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Changes in plasma cortisol, corticotropin, and alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone concentrations in cats before and after physical restraint and intradermal testing
Willemse, T. | Vroom, M.W. | Mol, J.A. | Rijnberk, A.
In 6 cats, mean +/- SEM baseline plasma concentrations of cortisol, corticotropin, and alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) were 87 +/- 16 nmol/L, 73 +/- 14 ng/L, and 129 +/- 12 ng/L, respectively. The cats were subjected to: handling and subsequent skin testing without anesthesia; anesthesia with 50 mg of ketamine HCl and 2.5 mg of diazepam given IV, immediately followed by handling and skin testing; and anesthesia and handling as previously described, but without skin testing. Significant (P < 0.05; multivariate analysis for repeated measures) increase in plasma cortisol, corticotropin, and alpha-MSH concentrations was observed until 20 minutes after the start of the experiments in cats undergoing physical restraint and subsequent skin testing with or without preceding anesthesia. These responses were largely abolished when anesthesia with ketamine and diazepam was only followed by handling. We conclude that, during stress in cats (in contrast to dogs), the pituitary intermediate lobe is activated to secrete alpha-MSH. In addition, the cortisol response after skin testing of cats under anesthesia may be a reasonable explanation for the reported weak skin test reactivity in cats.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Clinical pathologic profiles of dogs and turkeys with congestive heart failure, either noninduced or induced by rapid ventricular pacing, and turkeys with furazolidone toxicosis
O'Brien, P.J. | O'Grady, M. | Lumsden, J.H. | Holmberg, D.L. | Shen, H. | Weiler, J.E. | Horn, R.D. | Mirsalimi, S.M. | Julian, R.J.
Characteristic alterations in the serum and urine biochemical profiles of Doberman Pinschers with congestive heart failure (CHF) resulting from idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy were determined. We compared these alterations with those observed in 2 other models of CHF: rate overload induced by rapid ventricular pacing in dogs, and biventricular hypertrophy and dilatation induced in turkey poults by furazolidone toxicosis. Serum and urine biochemical changes in both models of CHF in dogs were mild to moderate in degree, and were moderately consistent, They could be attributed to secondary neurohumoral, hepatic, and renal effects of heart failure. The most marked and consistent changes observed were mildly decreased anion gap that developed, in part, because of decreased serum sodium concentration, moderately increased catecholamine concentrations, moderate lactaciduria, hyposthenuria, and mildly increased urea concentrations and liver enzyme activities. In birds with furazolidone cardiomyopathy, we observed mild increases in serum urate concentration, liver and muscle enzyme activities, but moderately increased sodium concentration with decreased chloride concentration. In the pacing and furazolidone models, in which CHF was rapidly induced, moderate to marked hypoproteinemia was attributable to decreases in albumin and globulin concentrations. Using the avian model we found that the hypoproteinemia could be largely attributed to blood volume expansion, and to a lesser extent, inanition. Development of hypoalbuminemia during rapid ventricular pacing and furazolidone treatment may contribute to the effects of rate overload or drug toxicity in the pathogenesis of CHF, because hypoalbuminemia may contribute to altered hemodynamics and neuroendocrine system activation. Our data indicate that clinical biochemical analysis of serum and urine may be useful for assessing progression of CHF.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Qualitative and morphometric radiographic findings in the distal phalanx and digital soft tissues of sound Thoroughbred racehorses
Linford, R.L. | O'Brien, T.R. | Trout, D.R.
