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Effects of histamine on the ruminal smooth muscle motility of cattle.
Yoon B.C. | Han H.J. | Han B.K.
Effects of histamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine and their antagonists on the uterine motility in the rat.
Yoo K.Y.
This study has been carried out to investigate the augmenting or inhibiting effects of histamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine and their antagonists on the uterine motility. The uterine motility was represented by the magnitude of impulse and the frequency of uterine contraction which was counted by the number of waves on the recording paper. The inhibitory effect of phenoxybenzamine on the response to 5-hydroxytryptamine is the result of drug antagonism. Histamine stimlates or inhibits the motility of smooth muscle through H1 or H2-receptor. The uterine motility was increased through H1-receptor. Histamine induced relaxation by acting through H2-receptor.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Pasteurella haemolytica leukotoxin induces histamine release from bovine pulmonary mast cells.
Adusu T.E. | Conlon P.D. | Shewen P.E. | Black W.D.
Identification of histamine in fish and fish products in Poland during 2014–2018
Pawul-Gruba Marzena | Osek Jacek
Histamine is one of the most important and toxic biogenic amines which may be present in food and may cause food poisoning in humans when contained at a high level. It is produced during bacterial decarboxylation of histidine in fish muscles. The aim of the study was to investigate the presence of histamine in fish and fish products available in Poland during 2014–2018.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Histamine and other biogenic amines in food
Durak-Dados, Agata | Michalski, Mirosław | Osek, Jacek
The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the presence of biogenic amines, particularly histamine, in various food products, discuss the most important factors influencing their accumulation, and address potential toxicity and safe limits in food. Biogenic amines are natural components of animal and plant raw materials, where they are present at concentrations appearing non-harmful to human health. Their increased content in foods results from the activity of endogenous enzymes or from the microbial decarboxylation of amino acids during controlled or spontaneous fermentation, processing, storage, and distribution. General knowledge of biogenic amines, factors favouring their formation and their safe limits in food are useful in preventing exposure to their toxic effects on the human body. Based on this information, appropriate prophylaxis can be applied, which will consist primarily of maintenance of good hygiene standards of raw materials and products, employment of appropriate processing procedures and upkeep of sanitary food storage conditions.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Histamine and other biogenic amines in food
Durak-Dados Agata | Michalski Mirosław | Osek Jacek
The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the presence of biogenic amines, particularly histamine, in various food products, discuss the most important factors influencing their accumulation, and address potential toxicity and safe limits in food. Biogenic amines are natural components of animal and plant raw materials, where they are present at concentrations appearing non-harmful to human health. Their increased content in foods results from the activity of endogenous enzymes or from the microbial decarboxylation of amino acids during controlled or spontaneous fermentation, processing, storage, and distribution. General knowledge of biogenic amines, factors favouring their formation and their safe limits in food are useful in preventing exposure to their toxic effects on the human body. Based on this information, appropriate prophylaxis can be applied, which will consist primarily of maintenance of good hygiene standards of raw materials and products, employment of appropriate processing procedures and upkeep of sanitary food storage conditions.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Histamine content in rennet ripening cheeses during storage at different temperatures and times
Madejska, Anna | Michalski, Mirosław | Pawul-Gruba, Marzena | Osek, Jacek
In recent years, there has been a great interest in biogenic amines such histamine, as they are associated with the quality and safety of some kinds of fermented foods. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of temperature and storage time on the content of histamine in cheeses. Samples of mould and hard cheeses were examined with RP-HPLC with an organic-aqueous mobile phase containing acidic buffer and chaotropic salt. The samples were stored either at 22 ± 2°C for 42 days (mould and hard cheeses) or at 4 ± 2°C for 112 days (mould cheeses) and 133 days (hard cheeses). The mean total histamine content in cheeses stored at 22°C was higher than the content in those stored at 4°C, with the highest concentrations found in Gorgonzola Piccante cheese (730.47 mg/kg). Histamine concentration in some types of cheeses exceeded the toxic threshold dose, indicating that after long or inadequately cool storage they may not be safe for consumers. To protect cheeses from contamination with histamine-producing bacteria and to safeguard consumers from poisoning, factors conducive to this amine’s formation should be minimised during cheese processing. Suitable temperature and time during storage of cheeses are recommended to avoid the intoxication. Monitoring of this toxin in food is necessary to ensure safety of consumers.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Role of mast cells in cow metritis
Wang, Guo-Qing | Hou, Jin-Long | Huang, Huanyou | Yuan, Chao-Wen
Introduction: Bovine postpartum metritis causes great losses. Mast cell (MC)-released mediators participate in uterine inflammation and immune response, but their role in postpartum metritis in cows has not been reported. This study investigated the effect of endometrial MC on the disorder.Material and Methods: Ten dairy cows, at 6 to 10 days postpartum and with acute purulent metritis made up the experimental group, and 10 comparable healthy cows the control group. Endometrial histamine and IgE levels were determined by ELISA, and the MC particle state and expression of histamine H₁ (H₁R) and H₂ (H₂R) mRNA receptors were examined by transmission electron microscope and real-time quantitative PCR, respectively.Results: Endometrial histamine and IgE levels were significantly higher in the experimental group. In the control group, homogenously distributed size-varied granules were seen in MC cytoplasm of endometrium of lamina propria. In the experimental group however, these showed degranulation with features of reduction. The level of H₁R mRNA was lower in the experimental group, but that of H₂R mRNA was higher.Conclusion: The results suggest MC type I hypersensitivity characteristics during metritis, and histamine provocation of local inflammation. High expression of H₂R and low expression of H₁R inhibited the inflammatory response and prevented excessive uterine tissue damage.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Role of mast cells in cow metritis
Wang Guo-Qing | Hou Jin-Long | Huang Huan-Yu | Yuan Chao-Wen
Introduction: Bovine postpartum metritis causes great losses. Mast cell (MC)-released mediators participate in uterine inflammation and immune response, but their role in postpartum metritis in cows has not been reported. This study investigated the effect of endometrial MC on the disorder.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Identification of histamine in fish and fish products in Poland during 2014–2018
Pawul-Gruba, Marzena | Osek, Jacek
Histamine is one of the most important and toxic biogenic amines which may be present in food and may cause food poisoning in humans when contained at a high level. It is produced during bacterial decarboxylation of histidine in fish muscles. The aim of the study was to investigate the presence of histamine in fish and fish products available in Poland during 2014–2018. A total of 421 samples of raw (248), smoked (107), canned (50), and marinated fish (16) were analysed by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection. Histamine was detected in 14.1% samples of raw fish, 29% of smoked fish, 22% of canned fish and 93.8% of marinated fish in concentrations ranging from 3.4 to 156.4 mg/kg. Content of this amine above 100 mg/kg was found in four samples: raw Atlantic salmon, smoked European sprat and two samples of marinated Atlantic herring. The study showed that fish and fish products on the Polish market generally meet the food safety criteria for histamine and are safe for consumers.
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