AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

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Нетрадиционное растительное сырье для производства хлебобулочных изделий функционального назначения | Non-traditional vegetable raw materials for the production of bakery products for functional use


Drevin, V.E. | Taranova, E.S. | Kalmykova, E.V., Volgograd State Agrarian Univ. (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

Production technology of bakery containing powdered apple pomace | Технология производства хлебобулочных изделий, содержащих порошок из яблочных выжимок


Chaldaev, P.A. | Roganova, E.E., Samara State Technical Univ. (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

Влияние воды, обработанной кавитацией, на качество и антиоксидантную емкость хлебобулочных изделий | Investigation of the influence of water treated by cavitation on bakery products quality and antioxidant capacity


Tsyganova, T.B. | Nikitin, I.A., Moscow State Univ. of Technology and Management (Russian Federation) | Gakova, O.A. | Kalyuzhnyj, V.V. | Zajchik, B.T., Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian Federation). The A.N. Bakh Inst. of Biochemistry | Trufanova, Yu.N., Voronezh State Univ. of Engineering Technologies (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

Разработка функциональных хлебобулочных изделий с использованием муки из крупяных культур и семян льна | Development of functional bakery products with flour from cereals and flax seeds


Bozhko, S.D. | Ershova, T.A. | Chernyshova, A.N. | Vasilenko, I.A., Far Eastern Federal Univ., Vladivostok (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

New method of determining - new aspects of "ropy" bread disease | Новый метод определения - новые аспекты "картофельной" болезни хлеба


Meleshkina, E.P. | Yaitskikh, A.V., All-Russia Research and Development Inst. of Grain and Grain Processing Products, Moscow (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

Technological aspects of the use of flax flour for production of gerodietic purpose baked goods | Технологические аспекты использования льняной муки для создания хлебобулочных изделий геродиетического назначения


Tyurina, O.E. | Shlelenko, L.A. | Kostyuchenko, M.N. | Tyurina, I.A., State Research and Development Inst. of Breadmaking Industry, Moscow (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

Baked goods with immunoactive peptides from hydrobionts | Хлебобулочные изделия с иммуноактивными пептидами из гидробионтов БАД к пище "Тинростим-С" из нервных тканей кальмаров


Fedyanina, L.N. | Smertina, E.S. | Lyakh, V.A. | Zinatullina, K.F., Far Eastern Federal Univ., Vladivostok (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

Use of food broken fucus in bread manufacturing process from a mixture of rye and wheat flour | Использование фукуса пищевого дроблёного в технологии производства хлеба из смеси ржаной и пшеничной муки


Tsyganova, T.B. | Semenkina, N.G., State Research and Development Inst. of Breadmaking Industry, Moscow (Russian Federation) | Babin, A.Yu. | Prosvirina, A.G. | Dimitrenko, Yu.V., Public corporation "Fazer"

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

Технология производства булочных изделий, включающих продукты переработки топинамбура и черноплодной рябины, с пониженным содержанием дрожжей | Production technology of bakery products containing processed artichoke and chokeberry products, with low yeast content


Safronova, T.N. | Evtukhova, O.M. | Fedotova, I.Yu., Siberia Federal Univ., Krasnoyarsk (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

Вторичная переработка хлебобулочных изделий в технологии производства ржаного хлеба на густой закваске | Bakery products in the technology of rye bread with thick sourdough


Kuznetsova, L.I. | Usova, L.V. | Gavrilova, T.A., All-Russia Research and Development Inst. of Baking Industry, Moscow (Russian Federation) St. Petersburg Branch | Savkina, O.A. | Ternovskoj, G.V., St. Petersburg State National Reseach Univ. of Information Technology, Optical Design and Engineering (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation