thin layer and gas-liquid chromatography), biomorphological methods (analysis of morphological characteristics of plants). Chemical analysis for the content of cannabinoid substances was carried out in the laboratory of the breeding and seed production department of the Institute of Bast Crops of the NAAS of Ukraine (Glukhiv, 2014–2019). The content of neutral substances [cannabinol (CBN), cannabidiol (CBD), tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)] and acids (CBDA, THCA) was determined by using a thin layer chromatography (TLC) and gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) methods. For the study, 11 monoecious varieties of C. sativa: ‘YuSO 1’, ‘YuSO 31’, ‘Hliana’, ‘Viktoriia’, ‘Hlesiia’, ‘Hlukhivskyi 46’, ‘Hlukhivski 51’, ‘Zolotoniski 15’ and 3 introduced varieties: ‘Fedora 17’, ‘Felina 32’, ‘Futura 77’ (France) which differed among themselves in morphological, biological, genetic, ecological-geographical and economically valuable characteristics were selected. Results. Biological and morphological characteristics of modern monoecious varieties of C. sativa were investigated depending on the ecological and geographical zones of origin, conditions of the growing season and the stage of ontogenesis. The functional interdependence between the formation of specialized excretory structures and the content of cannabinoid substances in plants of different varieties of C. sativa was revealed. The following promising varieties of C. sativa in a ration of ((THC + CBN) ≤ CBD) point the possibility to use them as the source material for creating the medicinal varieties of plants with a high content of CBD. Conclusions. Nowadays C. sativa is the main source of phyto material for industrial production of natural CBD. In recent years, high-yielding varieties of C. sativa have been created, which, together with high commercially valuable traits, did not contain psychoactive THC and had an insignificant amount of CBD. The results of the research indicated the features of the seasonal growth rhythm, development of the plants and the morphological and biological features of modern monoecious introduced and domestic varieties of C. sativa in the North-east region of Ukraine. The low correlation between the content of cannabinoid substances and their acids in varieties, which are characterized by the low content of cannabinoid compounds was established. According to the developed own classification (THC + KBN): CBD, varieties with a predominant CBD content ‘Hlukhivskyi 46’, ‘Zolotoniski 15’, ‘Hliana’ which are of significant medicinal value were identified.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Bioinformatic analysis of nucleotide sequences of the acetolactate synthase (als) gene of different members of the Poaceae family
А. В. Кирієнко | Н. Л. Щербак | Ю. В. Симоненко
Purpose. Provide bioinformatic analysis and comparison of target regions of the acetolactate synthase (als) gene in several members of the Poaceae family and, on the basis of the obtained data, explore the possibility of creating a unified genetic construct for als gene editing using the CRISPR-Cas9 system. Methods. The als gene sequences of various members of the Poaceae family were obtained from the NCBI: Nucleotide database. For comparison, a fragment of the imi-2 gene of wheat of the soft line ‘TealIMI11A’ was used in two regions of the 367–390 and 1729–1749 nucleotide sequences. The Sequence Viewer 3.37.0 tool was used to assess the presence of nucleotide substitutions in the working sequence of the imi-2 gene. The dendrogram was built using the “Blast Tree” tool from the NCBI: Blast: Nucleotide resource. Results. A comparative analysis of the nucleotide sequences of seven different species was carried out: soft wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), common wild oat (Avena fatua L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), Asian rice (Oryza sativa L.), maize (Zea mays L.), aleppo grass (Sorghum halepense Pers.) and Tausch’s goatgrass (Aegilops tauschii Coss.). The dendrogram is based on the gene sequence als, showed that all studied genotypes can be divided into two blocks: the first block included maize and aleppo grass, and the second block, a separate branch includes Asian rice and common wild oat, barley, soft wheat and Tausch’s goatgrass. 367–390 nucleotide sequences of soft wheat showed the highest 100% homology to Asian rice, Tausch’s goatgrass and common wild oat. The lowest homology was for maize and aleppo grass at 83.3%. Evaluation of the nucleotide sequence 1729–1749 showed no complete homology at the 100% level. It was the highest for barley and Tausch’s goatgrass – 95.2%, and the lowest for rice, maize and aleppo grass – 80.9% each. Conclusions. The analysis confirms a significant degree of homology of the als gene sequence for various species of the Poaceae family, which allows us to create a universal genetic vector. However, taking into account the high degree of sequence homology for species such as soft wheat, Tausch’s goatgrass, barley, Asian rice and common wild oat, it can be assumed that the corresponding genetic vector can be used with the greatest efficiency to alter the als gene of these genotypes.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Evaluation of the source breeding material of winter triticale by the main signs of suitability for processing into bioethanol