Lameness examinations and radiography of the distal phalanx and associated soft-tissue structures of the front feet of 103 Thoroughbred racehorses, 4 to 9 years old, were performed to determine normal radiographic appearance and morphometry. Of 103 horses examined, 41 were used in the study that were without clinical signs of foot problems or lameness, had raced at least twice prior to radiography, and had raced at least twice more in the 6 months after radiography. Lateromedial and dorsoproximal-palmarodistal radiographic views of each front distal phalanx were used to measure 28 bone and soft-tissue structures, and to evaluate 14 radiographic findings. Significant differences were not observed between left and right digits for any radiographic determination. Mean thickness of the soft tissues dorsal to the distal phalanx, which provides an evaluation of the epidermal laminae, was 14.6 +/- 1.0 mm when measured adjacent to the distal aspect of the distal phalanx. Most horses had straight, smooth hoof walls that were parallel to the dorsal cortex of the distal phalanx. The mean degree of palmar rotation of the distal phalanx was -0.5 +/- 1.3, and none was rotated more than 4 degrees. The dorsal cortex was smooth and straight, without bone deposition or reaction in either digit for only 5 of the 41 horses. Active bone formation was seen unilaterally along the middle portion of the dorsal cortex in 7 horses, and along the distal portion of the dorsal cortex in 4 of the phalanges from 3 horses. New bone formation along the distal dorsal cortex was often accompanied by resorption of the palmar cortex. For 26 of the 31 horses without active bone deposition, smooth inactive bone formation along the midportion of the dorsal cortex was identified in 1 or both distal phalanges. Bone at the solar margin of the distal phalanx was uniformly dense and finely trabeculated, without evidence of resorption or fractures. Severe irregularity of the solar margin was not found in any digit, and the margin of both phalanges was smooth in 8 horses. Various degrees of solar margin irregularity were observed in the other 33 horses. The mean number of vascular canals within the distal phalanx was 8.4 +/- 1.7, and the diameter of the largest canal was 3.4 +/- 0.6 mm. A mean number of 2.0 +/- 1.2 vascular canals was oriented parallel to the radiographic beam on the dorsoproximal-palmarodistal view, and these were termed end-on vessels, because they were visualized as radiolucent dots greater than or equal to 1 mm in diameter in the central portion of the distal phalanx. Racing performance of horses with subtle radiographic signs of laminitis (palmar rotation, hoof wall curvature or undulations, palmar cortical resorption, distal dorsal cortical bone deposition) was poorer than that of horses without these signs. These findings are suggestive of a subclinical laminitis condition, which may influence performance without causing overt clinical signs.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Identification of Pasteurella haemolytica A1 isolates from market-stressed feeder calves by use of enzyme and antimicrobial susceptibility profiles
Purdy, C.W. | Scanlan, C.M. | Loan, R.W. | Foster, G.S.
An epidemiologic study of Pasteurella haemolytica serovar 1 (Ph1) in market-stressed feeder calves from 7 farms in eastern Tennessee was conducted. The nasal mucus of each calf was cultured sequentially at the farm of origin (day 0), at an auction market (day 133), and at a feedyard in Texas (days 141, 148, 155, and 169). Of the 103 calves tested, 77 were culture-positive, including 1 on day 0, 1 on day 133, 20 on day 141, 57 on day 148, 50 on day 155, and 14 on day 169. From the 143 Ph1 isolates, 20 enzyme profiles were determined by use of a commercial enzyme system that detects 19 enzymatic reactions; 4 antimicrobial susceptibility profiles were obtained, using the disk-diffusion method, which evaluated susceptibility to 11 antibacterial drugs. All isolates were positive for acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase, but were negative for alpha-galactosidase, alpha-mannosidase, beta-glucosidase, beta-glucuronidase, cystine aminopeptidase, N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase, and trypsin. Other positive enzyme reactions included: leucine aminopeptidase, 140 Ph1 isolates; phosphohydrolase, 90 isolates; alpha-fucosidase, 63 isolates; esterase (C4), 59 isolates; valine aminopeptidase, 30 isolates; esterase lipase (C8), 24 isolates; beta-galactosidase, 2 isolates; and alpha-glucosidase, chymotrypsin and lipase (C14), 1 isolate each. Thirty-four Ph1 profiles were identified, using combined enzyme and antimicrobial susceptibility profiles. The data indicate that the strains isolated during the feedyard period may have been determined more by farm of origin (P < 0.001) than by habitation with calves from other farms while in the feedyard. The combined enzyme and antimicrobial susceptibility profile method is a rapid and simple epidemiologic technique for tracking Ph1 strains in market-stressed feeder calves.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Prevention of pathophysiologic and immunomodulatory effects of gastrointestinal nematodiasis in calves by use of strategic anthelmintic treatments
Yang, Zhunhe | Gibbs, H.C. | Xiao, L. | Wallace, C.R.
