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The use of Plants biological potential and the yield prognosis of white head саbbаgе
Хареба, В. В
In the article there are surveyed approaches to the use of biological - ecological potential of white head cabbage plants, given parameters of varieties adaptability and economically-valuable signs variability, depending on a temperature factor, water supply. The yield prognosis is worked out.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The problems and perspective for appreciates if bred-making quality of wheates the different generations sorts
Шевченко, О. І | Турченюк, Л. О
It has been supposed to carry out bred-making valuation of wheat under native condition of protein substances and contents of the dough improvers (КВrO3, С6Н8О6) being practiced. It will allow both at present and in the future to carry out comparative valuation by this index between varieties of various breeding progenies.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The regressional analysis in selection of the sugar beet inbred lines
Корнєєва, М. О | Власюк, М. В | Власюк, І. В | Опанасенко, Т. Г
The use of regression analysis for estimation of inbred lines is a breeding - oriented method, as it indicates scientifically grounded stages of the further breeding studying of these lines and a strategy of their use. Admissible levels of inbred depression of agriculturally valuable characters are limited in lines of the Verkhnyachka and Lgov geneplasms by two - three generations of self - pollinations, which testifies to the necessity "to keep" the characters of sufficient basis. Linearity of changes of values of the characters with the advancing of inbreeding shows the absence of epistasis or the weakness of their effects which makes suitable the use of an additive-dominant model for determining breeding-genetical value of inbred lines with the aim of their purposeful hybridization for obtaining genetically determined heterosis in F1.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The estimation methods of investment attractive of the AIC of Ukraine
Захарчук, О. В | Волкодав, В. В
The problem of the creation of investment attractive enterprises in the agricultural sphere is the main burden of the essential increasing of the food- staff production on the basis of providing the agricultural workers with the appropriate material resources and working capital. The main principles of the investment attractiveness are reviewed and the indexes of investment projects’ development of agricultural enterprises are grounded in the article.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Sowing properties of summer rape seeds depending on fertilizers and terms of harvesting
Юник, А. В | Новицька, Н. В | Мокрієнко, В. А
In the article the results of research of sowing properties - emergence rate and laboratory germinating capacity seeds summer rape are resulted depending on variants of fertilizers and terms of harvesting.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Creating winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L) initial material of high grain quality value for North Forest-Steppe conditions
Мороз, Г. О
Based on study of 42 collection entries, results of creating winter wheat initial material of high grain quality value and its relationship with agronomic traits are presented.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Bread-making features of flour and role of external temperature factor in their extimation
Турченюк, Л. О | Шевченко, О. І | Шовгун, О. О
Variations in bread volume output in accordance with external temperature factor which balancing increases obtained information reliability are considered.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The State Service on Right Protection for Plant Varieties activity at the present stage of development
Волкодав, В. В | Гончар, О. М | Захарчук, О. В | Кісіль, М. І
The cost-effectiveness of examination institutions activity of the State System on Plant Variety Protection was developed on the macro level. At the present stage there is an urgent necessity to provide with general methods to solve the tasks of the state scientific-technical program of plant variety examination.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Establishing and building up of seed industry as the basis for development of the breeding research work with sugar beet in Ukraine
Кондратюк, В. В
In the article the importance of the creation of the State Service on Right Protection for Plant Varieties as Governmental body of the state management in the sphere of right protection for plant varieties was grounded, as well as strategic tasks and ways for development of this Service. The main principles for the realization of the national policy in the sphere of the right protection for plant varieties according to the international requirements are formed.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Agro-ecological principals of forming of agricultural crops intensive agrocoenosis in different climate zones of Ukraine
Гірко, В. С | Гірко, О. В
Regarding to the unstable climate and diversity of the Ukrainian soils, approved by the authors Conception of adaptive planting systems foundation owing to the implementation of local, complex, integrated, selective-agro-technical programs, theoretical background and construction princi-pals of which described in the study, are grounded, for different ecological zones of Ukraine.
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