О. С. Левченко | В. М. Стариченко
Purpose. To analyze collection samples by yield, protein and starch content in grain, its granulometric composition and highlight valuable sources for creating varieties suitable for bioethanol processing. Methods. To assess the collection material, field, laboratory, measurement and weight, mathematical and statistical research methods were used. The analysis of chemical quality indicators of triticale grain was carried out by infrared spectrometry on an Infratec 1241 device. The size of starch granules was determined by light microscopy and using the ImageJ computer program. Statistical processing of the obtained research results was carried out with the introduction of the computer program Statistica 6. Results. The results of studies on the collection of winter triticale by the main signs of suitability for bioethanol processing are presented. The grain yield in collection samples on average over the years of research ranged from 3.69 to 5.17 t/ha. The best samples were identified – numbers 181, 101, 185, 219 and the variety ’Arystokrat’ with a yield of 5.01–5.17 t/ha. By the high starch content numbers 123 (69.5%), 101 (69.8%) and the varieties ‘Petrol’ (69.0%), ‘Solodiuk’ (70.1%) and ‘Liubomyr’ (70.3%) were selected. A moderate negative correlation was found between yield and protein content (r = -0.37) and a significant negative correlation was found between starch and protein content (r = -0.64). The analysis of collection samples of winter triticale by granulometric starch composition was carried out. Maximum size of starch granules in the collection samples ranged from 19.4 to 32.7 µm, the minimum – 9.9 to 15.7 µm, and the variability range for the average size of granules was 15.4–20.0 µm. Varieties ‘Yasha’ and ‘Mundo’ were distinguished by the smallest average granule size of starch (15.4 and 15.6 µm) and uniformity of particle size distribution. Conclusions. Sources of valuable traits were identified by high productivity, starch content and aligned and fine granule size distribution. A moderate correlation between productivity and protein content and a significant negative correlation between starch and protein content was revealed.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Allelic composition of puroindolinium genes and confectionery properties of flour of soft winter wheat samples
О. Ю. Леонов | Я. Ю. Шарипіна | З. В. Усова | К. Ю. Суворова | Т. В. Сахно
Purpose. Identification of soft winter wheat varieties and lines from the Plant Production Institute nd. a. V. Ya. Yuryev, NAAS by allelic state of Pina–D1 and Pinb-D1 genes for targeted use in the breeding for high confectionery properties of flour. Methods. Identification of the Pina-D1 and Pinb-D1 genes allelic state was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using allele-specific primer pairs. Confectionery properties of flour were evaluated by determining the quality indicators: the water absorption capacity (WAC) of the flour, trial baking of cookies and evaluation of its quality. Results. According to the results of PCR analysis, 9 samples had an allelic composition of puroindoline genes (Pina-D1a and Pinb-D1a) characteristic for soft-grained varieties. Flour of the lines 'L137-26-0-2', 'L137-26-0-3' had the best confectionery properties, it had a WAC value less than 55%, cookies diameter 85 mm, cookies height 10 mm, estimation of a surface of cookies 7– 9 points, what meets the requirements for soft-grained wheat. 76% of the samples belonged to hard-grained varieties and had the corresponding alleles of the Pina-D1 or Pinb-D1 genes. In the studied sample, Pina-D1 gene is represented by 2 alleles: Pina-D1a and Pina-D1b. 27 samples had Pina-D1a allele, which also allows them to be used in breeding programs for grain quality when crossed with soft samples, 4 ones had Pina-D1b allele. As to Pinb-D1 gene, all hard grain samples had Pinb-D1b allele, and the 'Erythrospermum S 424-1 / 14' line was heterogeneous for Pinb-D1a / Pinb-D1b. The flour of these samples had typical for hard wheat quality indicators: WAC 68% and more, cookie diameter of 60–72 mm, cookie height of 13–15 mm, the surface evaluation of 1–4 points. Conclusions. The studies allowed to differentiate the breeding material and transfer a soft winter wheat cultivar of a confectionery use 'L137-26-0-3' ('Mazurok') which has an allelic structure of puroindolins genes (Pina-D1a and Pinb-D1a) characteristic for soft-grained varieties and high confectionery flour properties for qualification examination.
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