Effects of strategic anthelmintic treatment on pathophysiologic and immunologic changes induced by infection with Ostertagia ostertagi and Cooperia oncophora were studied in 2 groups, of 12 calves each: an infected group, inoculated with 200,000 mixed O ostertagi and C oncophora third-stage larvae (L3) on day 1; and an infected-treated group, similarly inoculated, but treated with ivermectin at 9 and 33 days. All calves were also inoculated at 12 weeks with Brucella abortus vaccine, at 13 weeks with bovine rhinotracheitis vaccine (bovine herpesvirus 1), and at 14 weeks with a soluble O ostertagi L3 extract, then were allowed to graze on a contaminated pasture. Four calves from each group were slaughtered at 7, 11, and 19 weeks of the study. Calves of the infected group had significantly (P < 0.05) lower weight gain than did those in the infected-treated group (60.90 kg vs 75.86 kg). They also had high plasma pepsinogen and serum gastrin values, and low serum albumin concentration from 2 or 4 weeks. Calves in the infected-treated group had steady weight gain and no significant changes in albumin and gastrin values. They also had less severe abomasal lesions and higher carcass yield. Compared with calves of the infected-treated group, those of the infected group had significantly (P < 0.05) lower blood lymphocyte reactivity to phytohemagglutinin at 14 and 16 weeks, to concanavalin A at 10 weeks, to pokeweed mitogen at 14 weeks, and to soluble O ostertagi L3 extract at 2, 4, and 14 weeks. They also had significantly (P < 0.05) lower IgG1 concentration to excretory-secretory antigens of the fourth-stage larvae of O ostertagi at 13, 18, and 19 weeks. In addition, they had significantly (P < 0.05) higher total mean eosinophil count. Antibody responses to B abortus and bovine herpesvirus 1, however, were not different between the 2 groups.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]In vitro effects of alpha 2-adrenergic receptor stimulation on cholinergic contractions of equine distal airways
LeBlanc, P.H. | Eberhart, S.W. | Robinson, N.E.
In horses with noninduced, reversible airway obstruction (heaves), pulmonary function is improved after sedation with the alpha-adrenergic agonist xylazine. The mechanism of this effect is undetermined. Because the predominant excitatory innervation of equine airways is cholinergic, the influence of alpha 2-adrenergic receptor stimulation on the response of isolated distal airways to cholinergic stimulation was determined. Distal bronchial segments from 22 healthy horses were suspended in isolated organ baths where their mechanical responses to various stimuli could be studied. Each tissue was incubated with one of several concentrations of clonidine, clonidine vehicle, or clonidine plus tolazoline. Then, the contractile response of the tissues to either cumulative acetylcholine (ACh) addition or cumulative electrical field stimulation (EFS) was recorded. All contractile responses evoked by EFS were mediated through stimulation of cholinergic airway nerves. Clonidine had no effect on the contractile response of distal airway segments to exogenous ACh. However, clonidine (at concentrations > 10(-5) M) significantly (P < 0.05) diminished the contractile response of the distal airway segments to EFS. This inhibitory effect of clonidine was not observed in the presence of tolazoline. Similar results were observed when the less-selective alpha 2-adrenergic agonist xylazine was exposed to the isolated segments instead of clonidine. Because EFS-but not exogenous ACh-induced contractions were inhibited, alpha 2-adrenergic receptor stimulation apparently causes presynaptic inhibition of the cholinergic nerves innervating distal portions of the bronchi of horses.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Pulmonary response to intravenous administration of 5-hydroxytryptamine after type-2 receptor blockade in healthy calves
Linden, A.S. | Desmecht, D.J.M. | Amory, H. | Rollin, F.A. | Michaux, C.L. | Lekeux, P.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the mechanism by which 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) modifies respiratory function, specifically, hyperventilation, diffuse bronchoconstriction, and pulmonary arterial hypertension in cattle. We determined whether the IV response to 5-HT in calves was attributable to stimulation of 5-HT2 receptors. Six healthy unsedated young bull calves of the Friesian (n = 4) and of the Belgian White and Blue (n = 2) breeds were used. A specific 5-HT2 antagonist (metrenperone, 0.05 mg/kg of body weight) was administered IM 30 minutes before the cattle were given a 5-minute IV 5-HT infusion. Pulmonary function values were registered before, during, and after the 5-HT challenge infusion. Minute volume increased significantly, because of an increase in respiratory rate. Conversely, lung dynamic compliance, total pulmonary resistance, and pulmonary arterial pressure were not changed. We concluded that in cattle, 5-HT-induced ventilatory response is not mediated through activation of 5-HT2 receptors. However, the 5-HT2 receptors are involved in 5-HT-induced broncho- and pulmonary vasoconstriction.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of orally administered prednisone on glucose tolerance and insulin secretion in clinically normal dogs
Moore, G.E. | Hoenig, M.
