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Spontaneous glomerulonephritis in chickens of the field flocks
Moriguchi, R. | Fujimoto, Y. | Kodama, H. (Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)
Дерматозы крупного рогатого скота, гигиенические аспекты их возникновения
Zhurba, V.A. | Savchenko, S.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there were studied the aetiology factors in development of dermatoses of productive cows taking into account the hygienic aspects. Structural defects of floors of cattle livestock buildings in animals of an experimental group promoted higher (on 35%) development of mattery dermhelminthiasis of distal areas of hindlegs in comparison with animals of a control group. Occurrence of skin dermhelminthiasis, especially in distal areas of hindlegs, was caused by various primary traumas of soft parts with the subsequent introduction into them of pathogenic microbial flora. The imperfect design of floors, an unsatisfactory microclimate in cow cattle houses, hypodynamia in the absence of constitutional walk made the preconditions for it. The reasons of purulent dermatosis of cows were two interconnected etiological factors: mechanical damages of tissues and development of a surgical infections in affected areas against the background of unsatisfactory microclimate that led to decrease in dairy efficiency on 4,51%. Therefore in a complex of the actions directed towards the preventive maintenance of surgical diseases, it is necessary to include the strict control over designing, building and operation of cattle-breeding premises, traumatism prevention, creation of an optimum microclimate and observance of zoohygienic norms of cattle maintenance.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Терапевтическая эффективность гель-этония 1% при лечении дерматозов вымени травматического происхождения у крупного рогатого скота
Zhurba, V.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus taking into consideration the hygienic aspects there were studied the aetiological factors in dermatosis development in productive cows. As a result of realized research it was established that aetiology of skin diseases in the area of a mammary gland were traumas, and following affects were more often marked: skin rhagades of mammillars; wound in the area of a mammary gland and mammillars; fistulas of milk tank vessels; and also sporadic damages of sphincter muscle of teat canal caused by machine milking. This in its turn gives made it possible to consider, that traumas of various character were a contributing factor for occurrence of udder garget - mastitis. In course of the realized analysis there was proved a high therapeutic efficiency of 1% aethonium gel for the treatment of various traumas of mammary gland and udder mammillars of cows. Clinical recovery of animals after administration 1% aethonium gel was stated on 3,2 days earlier, than after administration of Burenushka cream in the postoperative period. Healing and restoring action of 1% aethonium gel for udder tissues was proved by changes in number of somatic cells in milk. The quantity of somatic cells in 7 days after administration of 1% aethonium gel came back to the level which was typical healthy animals, while in the control group the quantity of somatic cells per 1 ml of milk did not decrease essentially.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Сравнительная эффективность путей терапии при респираторной патологии молодняка крупного рогатого скота
Pivovar, L.M., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied a comparative efficacy of methods of drug administration for diseased animals with respiratory diseases. It was stated that enteral (internal) administration of Tromexin in a complex therapy of calves with respiratory pathology possesses rendered low therapeutic efficacy and could have a lethal outcome. Parenteral (intramuscular) administration of Enrotil and Dexafort for a complex therapy of calves with respiratory pathology rendered a moderate therapeutic efficacy and could lead to animal's state improvement. Parenteral (intravenous) administration of hypertonic solutions of norsulfazol, calcium chloride, sodium chloride and glucose in complex therapy of calves diseased with a respiratory pathology proved to render a high therapeutic efficacy and may lead in a complete clinical recovery.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Морфологическое проявление патологий печени у свиней
Lemesh, V.M. | Bondar, T.V. | Pakhomov, P.I., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Investigation of frequency of occurrence and manifestations of liver pathology of swine during the postmortem examination at meat packing plant of the Republic of Belarus was realized. Data analysis of reports of postmortem veterinary-sanitary examination gathered from two leasing national meat packing plants showed that out of 236187 of evaluated swine carcasses and organs in 40860 (17,3%) of cases there were registered different liver pathologies. Among the total number of liver pathologies in 5721 cases (14%) there were stated liver pathologies caused by invasive diseases (echinococcus disease (Echinococcus granulosus) – 1,5%; cysticercosis – 0,2%; migration traces of ascarid larva - 12,3%), and 31830 cases (86%) were caused by noncontagious diseases. The highest percentage among noncontagious liver diseases was stated for dystrophic organ changes (83,6%); the other 17,2% were caused by fibroid induration. During the morphological liver analysis there were stated the dystrophic and necrotic changes in fractions with the profound disturbance of blood circulation. At the same there was noted the disturbance of the whole fraction stricture, acute capillary engorgement in the central and peripheral zones
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Изучение предрасположенности телят к респираторным заболеваниям и их комплексная профилактика
Petrovskij, S.V. | Sukhaya, E.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
There was studied the nosological profile of calve respiratory diseases and search of a complex way of preventive maintenance of respiratory pathologies with influence both on aetiology, and on the mechanism of disease development. The carried out research have allowed to draw following conclusions: among respiratory diseases at calves till 2-month age prevail diseases of the top respiratory ways (rhinitis, tracheitis, bronchitis); zinc-sulphatic is applied to complex diagnostics of respiratory diseases and predisposition to them of calves with high efficiency of the broncho-pulmonary; carrying out of preventive actions with use of an aerosol from one-chloride iodine and preparation ASD-2 leads to decrease in disease of calves by respiratory diseases and duration of their current; values of the broncho-pulmonary test applied to the control of efficiency of preventive actions, were above in trial groups at application of preparation ASD-2 on 32% and at complex application of preparation ASD-2 and an aerosol of one-chloride iodine on 37%. In the tabular form data on a clinical condition of calves are presented at respiratory diseases and dynamics of the broncho-pulmonary test at calves of trial and control groups. | Целями работы стали изучение нозологического профиля респираторных заболеваний телят и поиск комплексного способа профилактики респираторных патологий с воздействием как на этиологию, так и на механизм развития заболеваний. Проведенные исследования позволили сделать следующие выводы: среди респираторных заболеваний у телят до 2-месячного возраста преобладают заболевания верх¬них дыхательных путей (ринит, трахеит, бронхит); для комплексной диагностики респираторных заболеваний и предрасположенности к ним телят с высокой эффективностью применён цинк-сульфатный бронхолёгочный тест; проведение профилактических мероприятий с использованием аэрозоля из однохлористого йода и препарата АСД-2 приводит к снижению заболеваемости телят респираторными заболеваниями и длительности их течения; значения бронхолёгочного теста, применённого для контроля эффективности профилактических мероприятий, были выше в опытных группах при применении препарата АСД-2 на 32% и при комплексном применении препарата АСД-2 и аэрозоля однохлористого йода на 37%. В табличной форме представлены данные по клиническому состоянию телят при респираторных заболеваниях и динамика БХТ у телят опытных и контрольной групп.
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