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Comparative studies on bioavailability and tissue uptake of two intraruminally or intraperitoneally administered esters of alpha-tocopherol in sheep.
Hidiroglou M. | Charmley E.
An experiment was conducted to compare the bioavailability of dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate (TA) with that of dl-alpha-tocopherol nicotinate (TN) when administered to sheep, as a single dose, either into the rumen or the peritoneal cavity. A total of 16 sheep were used in a factorial design, with 4 sheep/treatment at the interaction level. In addition, 5 sheep that received no supplemental alpha-tocopherol, were euthanatized at the end of the trial to provide baseline data for tissue alpha-tocopherol concentrations. Curves were fitted to the plasma alpha-tocopherol concentration values, taken over 180 hours after administration of the esters. Availability of TA was greater than TN, as evidenced by the significantly higher curve parameter values (P < 0.05) and tissue concentrations (P < 0.05). Route of administration had a marked effect on availability of TA (P < 0.001), but not of TN.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Продуктивность, состав и кормовые достоинства галеги восточной
Zenkova, N.N. | Razumovskij, N.P. | Subbotina, I.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was determined the productivity and foraging advantages of fodder galega (Galega officinalis) in comparison with the traditional perennial leguminous grasses (alfalfa (Medicago sativa); alsike clover (Trifolium hybridum); cookshead (Onobrychis viceaefolia)) and influence of the analyzed crop of state and internal microbiota of agricultural animals. There was studied the qualitative structure of galega in accordance with the phases of crop development and its influence on physiological functions of animals. It is established, that in the conditions of northern region of Belarus the fodder galega provided the yielding capacity of dry matter of 11,3 t/ha that exceeded the indices of alfalfa on 13,9%, alsike clover - in 2,7 times and cookshead - in 2,1 times. By the third decade of May it formed 18-20 tons green mass that made it possible to feed animals on 10-15 days earlier, than with other leguminous grasses. High degree of leafage (65,7%) preconditioned its high nutritional value. Fodder galega has high level of calcium, potassium, phosphorus and some microelements: copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt. Studying of vitamin value of fodder galega showed that its green mass was vitamin-rich, had enough of irreplaceable amino acids. It was established, that hay of fodder galega had high level of the non-decomposed protein (68,6-71%) that was very important for feeding of highly productive cows. It increased the level of crude protein in experimental animals on 8%.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Морфологические показатели печени цыплят-бройлеров при скармливании концентрата витаминов E из рапсового масла
Sandul, P.A. | Luppova, I.M. | Sandul, A.V. | Gromov, I.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Investigation of histological structures of liver of fattening broiler chickens after application of concentrate of E and F vitamins produced on the basis of rapeseed oil was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus in order to evaluate their efficiency for prophylaxis of massive hepatic necrosis. Research results showed that application of the vitamins on the basis of rapeseed oil promoted the support of structural properties of hepatic cells that proved their higher antioxidant efficiency in comparison with synthetic vitamin analogues
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Клеточные изменения в органах иммунной системы поросят, иммунизированных вакциной СПС
Kazyuchits, M.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Morphological indexes in immune system organs of piglets which were vaccinated which were immunized by SPS vaccine (against salmonellosis (Salmonella), pasteurellosis (Pasteurella) and streptococcus) in combination with immunostimulative drugs and without them were studied in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Piglets of the first group were vaccinated against salmonellosis, pasteurellosis and streptoccocusis by SPS vaccine. Piglets of the second group were vaccinated by SPS vaccine in combination with vitamin C. Piglets of the third group were vaccinated by SPS vaccine with immunotstimulant sodium thiosulphate. The fourth (control) group of animals was administrated with normal saline. Animals were immunized twice, intramuscularly with 7 day interval and in dose 4 ml (primary), 5 ml (secondary). Vitamin С was added in dose 0,05g per head. Research results showed that immunization by SPS vaccine with sodium thiosulphate and Vitamin С activated the morphological reaction of immune system. Application of Vitamin С and sodium thiosulphate (30% concentration) in combination with SPS vaccine promoted the increasing of lymphoid nudels in lymphodnudus and lien, increasing of plasma cells quantity in 1,3-2,2 times, activation of micro- and macrophage reaction in 1,5-2,8 times in comparison with vaccinated animals
