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Modeling and optimization of Newfoundland shrimp waste hydrolysis for microbial growth using response surface methodology and artificial neural networks
Zhang, Kedong | Zhang, Baiyu | Chen, Bing | Jing, Liang | Zhu, Zhiwen | Kazemi, Khoshrooz
The hydrolyzed protein derived from seafood waste is regarded as a premium and low-cost nitrogen source for microbial growth. In this study, optimization of enzymatic shrimp waste hydrolyzing process was investigated. The degree of hydrolysis (DH) with four processing variables including enzyme/substrate ratio (E/S), hydrolysis time, initial pH value and temperature, were monitored. The DH values were used for response surface methodology (RSM) optimization through central composite design (CCD) and for training artificial neural network (ANN) to make a process prediction. Results indicated that the optimum levels of variables are: E/S ratio at 1.64%, hydrolysis time at 3.59h, initial pH at 9 and temperature at 52.57°C. Hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria Bacillus subtilis N3-1P was cultivated using different DHs of hydrolysate. The associated growth curves were generated. The research output facilitated effective shrimp waste utilization.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Use of statistical experimental methods for optimization of collagenolytic protease production by Bacillus cereus strain SUK grown on fish scales
Bhagwat, Prashant K. | Bhise, Komal K. | Bhuimbar, Madhuri V. | Dandge, Padma B.
In this study, novel and cheap sources like fish scales and molasses were used for the production of collagenolytic protease. Statistical optimization of different parameters for the production of collagenolytic protease by Bacillus cereus strain SUK has been carried out using response surface methodology (RSM). Three most significant medium components identified by Plackett-Burman (PB) were fish scales, molasses, and incubation time, which were further optimized using central composite design (CCD). The medium having fish scales 9.38 g l⁻¹, molasses 2.42 g l⁻¹, and incubation time of 67.34 h was found to be optimum for maximum collagenolytic protease production. B. cereus strain SUK has shown multiple plant growth-promoting traits, whereas degraded fish scale hydrolysates (FSHs) were having antimicrobial as well as plant growth-promoting abilities. The collagenolytic efficiency of this isolate can be exploited in an eco-friendly process of bioconversion of fish waste, representing an alternative way of waste management that could be used to produce various value-added products, such as collagenolytic protease, microbial biomass, amino acids, protein hydrolysates, and collagen peptides.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Valorisation of tuna processing waste biomass for recovery of functional and antioxidant peptides using enzymatic hydrolysis and membrane fractionation process
Saidi, Sami | Ben Amar, Raja
The enzymatic hydrolysis using Prolyve BS coupled to membrane process (Ultrafiltration (UF) and nanofiltration (NF)) is a means of biotransformation of tuna protein waste to Tuna protein hydrolysate (TPH) with higher added values. This method could be an effective solution for the production of bioactive compounds used in various biotechnological applications and minimizing the pollution problems generated by the seafood processing industries. The amino acid composition, functional and antioxidant properties of produced TPH were evaluated. The results show that the glutamic acid, aspartic acid, glycine, alaline, valine and leucine were the major amino acids detected in the TPH profile. After membrane fractionation process, those major amino acids were concentrated in the NF retentate (NFR). The NFR and NF permeate (NFP) have a higher protein solubility (>95 %) when compared to TPH (80 %). Higher oil and water binding capacity were observed in TPH and higher emulsifying and foam stability was found in UF retentate. The NFP showed the highest DPPH radical scavenging activity (65 %). The NFR contained antioxidant amino acid (30.3 %) showed the highest superoxide radical and reducing power activities. The TPH showed the highest iron chelating activity (75 %) compared to other peptide fractions. The effect of the membrane fractionation on the molecular weight distribution of the peptide and their bioactivities was underlined. We concluded that the TPH is a valuable source of bioactive peptides and their peptide fractions may serve as useful ingredients for application in food industry and formulation of nutritional products.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of processing conditions on degree of hydrolysis, ACE inhibition, and antioxidant activities of protein hydrolysate from Acetes indicus
