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Methodology of dietary fibre determination in grain products
Ozolina, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Gramatina, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Kunkulberga, D., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The dietary fibre is edible parts of plants' carbohydrates that are resistant to digestion in human small intestine. Diets naturally rich in dietary fibre support to prevent constipation, improve gastrointestinal health, glucose tolerance and the insulin response, and reduce the risk of colon cancer, hyperlipidemia, hypertension and other coronary heart disease risk factors. About 45% of the dietary fibre intake comes from grains and grain mixtures. In Latvia, there are neither data, nor investigations of the dietary fibre content in grain products during processing and in the end products in which manufacturers and consumers are interested. The aim of this paper was an approval of dietary fibre determination methodology by using analytical equipment the Full option science system (FOS) Analytical Fibertec E 1023. The dietary fibre determination experiments were carried out in the Research Laboratory of the Department of Food Technology at the Latvia University of Agriculture in 2009. The Total Dietary Fibre (TDF) content was analyzed in the samples of rye whole grain flour, rye whole grain bread, and wheat biscuit. Experiments showed that the fibre content in rye whole grain flour is 13.8 g 100 gE-1, in rye whole grain bread - 11.6 g 100 gE-1, and in the wheat biscuit - 1.9 g 100 gE-1. Reached data are comparable with results of other researchers' data.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Antiradical activity of rye bread during baking
Ozolina, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Kunkulberga, D., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Nowadays one of most urgent problems is the production of healthy food which ensures normal maintenance of the human body. Rye bread is one of the bases of wholesome food. Every year scientists in Europe and other countries carry out investigations on the nutritional impact of processing rye. Interesting questions arise regarding changes in the biologically active compounds in rye bread as a result of processed. Connate antiradical activity (ARA) of rye bread affects free radicals by scavenging or donating electrons, which suggests that the ARA of rye bread averts attacks of free radicals on human cells. Therefore it is important to use antioxidants containing products with antiradical activity in human diets. The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of baking processing on rye bread antiradical activity. The object of the study was Latvian traditional rye bread baked in a commercial bakery, made with scald, and baked in a clay-floor firewood oven. The antiradical activity of rye bread crumb and crust was measured by using free radical 2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). It was concluded in the research that rye flour type 1740 has antiradical activity by scavenging 67 μmol·100gE-1 DM of the stable free radical DPPH, which is 13% more than the dough antiradical activity of the same flour. The antiradical activity of the crust is 49.6% more than the antiradical activity of the crumb. Baking time has no significant impact on changes in the antiradical activity of rye bread crumb.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Technological and sensory quality of grain and baking products from spelt wheat
Kyptova, M., University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice (Czech Republic) | Konvalina, P., University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice (Czech Republic) | Khoa, T.D., University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice (Czech Republic)
This work deals with the baking quality of the spelt wheat grain (Triticum spelta L.) compared with bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Mixed flours were made of different share of spelt wheat and bread wheat (in total 11 mixtures) in 2016 in the Česke Budejovice in the laboratories of the Faculty of Agriculture. The technological quality of these mixtures was analysed, focusing on standard evaluation methods (protein content, characteristic of gluten or swellability of protein). The analysis was supplemented by complete rheological analysis made by Mixolab II. Bread was used as a model product. Subsequently, sensory evaluation of baked bread from the previously prepared mixtures was done. Part of the analysis was to estimate the economic basic bread recipe with different proportions of bread wheat and spelt wheat. The results were statistically analysed via STATISTICA 9.1 (StatSoft, Inc., USA). It was proved that the flour made of spelt can give cereal products with a higher nutritional value. The results have shown that the spelt grain is much more suitable for baking. Its advantage is the higher protein content and higher resistance of kneading of the dough and starch gelatinization rate, which was statistically confirmed. The main disadvantage is the higher price of spelt. According to the results, the ideal utilization of spelt wheat based on sensory analysis and economic calculations seems to be the mixture of spelt wheat and bread wheat, which results in an undeniable decrease of the product cost, and hence effects the common customer choice and taste preferences.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation the baking value of passage flours
Cacak-Pietrzak, G., Warsaw Univ. of Life Sciences (Poland) | Sułek, A., Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Inst., Pulawy (Poland) | Wyzinska, M., Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Inst., Pulawy (Poland)