Prednisone was administered orally for 4 weeks at a dosage of 1.1 mg/kg of body weight/d, in divided dose every 12 hours, to a group of healthy adult dogs (n = 12). Intravenous glucose tolerance testing was performed before and after the 28-day regimen in each dog, as well as in dogs of a control group (n = 6). Glucose metabolism was evaluated by measurement of preprandial plasma insulin and glucose concentrations, total insulin secretion, and fractional clearance of glucose. Mean preprandial plasma insulin and glucose concentrations were not increased after the 4-week regimen of prednisone. Total insulin secretion in response to an IV administered glucose load was not increased in treated dogs, compared with pretreatment values or with values for control dogs. The fractional clearance of glucose was also not altered in dogs given prednisone. Results indicate that anti-inflammatory doses of prednisone, given orally for 4 weeks, probably do not alter insulin sensitivity or glucose tolerance in clinically normal dogs.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Characteristics of L-glutamine transport in equine jejunal brush border membrane vesicles
Salloum, R.M. | Duckworth, D. | Madison, J.B. | Souba, W.W.
The sodium-dependent transporter system responsible for L-glutamine uptake by brush border membrane vesicles prepared from equine jejunum was characterized. Vesicle purity was ascertained by a 14- to 17-fold increase in activity of the brush border enzyme markers. Glutamine uptake was found to occur into an osmotically active space with negligible membrane binding. The sodium-dependent velocity represented approximately 80% of total uptake and demonstrated overshoots. Kinetic studies of sodium-dependent glutamine transport at concentrations between 5 micromolar and 5 mM revealed a single saturable high-affinity carrier with a Michaelis constant of 519 +/- 90 micromolar and a maximal transport velocity of 3.08 +/- 0.97 nmol/mg of protein/10 s. Glutamine uptake was not affected by changes in environmental pH. Lithium could not substitute for sodium as a contransporter ion. 2-Methylaminoisobutyric acid inhibited the sodium-dependent carrier only minimally, but marked inhibition (> 90%) was observed in the presence of histidine, alanine, cysteine, and nonradioactive glutamine. Kinetic analysis of the sodium-independent transporter revealed it to have a Michaelis constant = 260 +/- 47 micromolar and a maximal transport velocity of 0.32 t 0.06 nmol/mg of protein/10 s. We conclude that glutamine transport in equine jejunal brush border membrane vesicles occurs primarily via the system B transporter and, to a lesser extent, by a sodium-independent carrier.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]alpha 2-Adrenergic receptor agonist effects on supraventricular and ventricular automaticity in dogs with complete atrioventricular block
Day, T.K. | Muir, W.W. III.
Complete atrioventricular block was induced in 26 pentobarbital-anesthetized dogs to determine the effects of the alpha 2-adrenergic receptor agonists, xylazine and medetomidine, on supraventricular and ventricular automaticity. Prazosin and atipamezole, alpha-adrenoceptor antagonists, were administered to isolate alpha 1- or alpha 2-adrenoceptor effects. Six dogs served as controls and were given glycopyrrolate (0.1 mg/kg of body weight, IV) and esmolol (50 to 75 microgram/kg/min, IV) to induce parasympathetic and beta 1-adrenergic blockade, respectively. Eight dogs were given sequentially increasing doses of xylazine (n = 5), 0.000257 mg (10(-9)M) to 25.7 mg (10(-4)M) and medetomidine (n = 3), 0.000237 mg (10(-9)M) to 2.37 mg (10(-5) < M) after parasympathetic and beta 1-adrenergic blockade. Twelve dogs were given xylazine (n = 6, 1.1 mg/kg, IV) or medetomidine (n = 6, 0.05 mg/kg, IV) after parasympathetic and beta 1-adrenergic blockade. Three dogs given xylazine and 3 dogs given medetomidine were administered prazosin (0.1 mg/kg, IV) followed by atipamezole (0.3 mg/kg, IV). The order of prazosin and atipamezole was reversed in the remaining 3 dogs given either xylazine or medetomidine. Complete atrioventricular block and administration of glycopyrrolate and esmolol resulted in stable supraventricular and ventricular rates over a 4-hour period. Increasing concentration of xylazine or medetomidine did not cause significant changes in supraventricular or ventricular rate. Xylazine and medetomidine, in the presence of the alpha-adrenoceptor antagonists, prazosin (alpha(1)) and atipamezole (alpha(2)), did not cause significant changes in supraventricular or ventricular rate. alpha 2-Adrenoceptor agonists do not induce direct alpha 1- or alpha 2-adrenoceptor-mediated depression of supraventricular or ventricular rate in dogs with complete atrioventricular block.
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