Dhanabalan, Vignaesh | Xavier, Martin | Kannuchamy, Nagalakshmi | Asha, KurukkanKunnath | Singh, ChongthamBaru | Balange, Amjad
Protein hydrolysate was prepared from Acetes indicus which is a major bycatch among non-penaeid prawn landings of India. Hydrolysis conditions (enzyme to substrate ratio and time) for preparing protein hydrolysates using alcalase enzyme were optimized by response surface methodology using central composite design. The optimum conditions for enzyme-substrate ratio (mL/100 g) of 1.57, 1.69, 1.60, 1.56, and 1.50 and for hydrolysis time of 97.18, 96.5, 98.15 min, 102.48, and 88.44 min were established for attaining maximum yield, degree of hydrolysis, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, angiotensin I-converting enzyme-inhibiting activity, and metal-chelating activity, respectively. ABTS radical scavenging activity and reducing power assay of optimized protein hydrolysate were found to be increased with the increase in concentration. The higher value of 7.04 (μM Trolox/g), 87.95, and 77.24%, respectively for DPPH, ACE, and metal-chelating activity indicated that the A. indicus protein hydrolysates have beneficial biological properties that could be well-utilized in the application of functional foods and nutraceuticals. Graphical abstract ᅟ
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Soybean plant growth study conducted using purified protein hydrolysate-based fertilizer made from chrome-tanned leather waste
Pati, Anupama | Chaudhary, Rubina
Leather processing discharges enormous amount of chrome containing leather solid waste which creates a major disposal problem. Chrome-tanned leather solid waste is a complex of collagen and chromium. The presence of chromium limits protein application in fertilizer industry. The purified protein hydrolysate with zero chromium could be used as a nitrogen source for fertilizer formulation. In this study, an attempt has been made to employ purified protein hydrolysate derived from chrome-tanned leather shavings (CTLS) in formulation of fertilizer. The formulated fertilizer (1–3 t ha⁻¹) is employed as nitrogen source in production of soybean. Plant growth study demonstrates that formulated fertilizer dosage 3 t ha⁻¹ produced similar effects of commercial fertilizer-treated plants. Application of formulated fertilizer yielded higher seed in plant than commercial fertilizer.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Film-forming ability of collagen hydrolysate extracted from leather solid wastes with chitosan
Ocak, Buğra
Discharges of huge quantities of leather solid wastes by leather industries and the increased use of synthetic packaging films have raised serious concerns on account of their environmental impacts. The paper focuses on the development and characterization of potential environmentally friendly composite films using collagen hydrolysate (CH) extracted from leather solid wastes and chitosan (C) to assess the feasibility of producing polymeric materials suitable for applications in packaging and wrapping purposes. Solid collagen-based protein hydrolysate was extracted from chromium-tanned leather wastes and analyzed to determine its chemical properties. With the goal of improving the physico-chemical performance of CH, three types of composite films (CH75/C25, CH50/C50, CH25/C75) were prepared with increasing concentrations of C, and some of their physical and functional properties were characterized. The results indicated that the addition of C caused increase (p < 0.05) in the thickness, tensile strength (TS), elasticity modulus (EM), and water vapor permeability (WVP), leading to stronger films as compared with CH film, but significantly (p < 0.05) decreased the elongation at break (EAB) and solubility of films (p < 0.05). The light barrier measurements present low values of transparency at 600 nm of the CH/C films, indicating that the films are very transparent and they have excellent barrier properties against UV light. The structural properties investigated by FTIR and DSC showed total miscibility between both polymers. Scanning electron micrographs revealed that CH/C composite films showed a compact homogeneous structure. These results demonstrate the potential application of CH/C composite films in packaging industry.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Valorisation of tuna processing waste biomass: isolation, purification and characterisation of four novel antioxidant peptides from tuna by-product hydrolysate
Saidi, Sami | Saoudi, Mongi | Ben Amar, Raja