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]БВМД на основе зерна высокобелковых культур в рационах телят
Gurin, V.K. | Tsaj, V.P. | Kurtina, V.N. | Yanochkin, I.V., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Application of protein, vitamin and mineral supplement in diets of 1-3 months old calves in rate of 5% per weight instead of a part of sunflower cake, containing rape, peas, lupin and vitamid on a basis of halites, phosphite, phosphate, sapropel and a mineral-vitamin preparation in structure of grain forage against winter rations on the basis of rich in herbs hay (5%), milk (68%), mixed fodder (20%), whole grain (7%), and also summer rations with grass and legume mixture (7%), hay (1%), milk (65%), mixed fodder (20%), integral grain (7%) makes it possible to receive daily average weight gain of calves at level 833-867 grams at expenses of forages for 1 centner of weight gain on 3,3-3,4 сentner of forage units. Introduction into rations of the protein, vitamin and mineral supplement on the basis of local protein and mineral raw materials in number of 10% per weight in structure of mixed fodder for calves at the age of 3-6 months old against the background of winter diets with haylage (28%), mixed fodder (64%), molasses (8%), as well as summer diets with grass and legume mixture (30%), mixed fodders (66%), molasses (4%) makes it possible to receive daily average weight gains of calves on 944-967grams at expenses of forages of 4,0-4,1 сentner of forage units. Feeding of 1-6 months old calves with mixed fodders with inclusion of 5-10% of protein, vitamin and mineral supplement per weight with grain high-protein crops against the background of winter and summer diets with a ratio of the deconjugate protein to the non deconjugate one - 65:35 (in control group - 71:29) instead of sunflower cake makes it possible to receive the daily average weight gain at the level of 900-927 grams at expenses of forages 3,7-3,8 сentner per forage unit. Cost of presented mixed fodders decreases on 14%, and the cost price per 1 centner gain - on 7-8%
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Влияние карнитина на переваримость и использование питательных веществ корма молодняком свиней
Golushko, V.M. | Furs, N.L., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Determination of influence of combined feed with carnitine and 3% lipids on digestibility of nutrients in ration of fattening stores was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus by an example of 8 castrated male pigs of Belarusian meaty breed with body weight of 60-65 kg. Piglets were divided into 2 groups in accordance with analogue pair principle. Selected animals were kept in single cages specially equipped for fecal and urina gathering. Both groups of animals were given the same combined feed SK-26 which included 3% lipids. Experimental piglets were fed with combined feed with carnitine in dose of 50 g/t of mixed fodder. The mixed fodder contained the following ingredients: wheat; triticale; grain mixture; sunflower oil cakes; liprot SG; tricalcium phosphate; calcium carbonate; salt; premix KS-4; vegetable oil. Research results showed that enriching of combined feed carnitine rendered positive influence on digestibility and absorbency of nutrients. It made it possible to increase the digestibility of dry matter on 2,1%, organic matter on 2,0%, crude protein on 3,1%, crude fat on 7,4%, crude fiber on 8,6%, free-nitrogen extract on 1,1%, as well as to increase nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus absorbency. Quantity of saved nitrogen in the experimental group (with carnitine additive) was on 21,1% than in control one. Quantity of saved nitrogen and absorbed with feed was on 9,8% and 5,6% respectively higher than the same indexes for the control group; calcium - on 15,5% and 2,6%, phosphorus - on 23,3% and 3,7%, respectively
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Морфологические и гистохимические изменения в ткани на месте введения вакцины и в органах иммунитета у поросят, иммунизированных вакциной СПС без и с применением иммуностимуляторов
