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Результаты 171-180 из 3,199
Succession of microbial functional communities in response to a pilot-scale ethanol-blended fuel release throughout the plume life cycle
Ma, Jie | Deng, Ye | Yuan, Tong | Zhou, Jizhong | Alvarez, Pedro J.J.
GeoChip, a comprehensive gene microarray, was used to examine changes in microbial functional gene structure throughout the 4-year life cycle of a pilot-scale ethanol blend plume, including 2-year continuous released followed by plume disappearance after source removal. Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) and Mantel tests showed that dissolved O2 (which was depleted within 5 days of initiating the release and rebounded 194 days after source removal) was the most influential environmental factor on community structure. Initially, the abundance of anaerobic BTEX degradation genes increased significantly while that of aerobic BTEX degradation genes decreased. Gene abundance for N fixation, nitrification, P utilization, sulfate reduction and S oxidation also increased, potentially changing associated biogeochemical cycle dynamics. After plume disappearance, most genes returned to pre-release abundance levels, but the final functional structure significantly differed from pre-release conditions. Overall, observed successions of functional structure reflected adaptive responses that were conducive to biodegradation of ethanol-blend releases.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Does intake of trace elements through urban gardening in Copenhagen pose a risk to human health?
Warming, Marlies | Hansen, Mette G. | Holm, Peter E. | Magid, Jakob | Hansen, Thomas H. | Trapp, Stefan
This study investigates the potential health risk from urban gardening. The concentrations of the trace elements arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn) in five common garden crops from three garden sites in Copenhagen were measured. Concentrations (mg/kg dw) of As were 0.002–0.21, Cd 0.03–0.25, Cr < 0.09–0.38, Cu 1.8–8.7, Ni < 0.23–0.62, Pb 0.05–1.56, and Zn 10–86. Generally, elemental concentrations in the crops do not reflect soil concentrations, nor exceed legal standards for Cd and Pb in food. Hazard quotients (HQs) were calculated from soil ingestion, vegetable consumption, measured trace element concentrations and tolerable intake levels. The HQs for As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn do not indicate a health risk through urban gardening in Copenhagen. Exposure to Pb contaminated sites may lead to unacceptable risk not caused by vegetable consumption but by unintentional soil ingestion.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of silver sulfide nanomaterials on mycorrhizal colonization of tomato plants and soil microbial communities in biosolid-amended soil
Judy, Jonathan D. | Kirby, Jason K. | Creamer, Courtney | McLaughlin, Mike J. | Fiebiger, Cathy | Wright, Claire | Cavagnaro, Timothy R. | Bertsch, Paul M.
We investigated effects of Ag2S engineered nanomaterials (ENMs), polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) coated Ag ENMs (PVP-Ag), and Ag+ on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), their colonization of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), and overall microbial community structure in biosolids-amended soil. Concentration-dependent uptake was measured in all treatments. Plants exposed to 100 mg kg−1 PVP-Ag ENMs and 100 mg kg−1 Ag+ exhibited reduced biomass and greatly reduced mycorrhizal colonization. Bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi were inhibited by all treatment classes, with the largest reductions measured in 100 mg kg−1 PVP-Ag ENMs and 100 mg kg−1 Ag+. Overall, Ag2S ENMs were less toxic to plants, less disruptive to plant-mycorrhizal symbiosis, and less inhibitory to the soil microbial community than PVP-Ag ENMs or Ag+. However, significant effects were observed at 1 mg kg−1 Ag2S ENMs, suggesting that the potential exists for microbial communities and the ecosystem services they provide to be disrupted by environmentally relevant concentrations of Ag2S ENMs.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Bioaccumulation of hepatotoxins – A considerable risk in the Latvian environment
Barda, Ieva | Kankaanpää, Harri | Purina, Ingrida | Balode, Maija | Sjövall, Olli | Meriluoto, Jussi
The Gulf of Riga, river Daugava and several interconnected lakes around the City of Riga, Latvia, form a dynamic brackish-freshwater system favouring occurrence of toxic cyanobacteria. We examined bioaccumulation of microcystins and nodularin-R in aquatic organisms in Latvian lakes, the Gulf of Riga and west coast of open Baltic Sea in 2002–2007. The freshwater unionids accumulated toxins efficiently, followed by snails. In contrast, Dreissena polymorpha and most lake fishes (except roach) accumulated much less hepatotoxins. Significant nodularin-R concentrations were detected also in marine clams and flounders. No transfer of nodularin-R and microcystins between lake and brackish water systems took place. Lake mussels can transfer hepatotoxins to higher organisms, and also effectively remove toxins from the water column. Obvious health risks to aquatic organisms and humans are discussed.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Fullerenes(nC60) affect the growth and development of the sediment-dwelling invertebrate Chironomus riparius larvae
Waissi-Leinonen, Greta C. | Nybom, Inna | Pakarinen, Kukka | Akkanen, Jarkko | Leppänen, Matti T. | Kukkonen, Jussi V.K.
The possible toxicity of nanoparticles (NPs) to aquatic organisms needs to be investigated for chronic effects at low concentrations. Chronic effects of carbon NPs, fullerenesC60, on the midges of Chironomus riparius at different life stages on larvae and adult midges were investigated. Sediment associated fullerenesC60 were studied by 10-day growth and 42-day emergence tests with artificial sediment at nominal concentration ranges 0.0004–80 mg/kg dry weight. The body length decreased in the lower tested concentrations (0.0025–20 mg/kg), but the effect vanished with higher concentrations. Delayed emergence rate observed at 0.5 mg/kg. The observed effects correlated with analyzed sediment particle sizes indicating that small agglomerates of fullerene have more significant effects on C. riparius than larger agglomerates observed with higher C60 doses. The results reveal that fullerene may pose risks to benthic organisms, emerging as changes in the ecotoxic parameters studied here which inflects by the survival of the population.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Using foliar and forest floor mercury concentrations to assess spatial patterns of mercury deposition
Blackwell, Bradley D. | Driscoll, Charles T.