Tuna protein hydrolysate (TPH) was prepared by hydrolysis with Prolyve BS and fractionated by membranes process. The antioxidant activities of recovered peptide fractions were evaluated. Four novel antioxidant peptides that were isolated from nanofiltration retentate exhibited the highest antioxidant activity, using gel chromatography and reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography. The amino acid sequences of isolated peptides were identified as Tyr-Glu-Asn-Gly-Gly (P2), Glu-Gly-Tyr-Pro-Trp-Asn (P4), Tyr-Ile-Val-Tyr-Pro-Gly (P7) and Trp-Gly-Asp-Ala-Gly-Gly-Tyr-Tyr (P8) with molecular weights of 538.46, 764.75, 710.78 and 887.85 Da, respectively. P2, P4, P7 and P8 exhibited good scavenging activities on hydroxyl radical (IC₅₀ 0.41, 0.327, 0.17 and 0.042 mg/ml), DPPH radical (IC₅₀ 0.666, 0.326, 0.451 and 0.377 mg/ml) and superoxide radical (IC₅₀ 0.536, 0.307, 0.357 and 0.115 mg/ml). P7 was effective against lipid peroxidation in the model system. The isolated peptides might be useful used as natural food additive in food industry and formulation of nutritional products.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Poultry feed based on protein hydrolysate derived from chrome-tanned leather solid waste: creating value from waste
Chaudhary, Rubina | Pati, Anupama
Leather industry generates huge amount of chrome-containing leather solid waste which creates major environment problems to tanners worldwide. Chrome-tanned leather solid waste is primarily chromium complex of collagen protein. The presence of chromium limits its protein application in animal feed industry. The purified protein hydrolysate with zero chromium could be used in poultry feed. In this study, an attempt has been made to assess performance of poultry with purified protein hydrolysate as a feed derived from chrome-tanned leather waste as partial replacement of soyabean meal as a sole source of protein for growing broiler chickens. Growth study was conducted to evaluate the effect of feeding protein hydrolysate on performance and physiochemical characteristics of meat of broiler chickens. Two experimental diets containing various levels of protein hydrolysate (EI—20 % and EII—30 %) were evaluated. The comparative study was performed as control with soyabean meal. Daily feed intake, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio were measured from day 8 to day 35. At the end of the study, birds were randomly selected and slaughtered to evaluate for physiochemical characteristics of meat. Diet had significant effects on feed intake and body weight gain. Birds fed with 20 and 30 % protein hydrolysate consumed 9.5 and 17.5 % higher amount of feed and gained 6.5 and 16.6 % higher than soyabean meal-fed birds. The current study produced evidence that protein hydrolysate can replace up to 75 % of soyabean meal in broiler diets without affecting either growth performance or meat characteristics.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Valorisation of smooth hound (Mustelus mustelus) waste biomass through recovery of functional, antioxidative and antihypertensive bioactive peptides
Sayari, Nadhem | Sila, Assaâd | Haddar, Anissa | Balti, Rafik | Ellouz-Chaabouni, Semia | Bougatef, Ali
Concerns over the environmental and waste disposal problems created by the large amounts of by-products generated from fish processing industries are increasing worldwide. The bioconversion of those marine waste by-products through the enzymatic hydrolysis of their protein content offers the possibility for the development of bioactive peptides for use in various biotechnological applications. The present study aimed to investigate and evaluate the biological and functional properties of smooth hound (Mustelus mustelus) protein hydrolysates (SHPHs) obtained by treatment with intestinal and gastric enzyme preparations from M. mustelus viscera and porcine pancreatin. The results revealed that the SHPHs exhibited different degrees of hydrolysis and antioxidant activity. The hydrolysate produced by the intestinal crude extract presented the highest rate of antioxidative activity, showing an IC₅₀ value of 1.47 ± 0.07 mg/mL in 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging assays. The alkaline protease extract from the intestine of M. mustelus produced hydrolysate with the highest angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity (82 ± 1.52 % at 2 mg/mL). All the protein hydrolysates showed excellent solubility and interfacial properties that were governed by pH. The major amino acids detected in SHPHs were glutamic acid/glutamine, aspartic acid/asparagine, histidine and arginine, followed by methionine, phenylalanine, serine, valine and leucine. Overall, the results indicated that smooth hound by-products can be used to generate high value-added products, thus offering a valuable source of bioactive peptides for application in wide range of biotechnological and functional food applications.
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