Kazyuchits, M.V. | Prudnikov, V.S., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Determination of a degree of manifestation of immunomorphological changes in immune system organs of piglets vaccinated against salmonellosis, pasteurellosis and streptoccocusis with SPS vaccine (against salmonellosis (Salmonella), pasteurellosis (Pasteurella) and streptococcus) in combination with immunostimulative drugs and without them was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Piglets of 30-35 days old were divided into 4 groups according to the analogue principle. Piglets of the first group were vaccinated against salmonellosis, pasteurellosis and streptoccocusis by SPS vaccine. Piglets of the second group were vaccinated by SPS vaccine with vitamin C. Piglets of the third group were vaccinated by SPS vaccine with immunotstimulant sodium thiosulphate. The fourth (control) group of animals was administrated with normal saline. Animals were immunized twice, intramuscularly with 7 day interval in dose of 4 ml (primary), and 5 ml (secondary). Vitamin С was administrated in dose of 0,05g per head. Sodium thiosulfate was administrated in combination with the vaccine in 30% concentration. The research results showed that immunization with SPS vaccine in combination with sodium thiosulphate and vitamin С promoted the activation of morphological reactions in tissues at locus of vaccine administration, lymphodnudus and lien. Immunization of piglets by SPS vaccine with sodium thiosulphate and with vitamin С activated the limphiod, micro- and macrophage reactions at locus of vaccine administration, as well as in organs and cells there was stated the well-marked vitamin C and glycogen distribution. Sodium thiosulphate showed higher immunostimulate influence in comparison with vitamin C
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Естественная резистентность и энергия роста телят при использовании комплексной витаминно-минеральной добавки
Trofimov, A.F. | Shejgratsova, L.N., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Loponogova, T.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In article influence of the complex vitamin-mineral additive on natural resistance, energy of growth of newborn calves, and also definition of its optimum dose is considered. Results of dynamic changes of alive mass, hematological and biochemical indicators are resulted. As a result of the spent researches use of the complex vitamin-mineral additive in a dose 10 g on a head is offered
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Оптимизация минерально-витаминного питания стельных высокопродуктивных коров в сухостойный период при летнем кормлении
Sakhanchuk, A.I. | Kallaur, M.G. | Nevar, A.A. | Dargel, T.B. | Burakevich, T.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was realized a comparative estimation of efficiency of the increased level of phosphorus, calcium, copper, zinc, cobalt, iodine and vitamins A and D in comparison with regulations of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Soviet Union (1985) and the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (2003) for pregnant cows in a dry period at summer feeding. Also, there was studied the digestibility of nutritive substances of forages in cow diets, as well as the evaluation of their after-effect on revelation of dairy productivity indexes in the subsequent two months of lactation, biochemical blood indexes and payment of forage byproducts. As a result of application of moderately increasing levels of macro- and trace elements, vitamin D, and phosphorus in particular on 10,0% in comparison with 15,0% and existing level in rations of pregnant cows there was stated a slight decreasing of pregnancy duration of animals on 0,10 day. Also, there was marked an increasing of milk yield of milk with 4% fat content on 1,64% and 4,48%, the growth and development of calves in the prophylactic period on 4,18 and 4,61%,; and the was an improvement of organic substance digestibility on 1,52 and 1,78%. Besides, there was revealed more moderate number of leukocytes and content of crude protein.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Биологически активные вещества в кормлении быков-производителей
Shlyakhtunov, V.I. | Karpenya, M.M. | Karpenya, S.L. | Shamich, Yu.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was determined the efficiency of application of different levels of vitamins and trace elements in feeding of servicing bulls. In course of the study there was analyzed the influence of different levels of supply of servicing bulls with vitamins A, D, E and trace elements (copper; zinc; manganese; iron; cobalt; selenium) on their reproductive ability. On the basis of the experiment there was calculated the economic efficiency of application of the developed vitamin and mineral additive. Research results showed that application of the developed protein and mineral additive in diets of servicing bulls in winter and summer periods made it possible to increase the ejaculate volume on 7,4% and 12,4% (P less than 0,05), sperm activity on 6,7 % (P less than 0,05) and 7,3% (P less than 0,01), concentration of spermium in ejaculate on 6,3% and 7,8% (P less than 0,05). Also, it promoted the lowering of percentage of defective sperm doses.
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