The main direction of using wheat grains is grinding them into low-extraction flours. The flours collected from individual passages differ in terms of chemical composition and physical properties, which in turn differentiates their baking value. The aim of the study was to evaluate the baking value of passage flours obtained from the milling of spring and winter wheat grain. Wheat grain was milled in a 6-pass laboratory mill MLU-202 by Bühler. The baking value of the obtained passage flours was evaluated by an indirect method (protein content, gluten content and quality, falling number, farinograph analysis) and by a direct method (by baking and performing quality evaluation of the obtained bread). The research showed that the efficiency of flours from individual milling passages varied. The passages flours differed significantly in terms of chemical composition and baking value. The highest flour yields were obtained from the first and second grinding stages, while the smallest from the third grinding stage. Ash and total protein content, flour water absorption, and amylolytic enzymes activity increased together with the subsequent milling stage in both reduction-passage and grinding-passage. The gluten content increased with the next reduction stage, while it decreased with the subsequent grinding passage. The bread from the laboratory baking test was diversified in terms of sensory characteristics, loaf volume, and crumb porosity. The best quality bread was obtained from flour from the first two reduction passages. The lowest quality bread was obtained from flour from the final grinding passage.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Hedonic evaluation of wheat bread with berries marc
Gailite, I.(Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)) | Strautniece, E.(Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia))
The aim of the present study was to investigate the application possibilities of berries marc in wheat bread making to improve its quality. Sensory evaluation was used to determine the liking degree of bread with berries marc. Twenty samples of wheat bread with raspberries, white currants, gooseberries and seabuckthorn marc were produced by using standard technology. A 9 point hedonic scale was used to find out the degree of liking. The sensory data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's test. The results of hedonic scaling show that berries marc (5-10% of the flour mass) can be used in baking wheat bread.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Beta-glucan in hydrolysed soluble and insoluble oat fractions
Gramatina, I.(Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)) | Kreicbergs, V.(Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia))
Oats contain more beta-glucan (2-7%) than other croppers. Beta-glucan is the most essential water-soluble dietary fibre. It lowers cholesterine level in blood as well as stimulates elimination of carcinogens from the body. In order to enlarge possibilities of use of oats in a diet, they can be separated in water-soluble and insoluble fractions. The aim of the present study is to determine the amount of beta-glucan in hydrolysed oat soluble and insoluble fractions. Gelatinized, hydrolysed and steeped oatmeal prior to hydrolyse, which was separated in water-soluble and insoluble fractions, was used in experiments. Not more than 6% of gelatinized (non-hydrolysed) oatmeal dry matter dissolved in water. The outcome of fermentative hydrolysed dry matter of water-soluble oatmeal was 40-52%. The content of beta-glucan in soluble and insoluble oatmeal fraction was determined by using McClearly method. The content of beta-glucan fraction of gelatinized oatmeal decreased for 78% in comparison to the content of beta-glucan in oatmeal used in the experiments. The content of beta-glucan in the soluble fraction of hydrolysed oatmeal decreased for 8.1% to 9.2%, and increased for 35-42% in the insoluble fraction if compared with the content of beta-glucan in oatmeal.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The chemical composition of wheat bread with berry marc
Gailite, I. | Strautniece, E | Seglina, D.
The task of the research was to study the chemical composition of sea buckthorn and raspberry marc as well as of high milling wheat bread with berry marc. Wheat bread, i.e. the control sample and the bread samples with 3%, 5% and 7% (from the flour mass) of raspberry and sea buckthorn marc, was baked in the experimental bakery. The content of sugar, fat, protein, fibre and titratable acids was determined by using standard methods. The content of vitamin E, carotene, pectin and phenol compounds was determined by using spectrophotometric method. The obtained results prove that sea buckthorn and raspberry marc have fibre, fat, sugar acids, carotene, phenol compounds, vitamin E, and pectin. The content of fibre and carotene increased in wheat bread samples when raspberry and sea buckthorn marc was added. Depending on the amount of marc added to the bread, the changes in the content of fat, sugar, and carotene in wheat bread samples were studied. The wheat bread with raspberry and sea buckthorn marc contained vitamin E and phenol compounds.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Changes in the quality of wheat flour bread after adding oat and buckwheat flour
Skore, D. (Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia). Faculty of Food Technology. Dept. of Food Technology)
More and more people looking for healthy foods. Because researchers in nourishment to look for new possibilities in breadmaking. One of the possibilities is to substitute wheat flour by oat or buckwheat flour in bread products. Bread quality is characterized by sensory properties: taste, smell, flavour and texture. Hardiness, elasticity and gumminess are important indices of bread texture. The purpose of our work is to determine the changes in the bread texture of mix flour sample. Samples were prepared to substitute wheat at 10% and 15% or by at 10% and 25%. The wheat flour was used as a control. The experiments were made in the pilot Laboratory of I.A.T.A. in Spain, using AACC methods. Output data show that substitution buckwheat flour has improved the texture of bread, but substitution of oat flour has impaired the properties of texture.
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