AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

Results 1-10 of 109

Application of electrocontact heat transfer for production of bread and dry in the field conditions | Применение электроконтактной теплопередачи для производств хлеба и сухарей в полевых условиях


Romanchikov, S.A., Military Academy of Logistics named after Army General A.V. Khruleva, St. Petersburg (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

Effect of domestic endo-xylanase enzyme preparation on the baking properties of wheat flour and the quality of bread | Влияние отечественного ферментного препарата с эндо-ксиланазной активностью на хлебопекарные свойства пшеничной муки и качество хлеба


Dremucheva, G.F. | Nevskij, A.A. | Bessonova, N.G., Research and Development Inst. of Breadmaking Industry, Moscow (Russian Federation) | Tsurikova, N.V. | Velikoretskaya, I.A., All-Russia Research and Development Inst. of Food Biotechnology, Moscow (Russian Federation) | Sinitsyn, A.P., Lomonosov Moscow State Univ. (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

The rheological properties of the liquid sponges with low humidity and its transportation via industrial pipelines | Реологические свойства жидких опар пониженной влажности и их транспортирование по технологическим трубопроводам


Libkin A.A., | Kostin, V.F., Research and Development Institute of Baking Industry, Moscow (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

Research of the enzyme preparations of multienzyme compositions effect on the quality and degree of freshness preservation of bakery products made from wheat flour of the highest grade | Исследование влияния мультиэнзимных композиций ферментных препаратов на качество и степень сохранения свежести хлебобулочных изделий из пшеничной хлебопекарной муки высшего сорта


Dremucheva, G.F. | Zueva, A.G. | Nosova, M.V. | Kostychenko M.N., Research and Development Inst. of Baking Industry, Moscow (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

Вторичная переработка хлебобулочных изделий в технологии производства ржаного хлеба на густой закваске | Bakery products in the technology of rye bread with thick sourdough


Kuznetsova, L.I. | Usova, L.V. | Gavrilova, T.A., All-Russia Research and Development Inst. of Baking Industry, Moscow (Russian Federation) St. Petersburg Branch | Savkina, O.A. | Ternovskoj, G.V., St. Petersburg State National Reseach Univ. of Information Technology, Optical Design and Engineering (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation



Kiryukhina A.N. | Guk N.M.

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Development of biotechnology of hypoallergic bakery products enriched in soy protein | Разработка биотехнологии гипоаллергенных хлебобулочных изделий, обогащенных соевым белком


Kuznetsova, L.I. | Savkina, O.A. | Parakhina, O.I. | Lokachuk, M.N. | Pavlovskaya, E.N., Research and Development Inst. of Baking Industry, Moscow (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

Effect of the non-traditional vegetable oils on fatty acid composition of bread from wheat flour | Влияние растительных масел нетрадиционных видов на качество и жирнокислотный состав хлеба из пшеничной муки


Nevskij, A.A. | Dremucheva, G.F. | Kosovan, A.P., Research and Development Institute of Baking Industry, Moscow (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

The effect of vegetable protein concentrate "Protelon" on a baking properties of wheat flour | Влияние растительного белкового концентрата "Протелон" на хлебопекарные свойства пшеничной муки


Smirnova, S.A. | Martirosyan, V.V., State Research and Development Inst. of Breadmaking Industry, Moscow (Russian Federation) | Khabibulina, N.V.

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

Assessment of milling and baking properties of grain of food wheat after long-term storage in permafrost conditions | Оценка мукомольных и хлебопекарных свойств зерна продовольственной пшеницы после длительного хранения в условиях вечной мерзлоты


Gur'eva, K.B. | Beletskij, S.L. | Tarasova, I.A. | Khaba, N.A., Research and Development Inst. of Storage Problems, Moscow (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation