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Selection of Rye (Secale cereal L) on increased photosynthetic activities of leaves
В. В. Скорик | Волод. В. Скорик | Н. В. Симоненко | О. П. Скорик
Outlook for selection on increased photosynthetic productivity of winter rye plants is discussed. Donors of short-stem resistant to powdery mildew winter rye were bred with erect and drooping shape of leaf blade. In the erect form the apexes of leaf are oriented at the angle drooping form has 45° inrelation to the stem. Incomplete domination of the drooping leaf shape with ratio 1 : 2 : 1 is established. For the first time symbolic designation of dominating genes is offered with drooping leaf blade - StSt, with transitional heterozygote Stst with recessional heterozygote stst. Higher yield of grain in the comparative variety examination was proved to be received for the erect leaf form, which is predetermined by decrease of plant height, increase of kernel weight from ear, as well as of 100 kernels from plant and by quantity of redicles. Drooping leaf blade rye forms are also promising for selection on increased photosynthetic potential.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The peculiarities of utilizing testers different genetical structure for breeding precocious corn hybrids (Zea mays L.).
О. С. Макарчук | В. Л. Жемойда
The possibilities of utilizing testers different genetical structure are considered. The peculiarities of testers productivity formation are ascertained. The dynamics of influence inbreed lines, testers and one's interaction on hybrids productivity are investigated. The peculiarities of hybrids productivity formation depending on utilizing testers and one's combining are indicated.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Оцінка сортового складу пшениці ярої м’якої (Triticum aestivum L.) за продуктивністю і адаптивністю
Л. І. Уліч | В. М. Лисікова | В. В. Скиба
У статті представлено результати досліджень і оцінку новозареєстрованих і перспективних сортів ярої пшениці м'якої за генетичним потенціалом, продуктивністю й адаптивністю. Проведено класифікацію сортів за реакцією на рівні агрофонів і типи вимог до умов вирощування. Підкреслюється необхідність посилення селекції ярої пшениці на стійкість до посухи, хвороб та створення сортів степового екотипу.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Особливості прояву морфобіологічних ознак та господарських властивостей сортів сої (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) для експертизи
С. О. Ткачик
В статті показана можливість ідентифікації сортів сої за допомогою морфобіологічних властивостей, зокрема тривалості міжфазних періодів. Вивчений поліморфізм сортів сої за комплексом господарських ознак: вмістом білка та олії в насінні сої, урожайністю, масою 1000 зерен.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Selection of Rye (Secale cereale L.) by Root System Capacity
В. В. Скорик | Волод. В. Скорик | Н. В. Симоненко | О. П. Скорик
Three synthetics of Winter Rye were being observed for the quantity of seminal roots (QSR) to study their inheritance. High inheritance coefficients in a restricted sense were established. Genetic improvement of the Rye may be a result of direct breeding and of using heterosis effect. QSR expressed essentially negative genetic correlation with plant height, positive with grain size, productive bushiness and weight of grain in the ear of successors, as well as with grain yield per unit of the area. Genetic correlation coefficients shall be used in the applied breeding.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Genetic and Statistical Research of the Short Stem Erectoid Winter Rye Samples (Secale cereale l.)
В. В. Скорик | Н. В. Симоненко | О. О. Бутунець | Т. А. Ковальчук
Outcomes of reciprocal crossings new Rye donor of super-short stem with electroidness Hl-3Hl-3elel and tall Rye Variety Viatka 2 are provided. The firs generation hybrids appeared to have a short stem with regular leaf blade. In the second generation the female parent effect of short stem domination was established, as well as complete domination of tall bushiness, long-spiked plants, increased number or grains in the ear. Weight of 100 grains in the ear made 22,79 і 29, 41% of the heterosis relative to the best parent. According to the results of the research of genetic and statistical parameters of F2 breeding characteristics plants with electoid leaf blade shape were selected.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Comparative Research of Qualitative Characteristics in Nowadays Varieties and Hybrids of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) by Plant Varieties Examination
О. О. Шовгун | В. І. Ярешко | А. П. Іваницька | С. О. Ляшенко | С. Л. Чухлєб | О. О. Бадяка | Н. В. Шовгун
A comparative research of qualitative characteristics has been performed on qualitative characteristics of modern varieties and hybrids of Sunflower for the five years of research and technical examination in various soil and climate conditions: Steppe, Forest-Steppe. Regularities have been established of the oil fatty-acid composition variability during examination and varieties and hybrids of improved fatty-acid composition have been detected. High-protein and large-fruit sunflower varieties for confectionary use have been detected.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Synthetic of winter wheat (secale cereale I.) Zabava
В. В. Скорик | Волод. В. Скорик | Н. В. Симоненко | О. П. Скорик
There provided brief description of genetic, biological and morphological and qualitative characteristics of new short-stem large-grain synthetic of Zabava winter rye. Essential negative genetic correlation of the output plants height, and positive correlation of seed size and number of seminal roots with grain yield of Zabava winter rye, has been established. Joint cooperation is proposed to put the new variety in production.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Selection of Rye (Secale cereale L.) by Root System Capacity
Скорик, В. В | Скорик, Волод. В | Симоненко, Н. В | Скорик, О. П
Three synthetics of Winter Rye were being observed for the quantity of seminal roots (QSR) to study their inheritance. High inheritance coefficients in a restricted sense were established. Genetic improvement of the Rye may be a result of direct breeding and of using heterosis effect. QSR expressed essentially negative genetic correlation with plant height, positive with grain size, productive bushiness and weight of grain in the ear of successors, as well as with grain yield per unit of the area. Genetic correlation coefficients shall be used in the applied breeding.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Stone fruit crops cultivars for Donbass and nor thern regions of Ukraine
Тараненко, Л. І
The author presents the characteristies of the best stone fruit crops cultivars of the Donets’k breeding which are high adapted to the climatic conditions of the Donbass and Ukrasne’s northern regions and have marketable fruits.
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