We evaluated spatial patterns of mercury (Hg) deposition through analysis of foliage and forest floor samples from 45 sites across Adirondack Park, NY. Species-specific differences in foliar Hg were evident with the lowest concentrations found in first-year conifer needles and highest concentrations found in black cherry (Prunus serotina). For foliage and forest floor samples, latitude and longitude were negatively correlated with Hg concentrations, likely because of proximity to emission sources, while elevation was positively correlated with Hg concentrations. Elemental analysis showed moderately strong, positive correlations between Hg and nitrogen concentrations. The spatial pattern of Hg deposition across the Adirondacks is similar to patterns of other contaminants that originate largely from combustion sources such as nitrogen and sulfur. The results of this study suggest foliage can be used to assess spatial patterns of Hg deposition in small regions or areas of varied topography where current Hg deposition models are too coarse to predict deposition accurately.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The relative importance of diet-related and waterborne effects of copper for a leaf-shredding invertebrate
Zubrod, J.P. | Englert, D. | Rosenfeldt, R.R. | Wolfram, J. | Lüderwald, S. | Wallace, D. | Schnetzer, N. | Schulz, R. | Bundschuh, M.
Copper (Cu) exposure can increase leaf-associated fungal biomass, an important food component for leaf-shredding macroinvertebrates. To test if this positive nutritional effect supports the physiological fitness of these animals and to assess its importance compared to waterborne toxicity, we performed a 24-day-bioassay in combination with a 2×2 factorial design using the amphipod shredder Gammarus fossarum and a field-relevant Cu concentration of 25 μg/L (n = 65). Waterborne toxicity was negligible, while gammarids fed leaves exposed to Cu during microbial colonization exhibited a near-significant impairment in growth (∼30%) and a significantly reduced lipid content (∼20%). These effects appear to be governed by dietary uptake of Cu, which accumulated in leaves as well as gammarids and likely overrode the positive nutritional effect of the increased fungal biomass. Our results suggest that for adsorptive freshwater contaminants dietary uptake should be evaluated already during the registration process to safeguard the integrity of detritus-based ecosystems.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Daytime CO2 urban surface fluxes from airborne measurements, eddy-covariance observations and emissions inventory in Greater London
Font, A. | Grimmond, C.S.B. | Kotthaus, S. | Morguí, J.-A. | Stockdale, C. | O'Connor, E. | Priestman, M. | Barratt, B.
Airborne measurements within the urban mixing layer (360 m) over Greater London are used to quantify CO2 emissions at the meso-scale. Daytime CO2 fluxes, calculated by the Integrative Mass Boundary Layer (IMBL) method, ranged from 46 to 104 μmol CO2m−2s−1 for four days in October 2011. The day-to-day variability of IMBL fluxes is at the same order of magnitude as for surface eddy-covariance fluxes observed in central London. Compared to fluxes derived from emissions inventory, the IMBL method gives both lower (by −37%) and higher (by 19%) estimates. The sources of uncertainty of applying the IMBL method in urban areas are discussed and guidance for future studies is given.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Atmospheric pollution history at Linfen (China) uncovered by magnetic and chemical parameters of sediments from a water reservoir
Ma, Mingming | Hu, Shouyun | Cao, Liwan | Appel, Erwin | Wang, Longsheng
We studied magnetic and chemical parameters of sediments from sediments of a water reservoir at Linfen (China) in order to quantitatively reconstruct the atmospheric pollution history in this region. The results show that the main magnetic phases are magnetite and maghemite originating from the surrounding catchment and from anthropogenic activities, and there is a significant positive relationship between magnetic concentration parameters and heavy metals concentrations, indicating that magnetic proxies can be used to monitor the anthropogenic pollution. In order to uncover the atmospheric pollution history, we combined the known events of environmental improvement with variations of magnetic susceptibility (χ) and heavy metals along the cores to obtain a detailed chronological framework. In addition, air comprehensive pollution index (ACPI) was reconstructed from regression equation among magnetic and chemical parameters as well as atmospheric monitoring data. Based on these results, the atmospheric pollution history was successfully reconstructed.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Health impact of bioaccessible metal in lip cosmetics to female college students and career women, northeast of China
Gao, Peng | Liu, Sa | Zhang, Zhaohan | Meng, Ping | Lin, Nan | Lu, Binyu | Cui, Fuyi | Feng, Yujie | Xing, Baoshan
Actual measure-based studies have estimated ingestion rate of moderate and high daily use to female college students and career women in northeast of China. Sequential extraction analyses showed that total bioaccessible metals concentration in lipstick ranged from 2.103 to 31.103 μg/g and in lip balm ranged from 0.100 to 3.716 μg/g. The relationship between total bioaccessible metal concentrations and the cost of lip cosmetics showed a negative correlation. Lead was detected in all 30 products (100%), with an average concentration of 0.346 for lip balm and 0.407 μg/g for lipstick. With the exception of chromium content in three lipsticks, the estimated exposure in female college students and career women to target metals via lipstick and lip balm ingestion (calculated for moderate and high use) were much lower than the acceptable reference limits. The findings strongly emphasize the need to focus on the health risk of lip balm.
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